module Rapidash # Rapidash::ResponseError # Exception that gets raised if the response is an error (4xx or 5xx) # Raised by Faraday::Response::RaiseRapidashError # see lib/faraday/response/raise_rapidash_error.rb # # Formats a readable error message including HTTP status, method and requested URL # # Examples: # # client.posts.create!(title: '') # Rapidash::ResponseError: 422 POST # # begin # client.posts.create!(title: '') # rescue Rapidash::ResponseError => response # response.status # => 422 # response.method # => "POST" # response.url # => "" # response.body # => "{"errors":["title can't be blank", "body can't be blank"]}" # end # # Hint: Can be easily sub-classed to provide a custom exception handler class # with specific error formatting. Defining an `errors` method that returns a String or Array # will include the errors in the exception message: # # class MyCustomResponseError < Rapidash::ResponseError # def errors # data = JSON.parse(body) # data['errors'] # end # end # # Rapidash.response_exception_class = MyCustomResponseError # # client.posts.create!(title: '') # MyCustomResponseError: 422 POST | Errors: title can't be blank, body can't be blank # # begin # client.posts.create!(title: '') # rescue Rapidash::ResponseError => response # response.status # => 422 # response.errors # => ["title can't be blank", "body can't be blank"] # end # class ResponseError < StandardError attr_reader :response, :body, :status, :method, :url def initialize(response = nil) @response = response @body = response[:body] @status = response[:status].to_i @method = response[:method].to_s.upcase @url = response[:url] super(message) end private def message msg = "#{status} #{method} #{url}" if respond_to?(:errors) && !(errors.blank?)', ') if errors.kind_of?(Array) msg = "#{msg} | Errors: #{errors.to_s}" end msg end end end