require 'tap/tasks/dump' module Tap module Tasks # :startdoc::task list resources # # Prints a list of resources registered with the application env. Any of # the resources may be used in a workflow. A list of filters may be used # to limit the output; each is converted to a regexp and can match any # part of the resource (path, class, desc). # # % tap list join gate # join: # gate # collects results before the join # # The configurations can be used to switch the resource description. By # default env only lists resources registered as a task, join, or # middleware. # # % tap list join gate --class --full # join: # /tap/joins/gate # Tap::Joins::Gate # class List < Dump config :all, false, :short => :a, &c.flag # Shows all types config :types, ['task', 'join', 'middleware'], :long => :type, :short => :t, :reader => false, &c.list(&c.string) # List types to show config :full, false, :short => :f, &c.flag # Show full paths config :path, false, :short => :p, &c.flag # Show require path config :clas, false, :long => :class, :short => :c, &c.flag # Show class def call(input) process manifest(*input).join("\n") end def basis app.env.constants end def types return @types unless all types = [] app.env.constants.each do |constant| types.concat constant.types.keys end types.uniq! types.sort! types end def manifest(*filters) constants = filter(basis, filters) paths = full ? fullmap(constants) : minimap(constants) constants = constants.sort_by {|constant| paths[constant] } descriptions = {} selected_paths = [] selected_types = types selected_types.each do |type| lines = [] constants.each do |constant| next unless constant.types.include?(type) path = paths[constant] selected_paths << path lines << [path, describe(constant, type)] end descriptions[type] = lines unless lines.empty? end format = " %-#{max_width(selected_paths)}s # %s" lines = [] selected_types.each do |type| next unless descriptions.has_key?(type) lines << "#{type}:" descriptions[type].each do |description| lines << (format % description) end end if lines.empty? lines << "(no constants match criteria)" end lines end def filter(constants, filters) return constants if filters.empty? filters.collect! {|filter| } constants = do |constant| filters.all? do |filter| constant.path =~ filter end end end def fullmap(constants) paths = {} constants.each {|constant| paths[constant] = constant.path } paths end def minimap(constants) paths = {} constants.each do |constant| paths[constant] = split(constant.path) end minimap = {} queue = constants.dup while !queue.empty? next_queue = [] queue.each do |constant| path = paths[constant].shift if current = minimap[path] next_queue << current unless current == :skip next_queue << constant minimap[path] = :skip else minimap[path] = constant end end queue = next_queue end minimap.delete_if {|path, constant| constant == :skip }.invert end def split(path) splits = [] current = nil path.split('/').reverse_each do |split| current = current ? File.join(split, current) : split splits << current end splits end def describe(constant, type) case when clas constant.const_name when path require_paths = constant.require_paths require_paths = require_paths.collect do |path| File.join(load_path(path), path) end if full require_paths.join(',') else constant.types[type] end end def load_path(path) $:.find do |load_path| File.exists?(File.join(load_path, path)) end || '?' end def max_width(paths) max = paths.collect {|path| path.length }.max max.nil? || max < 20 ? 20 : max end end end end