require "base64" require "erb" module AwsEc2::Template::Helper::CoreHelper # assuming user-data script is a bash script for simplicity for now def user_data(name, base64:true, layout:"default") # allow user to specify the path also if File.exist?(name) name = File.basename(name) # normalize name, change path to name end name = File.basename(name, '.sh') layout_path = layout_path(layout) path = "#{AwsEc2.root}/app/user-data/#{name}.sh" result = RenderMePretty.result(path, context: self, layout: layout_path) # Must prepend and append scripts in user_data here because we need to # encode the user_data script for valid yaml to load in the profile. # Tried moving this logic to the params but that is too late and produces # invalid yaml. Unless we want to encode and dedode twice. scripts = [result] scripts = prepend_scripts(scripts) scripts = append_scripts(scripts) divider = "\n############################## DIVIDER ##############################\n" result = scripts.join(divider) # save the unencoded user-data script for easy debugging temp_path = "#{AwsEc2.root}/tmp/user-data.txt" FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(temp_path)) IO.write(temp_path, result) base64 ? Base64.encode64(result).strip : result end # Get full path of layout from layout name # # layout_name=false - dont use layout at all # layout_name=nil - default to layout if available def layout_path(name="default") return false if name == false # disable layout name = "default" if name.nil? # in case user passes in nil ext = File.extname(name) name += ".sh" if ext.empty? layout_path = "#{AwsEc2.root}/app/user-data/layouts/#{name}" # special rule for default in case there's no default layout if name.include?("default") and !File.exist?(layout_path) return false end # other named layouts should error if it doesnt exit unless File.exist?(layout_path) puts "ERROR: Layout #{layout_path} does not exist. Are you sure it exists? Exiting".colorize(:red) exit 1 end layout_path end # provides access to config/* settings as variables # AWS_EC2_ENV=development => config/development.yml # AWS_EC2_ENV=production => config/production.yml def config AwsEc2.config end # provides access to config/settings.yml as variables def settings AwsEc2.settings end # pretty timestamp that is useful for ami ids. # the timestamp is generated once and cached. def timestamp @timestamp ||="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") end private # TODO: move script combining logic into class def prepend_scripts(scripts) scripts.unshift(script.cloudwatch) if @options[:cloudwatch] scripts.unshift(script.auto_terminate_after_timeout) if @options[:auto_terminate] add_setup_script(scripts, :prepend) scripts end def append_scripts(scripts) add_setup_script(scripts, :append) scripts << script.auto_terminate if @options[:auto_terminate] scripts << script.create_ami if @options[:ami_name] scripts end def add_setup_script(scripts, how) return if @already_setup @already_setup = true requires_setup = @options[:cloudwatch] || @options[:auto_terminate] || @options[:ami_name] return unless requires_setup if how == :prepend scripts.unshift(script.extract_aws_ec2_scripts) else scripts << script.extract_aws_ec2_scripts end scripts end def script @script ||= end # Load custom helper methods from the project repo def load_custom_helpers Dir.glob("#{AwsEc2.root}/app/helpers/**/*_helper.rb").each do |path| filename = path.sub(%r{.*/},'').sub('.rb','') module_name = filename.classify require path self.class.send :include, module_name.constantize end end end