# Keep XML attributes when converting XML to Hash. module ActiveSupport class XMLConverter private def become_content?(value) value['type'] == 'file' || (value['__content__'] && (value.keys.size == 1 && value['__content__'].present?)) end end end # Allows you to provide a Hash and a number of drilldown elements # and return the final value if the whole chain exists, but without # throwing an error if the chain has a broken link at some point. # # Could easily bomb: # first_name = some_person_hash['Person]['Name]['FirstName'] # # Doesn't bomb: # first_name = some_person_hash.drilldown('Person Name FirstName') Hash.class_eval do def drilldown drillees if (result = drillees.split(' ').inject(self){|res, el| res[el] ? res[el] : Hash.new }) result.present? ? result.unwrap_attribute : nil end end end Array.class_eval do def drilldown drillee drillee.last.unwrap_attribute end end Object.class_eval do def unwrap_attribute self.is_a?(Hash) ? (self['__content__'] ? self['__content__'] : self) : self end end String.class_eval do # Add to_bool method to String. def to_bool return true if self == true || self =~ (/(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i) return false if self == false || self.blank? || self =~ (/(false|f|no|n|0)$/i) nil end end