module Sources
# Sources are where your data comes from.
# Basically, a source has 1-3 methods.
# * harvest: Used by the indexer to gather data.
# Yields an indexed_id (string or integer) and a string value.
# * connect_backend: Optional, called once for each type/category pair.
# * take_snapshot: Optional, called once for each type.
class Base
# Note: Methods listed for illustrative purposes.
# Called by the indexer when gathering data.
# Yields the data (id, text for id) for the given type and field.
# When implementing or overriding your own,
# be sure to yield (or an id (as string or integer)
# and a corresponding text for the given type symbol and
# category symbol.
def harvest type, category
# yields nothing
# Connect to the backend.
# Note: Called once per index/category combination
# before harvesting.
# For example, the db backend connects the db adapter.
def connect_backend
# Used to take a snapshot of your data if it is fast changing.
# e.g. in a database, a table based on the source's select
# statement is created.
# Note: Called before harvesting.
def take_snapshot type