class IcfMasterTracker < ActiveRecordShared # can I attr_protected for update only? # or perhaps find_or_create_by_masterid? # Of course that may create the new_tracker_record # And then on update it would create all the others? validates_presence_of :Masterid validates_uniqueness_of :Masterid, :allow_blank => true attr_protected :Masterid # validate all string field lengths ? validates_length_of :last_update_attempt_errors, :maximum => 65000, :allow_blank => true belongs_to :study_subject attr_protected( :study_subject_id, :study_subject ) before_save :attach_study_subject before_save :flag_for_update before_save :save_all_changes named_scope :have_changed, :conditions => { :flagged_for_update => true } # This may not be the best way to update. # We may have to implement something like BackgrounDRb. # Updating the actual data may require a number of SQL searches # to find the appropriate columns which could consume enough # time to trigger a timeout. In addition, there may not be # enough information here to determine the correct model # to update, but we'll see how it progresses. # If we do use BackgrounDRb, we'll probably need an additional # column to flag has having been updated to be set in # a before_save callback. This would then need unset by # the BackgrounDRb worker when complete. # after_save :update_models def attach_study_subject unless study_subject_id self.study_subject = StudySubject.find_by_icf_master_id(self.Masterid) end end def ignorable_changes # %w{id flagged_for_update study_subject_id Masterid created_at updated_at} %w{ id created_at updated_at flagged_for_update last_update_attempt_errors last_update_attempted_at } end def unignorable_changes changes.dup.delete_keys!(*ignorable_changes) end def flag_for_update self.flagged_for_update = true unless unignorable_changes.empty? end def save_all_changes if new_record? IcfMasterTrackerChange.create( :icf_master_id => self.Masterid, # 5 :master_tracker_date # Hmm. :new_tracker_record => true ) else unignorable_changes.each do |field,values| IcfMasterTrackerChange.create( :icf_master_id => self.Masterid, # 5 :master_tracker_date # Hmm. :modified_column => field, :previous_value => values[0], :new_value => values[1] ) end end end def self.update_models_flagged_for_update puts "Searching for changed Icf Master Tracker records." changed_records = self.have_changed if changed_records.empty? puts "- Found no changed records." else puts "- Found #{changed_records} changed records." changed_records.each do |record| # record.last_update_attempted_at = # unless record.study_subject_id.nil? # try to update models # if successful # record.flagged_for_update = false # record.last_update_attempt_errors = nil # else # set last_update_attempt_error # leave flagged_for_update as true # end # else # record.last_update_attempt_errors = "study_subject is nil. Nothing to update." # leave flagged_for_update as true # end # end end end # def update_models # # # # "Masterid","Motherid","Record_Owner","Datereceived","Lastatt","Lastdisp", # # "Currphone","Vacauthrecd","Recollect","Needpreincentive","Active_Phone", # # "Recordsentformatching","Recordreceivedfrommatching","Sentpreincentive", # # "Releasedtocati","Confirmedcaticontact","Refused","Deceasednotification", # # "Eligible","Confirmationpacketsent","Catiprotocolexhausted", # # "Newphonenumreleasedtocati","Pleanotificationsent", # # "Casereturnedtoberkeleyfornewinf","Casereturnedfromberkeley","Caticomplete", # # "Kitmothersent","Kitinfantsent","Kitchildsent","Kitadolescentsent", # # "Kitmotherrefusedcode","Kitchildrefusedcode","Noresponsetoplea", # # "Responsereceivedfromplea","Senttoinpersonfollowup","Kitmotherrecd", # # "Kitchildrecvd","Thankyousent","Physrequestsent","Physresponsereceived" # # # # Most of the columns are dates which probably correspond to an enrollment or sample. # #Table: samples # #+------------------------------+--------------- # #| Field | Type # #+------------------------------+-------------- # #| aliquot_sample_format_id | int(11) # #| sample_type_id | int(11) # #| study_subject_id | int(11) # #| unit_id | int(11) # #| order_no | int(11) # #| quantity_in_sample | decimal(10,0) # #| aliquot_or_sample_on_receipt | varchar(255) # #| sent_to_subject_on | date # #| received_by_ccls_on | date # #| sent_to_lab_on | date # #| received_by_lab_on | date # #| aliquotted_on | date # #| external_id | varchar(255) # #| external_id_source | varchar(255) # #| receipt_confirmed_on | date # #| receipt_confirmed_by | varchar(255) # #| future_use_prohibited | tinyint(1) # #| collected_on | date # #| location_id | int(11) # # # # if study_subject_id and dirty # # Consider Record_Owner field? # # Which project? # # add operational event with differences to study subject # # update models # # end # # if study_subject_id and changed? # # puts # # puts "Tracker has subject and has changed so begin updating" # # puts self.changes # # # # Which changes matter? # # There are many validations, so what to do if update fails? # # If subject doesn't initially exist (shouldn't happen), # # then these updates will NEVER be added as the record # # "changes" won't be changed. Will need another condition # # to update everything if study_subject_id is new. # # Again, this shouldn't actually ever happen as the Masterid # # is assigned to a subject by us, meaning the subject exists # # before giving it to ICF. # # # unignored_changes = changes.dup.delete_keys!(*ignorable_changes) # unless unignorable_changes.empty? # # description = [] # # unignorable_changes.each { |field,values| # # description << "#{field} changed from #{values[0]} to #{values[1]}" # # } # # OperationalEvent.create!( # # :enrollment => study_subject.enrollments.find_or_create_by_project_id( # # Project[:ccls].id), # # :operational_event_type => OperationalEventType[:other], # ## # ## description can only be 250 chars so this fails in testing # ## when creating new tracker as everything has changed. # ## Change description to text? Will 65000 chars be enough? # ## # ## :description => description.join("\n") # # :description => "Icf Master Tracker caused changes." # # ) # end # # else # # puts # # puts "Tracker has no subject so skipping updating" # end # end end __END__ changed?() public Returns true if any attribute have unsaved changes, false otherwise. person.changed? # => false = 'bob' person.changed? # => true changes() public Map of changed attrs => [original value, new value]. person.changes # => {} = 'bob' person.changes # => { 'name' => ['bill', 'bob'] }