00 Undefined AA Audio Audio recording - detail unspecified AB Audio cassette Audio cassette (analogue) AC CD-Audio Audio compact disc, in any recording format: use coding from List 78 to specify the format, if required AD DAT Digital audio tape cassette AE Audio disc Audio disc (excluding CD) AF Audio tape Audio tape (reel tape) AG MiniDisc Sony MiniDisc format AH CD-Extra Audio compact disc with part CD-ROM content AI DVD Audio AJ Downloadable audio file Audio recording downloadable online AK Pre-recorded MP3 player For example, Playaway audiobook and player AL Pre-recorded SD card For example, Audiofy audiobook chip AZ Other audio format Other audio format not specified by AB to AK BA Book Book - detail unspecified BB Hardback Hardback or cased book BC Paperback / softback Paperback or other softback book BD Loose-leaf Loose-leaf book BE Spiral bound Spiral, comb or coil bound book BF Pamphlet Pamphlet or brochure, stapled; German 'geheftet' BG Leather / fine binding BH Board book Child’s book with all pages printed on board BI Rag book Child’s book with all pages printed on textile BJ Bath book Child’s book printed on waterproof material BK Novelty book A book whose novelty consists wholly or partly in a format which cannot be described by any other available code – a ‘conventional’ format code is always to be preferred; one or more product form detail codes from List 78 / 175, eg from the B2nn group, should be used whenever possible to provide additional description. BL Slide bound Slide bound book BM Big book Extra-large format for teaching etc; this format and terminology may be specifically UK; required as a top-level differentiator BN Part-work (fascículo) A part-work issued with its own ISBN and intended to be collected and bound into a complete book BO Fold-out book or chart Concertina-folded book or chart, designed to fold to pocket or regular page size: use for German 'Leporello' BP Foam book A children’s book whose cover and pages are made of foam BZ Other book format Other book format or binding not specified by BB to BO CA Sheet map Sheet map - detail unspecified CB Sheet map, folded CC Sheet map, flat CD Sheet map, rolled See Code List 80 for 'rolled in tube' CE Globe Globe or planisphere CZ Other cartographic Other cartographic format not specified by CB to CE DA Digital (on physical carrier) Digital content delivered on a physical carrier (detail unspecified) DB CD-ROM DC CD-I CD interactive DE Game cartridge DF Diskette AKA 'floppy disc' DI DVD-ROM DJ Secure Digital (SD) Memory Card DK Compact Flash Memory Card DL Memory Stick Memory Card DM USB Flash Drive DN Double-sided CD/DVD Double-sided disc, one side Audio CD/CD-ROM, other side DVD DZ Other digital carrier Other carrier of digital content not specified by DB to DN EA Digital (delivered electronically) Digital content delivered electronically (delivery method unspecified) EB Digital download and online Digital content available both by download and by online access EC Digital online Digital content accessed online only ED Digital download Digital content delivered by download only FA Film or transparency Film or transparency – detail unspecified FC Slides Photographic transparencies mounted for projection FD OHP transparencies Transparencies for overhead projector FE Filmstrip FF Film Continuous movie film as opposed to filmstrip FZ Other film or transparency format Other film or transparency format not specified by FB to FF LA Digital product license Digital product license (delivery method not encoded) LB Digital product license key Digital product license delivered through the retail supply chain as a physical “key”, typically a card or booklet containing a code enabling the purchaser to download the associated product LC Digital product license code Digital product license delivered by email or other electronic distribution, typically providing a code enabling the purchaser to upgrade or extend the license supplied with the associated product MA Microform Microform – detail unspecified MB Microfiche MC Microfilm Roll microfilm MZ Other microform Other microform not specified by MB or MC PA Miscellaneous print Miscellaneous printed material – detail unspecified PB Address book May use product form detail codes P201 to P204 to specify binding PC Calendar PD Cards Cards, flash cards (eg for teaching reading) PE Copymasters Copymasters, photocopiable sheets PF Diary May use product form detail codes P201 to P204 to specify binding PG Frieze PH Kit PI Sheet music PJ Postcard book or pack PK Poster Poster for retail sale – see also XF PL Record book Record book (eg 'birthday book', 'baby book'): binding unspecified; may use product form detail codes P201 to P204 to specify binding PM Wallet or folder Wallet or folder (containing loose sheets etc): it is preferable to code the contents and treat 'wallet' as packaging (List 80), but if this is not possible the product as a whole may be coded as a 'wallet' PN Pictures or photographs PO Wallchart PP Stickers PQ Plate (lámina) A book-sized (as opposed to poster-sized) sheet, usually in colour or high quality print PR Notebook / blank book A book with all pages blank for the buyer's own use; may use product form detail codes P201 to P204 to specify binding PS Organizer May use product form detail codes P201 to P204 to specify binding PT Bookmark PZ Other printed item Other printed item not specified by PB to PQ SA Multiple-item product Presentation unspecified: format of product items must be given in SB Multiple-item product, boxed Format of product items must be given in SC Multiple-item product, slip-cased Format of product items must be given in SD Multiple-item product, shrinkwrapped Format of product items must be given in SE Multiple-item product, loose Format of product items must be given in SF Multiple-item product, part(s) enclosed Multiple item product where subsidiary product part(s) is/are supplied as enclosures to the primary part. eg a book with a CD packaged in a sleeve glued within the back cover. Format of product items must be given in VA Video Video – detail unspecified VF Videodisc eg Laserdisc VI DVD video DVD video: specify TV standard in List 78 VJ VHS video VHS videotape: specify TV standard in List 78 VK Betamax video Betamax videotape: specify TV standard in List 78 VL VCD VideoCD VM SVCD Super VideoCD VN HD DVD High definition DVD disc, Toshiba HD DVD format VO Blu-ray High definition DVD disc, Sony Blu-ray format VP UMD Video Sony Universal Media disc VZ Other video format Other video format not specified by VB to VP XA Trade-only material Trade-only material (unspecified) XB Dumpbin – empty XC Dumpbin – filled Dumpbin with contents XD Counterpack – empty XE Counterpack – filled Counterpack with contents XF Poster, promotional Promotional poster for display, not for sale – see also PK XG Shelf strip XH Window piece Promotional piece for shop window display XI Streamer XJ Spinner XK Large book display Large scale facsimile of book for promotional display XL Shrink-wrapped pack A quantity pack with its own product code, for trade supply only: the retail items it contains are intended for sale individually – see also WX. For products or product bundles supplied shrink-wrapped for retail sale, use the Product Form code of the contents plus code 21 from List 80. XZ Other point of sale Other point of sale material not specified by XB to XL ZA General merchandise General merchandise – unspecified ZB Doll ZC Soft toy Soft or plush toy ZD Toy ZE Game Board game, or other game (except computer game: see DE) ZF T-shirt ZZ Other merchandise Other merchandise not specified by ZB to ZF