require "rails_sql_prettifier/version" require 'active_record' require "niceql" module RailsSQLPrettifier module ArExtentions def exec_niceql connection.execute( to_niceql ) end def to_niceql Niceql::Prettifier.prettify_sql(to_sql, false) end def niceql( colorize = true ) puts Niceql::Prettifier.prettify_sql( to_sql, colorize ) end end module PostgresAdapterNiceQL def exec_query(sql, name = "SQL", binds = [], prepare: false) # replacing sql with prettified sql, thats all super( Niceql::Prettifier.prettify_sql(sql, false), name, binds, prepare: prepare ) end end module AbstractAdapterLogPrettifier def log( sql, *args, &block ) # \n need to be placed because AR log will start with action description + time info. # rescue sql - just to be sure Prettifier wouldn't break production formatted_sql = "\n" + Niceql::Prettifier.prettify_sql(sql) rescue sql super( formatted_sql, *args, &block ) end end module ErrorExt def to_s # older rails version do not provide sql as a standalone query, instead they # deliver joined message Niceql.config.prettify_pg_errors ? Niceql::Prettifier.prettify_err(super, try(:sql) ) : super end end module NiceQLConfigExt extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do attr_accessor :pg_adapter_with_nicesql, :prettify_active_record_log_output, :prettify_pg_errors end def ar_using_pg_adapter? ActiveRecord::Base.try(:connection_config)&.with_indifferent_access&.dig(:adapter) == 'postgresql' end def initialize super self.pg_adapter_with_nicesql = false self.prettify_active_record_log_output = false self.prettify_pg_errors = ar_using_pg_adapter? end end module NiceqlExt def configure super if config.pg_adapter_with_nicesql && defined?( ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter ) ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter.include( PostgresAdapterNiceQL) end ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter.prepend( AbstractAdapterLogPrettifier ) if config.prettify_active_record_log_output ::ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid.include( RailsSQLPrettifier::ErrorExt ) if config.prettify_pg_errors && config.ar_using_pg_adapter? end end [::ActiveRecord::Relation, ::Arel::TreeManager, ::Arel::Nodes::Node].each { |klass| klass.send(:include, ArExtentions) } Niceql::NiceQLConfig.include( NiceQLConfigExt ) # we need to use a prepend otherwise it's not preceding Niceql.configure in a lookup chain Niceql.singleton_class.prepend( NiceqlExt ) end