# Generators are not automatically loaded by Rails require 'generators/sharing_tags/install/install_generator' describe SharingTags::Generators::InstallGenerator, type: :generator do # Tell the generator where to put its output (what it thinks of as Rails.root) destination File.expand_path('../../tmp', __FILE__) teardown :cleanup_destination_root before do prepare_destination end describe 'initializer' do before do run_generator end subject { file 'config/initializers/sharing_tags.rb' } it "creates a sharing_tags initializer" do is_expected.to exist end it "generates config/initializers/sharing_tags.rb" do generator_command_notice = / This file was generated by the `rails generate sharing_tags:install` command./m is_expected.to contain(generator_command_notice) end it "expect has a valid syntax" do is_expected.to have_correct_syntax end end describe 'assets:javascripts' do describe "application.js" do let(:file_path) { "app/assets/javascripts/application.js" } subject { file file_path } before do touch_file file_path run_generator end it "expect added require sharing_tags " do generator_command = '= require sharing_tags' is_expected.to contain(generator_command) end end describe "application.coffee" do pending end end describe 'assets:stylesheets' do describe "application.css" do let(:file_path) { "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css" } subject { file file_path } before do create_file file_path, "/**/" subject run_generator end it "expect added require sharing_tags " do generator_command = '= require sharing_tags' is_expected.to contain(generator_command) end end describe "application.sass" do pending end describe "application.scss" do pending end end describe 'view:layouts' do let(:file_path) { "app/views/layouts/application.html.slim" } subject { file file_path } describe "application.html.slim" do let(:layout) do %( html header title Some title body p Text block ) end before do create_file file_path, layout run_generator end it "expect added render_sharing_tags " do generator_command = '= render_sharing_tags' is_expected.to contain(generator_command) end # it { is_expected.to have_correct_syntax } end describe "application.html.erb" do before do create_file file_path, layout run_generator end subject { file file_path } let(:layout) do %( Some title

Text block

) end let(:file_path) { "app/views/layouts/application.html.erb" } it "expect added render_sharing_tags " do generator_command = '<%= render_sharing_tags %>' is_expected.to contain(generator_command) end it { is_expected.to have_correct_syntax } end describe "application.html.haml" do pending end end describe "after install" do it "expect has a message" do # expect { run_generator }.to output(/Congratulations/).to_stderr_from_any_process # expect { run_generator }.to output(/Congratulations/).to_stdout_from_any_process # expect { run_generator }.to output(/Congratulations/).to_stdout end end end