require 'sauce' spec_prereq = File.exist?(File.join(::Rails.root.to_s, 'config', 'database.yml')) ? "db:test:prepare" : :noop task :noop do end class Rake::Task def abandon @actions.clear end end include Sauce::Utilities if defined?(Spec::Rake::SpecTask) namespace :spec do namespace :selenium do desc "Run the Selenium acceptance tests in spec/selenium using Sauce OnDemand" task :sauce => spec_prereq do Rake::Task["spec:selenium:runtests"].invoke end desc "Run the Selenium acceptance tests in spec/selenium using a local Selenium server" task :local => spec_prereq do with_selenium_rc do Rake::Task["spec:selenium:runtests"].invoke end end desc "" # Hide it from rake -T :runtests do |t| t.spec_opts = ['--options', "\"#{Rails.root.join('spec', 'spec.opts')}\""] spec_glob = ENV["SAUCE_SPEC_GLOB"] || "spec/selenium/**/*_spec.rb" t.spec_files = FileList[spec_glob] end end task :selenium => "selenium:sauce" end Rake::Task[:spec].abandon desc "Run all specs in spec directory (excluding plugin specs)" => spec_prereq) do |t| t.spec_opts = ['--options', "\"#{RAILS_ROOT}/spec/spec.opts\""] t.spec_files = FileList['spec/**/*_spec.rb'].exclude('spec/selenium/*') end end if defined?(RSpec::Core::RakeTask) namespace :spec do namespace :selenium do desc "Run the Selenium acceptance tests in spec/selenium using Sauce OnDemand" task :sauce => spec_prereq do Rake::Task["spec:selenium:runtests"].invoke end desc "Run the Selenium acceptance tests in spec/selenium using a local Selenium server" task :local => spec_prereq do with_selenium_rc do Rake::Task["spec:selenium:runtests"].invoke end end desc "" # Hide it from rake -T :runtests do |t| spec_glob = ENV["SAUCE_SPEC_GLOB"] || "spec/selenium/**/*_spec.rb" t.pattern = spec_glob end end task :selenium => "selenium:sauce" end end if defined?(Rake::TestTask) namespace :test do namespace :selenium do desc "Run the Selenium acceptance tests in test/selenium using Sauce OnDemand" task :sauce do Rake::Task["test:selenium:runtests"].invoke end desc "Run the Selenium acceptance tests in spec/selenium using a local Selenium server" task :local do with_selenium_rc do Rake::Task["test:selenium:runtests"].invoke end end do |t| t.libs << "test" test_glob = ENV["SAUCE_TEST_GLOB"] || "test/selenium/**/*_test.rb" t.pattern = test_glob t.verbose = true end # Hide it from rake -T Rake::Task['test:selenium:runtests'].instance_variable_set(:@full_comment, nil) Rake::Task['test:selenium:runtests'].instance_variable_set(:@comment, nil) Rake::Task['test:selenium:runtests'].enhance(["db:test:prepare"]) end task :selenium => "selenium:sauce" end end