# # Copyright (c) 2014 Constant Contact # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # wrapper do name :ansicolor plugin_id 'ansicolor' announced false jenkins_name 'Color ANSI Console Output' description 'This plugin adds support for ANSI escape sequences, including color, to Console Output.' parameters false xml do |_| send('hudson.plugins.ansicolor.AnsiColorBuildWrapper') do colorMapName 'xterm' end end end wrapper do name :timestamp plugin_id 'timestamper' description 'Adds timestamps to the Console Output.' jenkins_name 'Add timestamps to the Console Output' announced false xml do |_| send('hudson.plugins.timestamper.TimestamperBuildWrapper', 'plugin' => 'timestamper') end end wrapper do name :rvm plugin_id 'rvm' description 'This plugin runs your jobs in the RVM managed ruby+gemset of your choice.' jenkins_name 'Run the build in a RVM-managed environment' announced false description 'rvm plugin' version '0.5' do xml do |wrapper| send('ruby-proxy-object') do send('ruby-object', 'ruby-class' => 'Jenkins::Tasks::BuildWrapperProxy', 'pluginid' => 'rvm') do object('ruby-class' => 'RvmWrapper', 'pluginid' => 'rvm') do impl('pluginid' => 'rvm', 'ruby-class' => 'String') { text wrapper } end pluginid(:pluginid => 'rvm', 'ruby-class' => 'String') { text 'rvm' } end end end end version '0' do xml do |wrapper| send('ruby-proxy-object') do send('ruby-object', 'ruby-class' => 'Jenkins::Plugin::Proxies::BuildWrapper', 'pluginid' => 'rvm') do object('ruby-class' => 'RvmWrapper', 'pluginid' => 'rvm') do impl('pluginid' => 'rvm', 'ruby-class' => 'String') do text wrapper end end pluginid(:pluginid => 'rvm', 'ruby-class' => 'String') { text 'rvm' } end end end end end wrapper do name :inject_passwords plugin_id 'envinject' description 'This plugin makes it possible to have an isolated environment for your jobs.' jenkins_name 'Inject passwords to the build as environment variables' announced false xml do |wrapper| EnvInjectPasswordWrapper do if wrapper.respond_to? :keys injectGlobalPasswords wrapper[:inject_global_passwords] passwords = wrapper[:passwords] else passwords = wrapper end break unless passwords passwordEntries do passwords.each do |password| EnvInjectPasswordEntry do name password[:name] value password[:value] end end end end end end wrapper do name :inject_env_var plugin_id 'envinject' description 'This plugin makes it possible to have an isolated environment for your jobs.' jenkins_name 'Inject environment variables to the build process' announced false xml do |params| EnvInjectBuildWrapper do info do propertiesFilePath params[:file] if params[:file] propertiesContent params[:content] if params[:content] loadFilesFromMaster false end end end end wrapper do name :artifactory plugin_id 'artifactory' description 'This plugin allows deploying Maven 2, Maven 3, Ivy and Gradle artifacts and build info to the Artifactory artifacts manager.' jenkins_name 'Generic-Artifactory Integration' announced false xml do |wrapper| send('org.jfrog.hudson.generic.ArtifactoryGenericConfigurator') do details do artifactoryUrl wrapper[:url] artifactoryName wrapper[:'artifactory-name'] repositoryKey wrapper[:'release-repo'] snapshotsRepositoryKey wrapper.fetch(:'snapshot-repo', wrapper[:'release-repo']) end deployPattern wrapper[:publish] resolvePattern matrixParams wrapper[:properties] deployBuildInfo wrapper[:'publish-build-info'] includeEnvVars false envVarsPatterns do includePatterns excludePatterns '*password*,*secret*' end discardOldBuilds false discardBuildArtifacts true end end end wrapper do name :maven3artifactory plugin_id 'maven-plugin' description 'Jenkins plugin for building Maven 2/3 jobs via a special project type.' jenkins_name 'Maven3-Artifactory Integration' announced false xml do |wrapper| send('org.jfrog.hudson.maven3.ArtifactoryMaven3Configurator') do # plugin='artifactory@2.2.1' details do artifactoryUrl wrapper[:url] artifactoryName wrapper[:'artifactory-name'] repositoryKey wrapper[:'release-repo'] snapshotsRepositoryKey wrapper.fetch(:'snapshot-repo', wrapper[:'release-repo']) end deployArtifacts wrapper.fetch(:deploy, true) artifactDeploymentPatterns do includePatterns excludePatterns end includeEnvVars false deployBuildInfo wrapper.fetch(:'publish-build-info', true) envVarsPatterns do includePatterns excludePatterns '*password*,*secret*' end runChecks false violationRecipients includePublishArtifacts false scopes licenseAutoDiscovery true disableLicenseAutoDiscovery false discardOldBuilds false discardBuildArtifacts true matrixParams enableIssueTrackerIntegration false aggregateBuildIssues false blackDuckRunChecks false blackDuckAppName blackDuckAppVersion blackDuckReportRecipients blackDuckScopes blackDuckIncludePublishedArtifacts false autoCreateMissingComponentRequests true autoDiscardStaleComponentRequests true filterExcludedArtifactsFromBuild false end end end wrapper do name :nodejs plugin_id 'nodejs' description 'Provides Jenkins integration for NodeJS & npm packages.' jenkins_name 'Node Plugin' announced false xml do |wrapper| send('jenkins.plugins.nodejs.tools.NpmPackagesBuildWrapper') do nodeJSInstallationName wrapper[:node_installation_name] end end end wrapper do name :xvfb plugin_id 'xvfb' description 'Setup Xvfb display for Selenium with Firefox.' jenkins_name 'Xvfb' announced false xml do |params| send('org.jenkinsci.plugins.xvfb.XvfbBuildWrapper') do installationName 'Default' screen '1024x768x24' debug false self.timeout params[:timeout] || 10 # rubocop:disable Style/RedundantSelf displayNameOffset 1 additionalOptions shutdownWithBuild false autoDisplayName false end end end