require_relative "../xml_security_new" require "time" require "nokogiri" require "base64" require "openssl" require "digest/sha1" require_relative "utils" # Only supports SAML 2.0 module Spid module Saml class Response ASSERTION = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" PROTOCOL = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" DSIG = "" attr_accessor :options, :response, :document, :settings, :attr_name_format attr_reader :decrypted_document def initialize(response, options = {}) raise"Response cannot be nil") if response.nil? self.options = options self.response = response if assertion_encrypted? @decrypted_document = generate_decrypted_document end begin self.document = rescue REXML::ParseException => e if response =~ / PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }).nil? end def is_valid? validate end def validate! validate(false) end # The value of the user identifier as designated by the initialization request response def name_id @name_id ||= begin node = REXML::XPath.first(document, "/saml2p:Response/saml2:Assertion[@ID='#{document.signed_element_id}']/saml2:Subject/saml2:NameID") node ||= REXML::XPath.first(document, "/saml2p:Response[@ID='#{document.signed_element_id}']/saml2:Assertion/saml2:Subject/saml2:NameID") node.nil? ? nil : node.text end end # A hash of alle the attributes with the response. Assuming there is only one value for each key def attributes @attr_statements ||= begin result = {} stmt_element = REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response/a:Assertion/a:AttributeStatement", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }) return {} if stmt_element.nil? @attr_name_format = [] stmt_element.elements.each do |attr_element| name = attr_element.attributes["Name"] #salvo i vari format per controllare poi che non ce ne siano di null @attr_name_format << attr_element.attributes["NameFormat"].blank? ? nil : attr_element.attributes["NameFormat"].text value = (attr_element.elements.blank? ? nil : attr_element.elements.first.text) result[name] = value end #mette il symbol result.keys.each do |key| result[key.intern] = result[key] end result end end # When this user session should expire at latest def session_expires_at @expires_at ||= begin node = REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response/a:Assertion/a:AuthnStatement", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }) parse_time(node, "SessionNotOnOrAfter") end end # Checks the status of the response for a "Success" code def success? @status_code ||= begin node = REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response/p:Status/p:StatusCode", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }) node.attributes["Value"] == "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success" unless node.blank? end end # Ritorno il valore dello StatusMessage def get_status_message node = REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response/p:Status/p:StatusMessage", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }) node.text unless node.blank? end # Conditions (if any) for the assertion to run def conditions @conditions ||= begin REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response/a:Assertion[@ID='#{document.signed_element_id}']/a:Conditions", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }) end end #metodi per ricavare info per tracciatura agid def issuer @issuer ||= begin node = REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response/a:Issuer", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }) node ||= REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response/a:Assertion/a:Issuer", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }) node.nil? ? nil : node.text end end # Gets the Issuers (from Response and Assertion). # (returns the first node that matches the supplied xpath from the Response and from the Assertion) # @return [Array] Array with the Issuers (REXML::Element) # def issuers(soft=true) @issuers ||= begin issuer_response_nodes = REXML::XPath.match( document, "/p:Response/a:Issuer", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION } ) unless issuer_response_nodes.size == 1 # error_msg = "Issuer of the Response not found or multiple." # raise return (soft ? false : validation_error("Issuer of the Response not found or multiple.")) end issuer_assertion_nodes = xpath_from_signed_assertion("/a:Issuer") unless issuer_assertion_nodes.size == 1 # error_msg = "Issuer of the Assertion not found or multiple." # raise return (soft ? false : validation_error("Issuer of the Assertion not found or multiple.")) end issuer_response_nodes.each{ |iss| #controllo: L'attributo Format di Issuer deve essere presente con il valore urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity return (soft ? false : validation_error("Elemento Issuer non ha formato corretto ")) if !iss.attributes['Format'].nil? && iss.attributes['Format'] != 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity' } issuer_assertion_nodes.each{ |iss| #controllo: L'attributo Format di Issuer deve essere presente con il valore urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity return (soft ? false : validation_error("Elemento Issuer non ha formato corretto ")) if iss.attributes['Format'] != 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity' } nodes = issuer_response_nodes + issuer_assertion_nodes { |node| Utils.element_text(node) }.compact.uniq end end def response_to_id node = REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response", { "p" => PROTOCOL }) return node.attributes["InResponseTo"] unless node.blank? end def id node = REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response", { "p" => PROTOCOL }) return node.attributes["ID"] unless node.blank? end def issue_instant node = REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response", { "p" => PROTOCOL }) return node.attributes["IssueInstant"] unless node.blank? end def assertion_present? node = REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response/a:Assertion/", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }) return !node.blank? end def assertion_issue_instant node = REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response/a:Assertion/", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }) return node.attributes["IssueInstant"] unless node.blank? end def assertion_id node = REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response/a:Assertion/", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }) return node.attributes["ID"] unless node.blank? end def assertion_subject node = REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response/a:Assertion/a:Subject/a:NameID", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }) return node.text end def assertion_subject_name_qualifier node = REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response/a:Assertion/a:Subject/a:NameID", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }) return node.attributes["NameQualifier"] unless node.blank? end def assertion_subject_confirmation_data_not_on_or_after node_subj_conf_data = xpath_first_from_signed_assertion('/a:Subject/a:SubjectConfirmation/a:SubjectConfirmationData') return node_subj_conf_data.attributes["NotOnOrAfter"] unless node_subj_conf_data.blank? end def assertion_conditions_not_before node_cond_not_before = xpath_first_from_signed_assertion('/a:Conditions') return node_cond_not_before.attributes["NotBefore"] unless node_cond_not_before.blank? end def assertion_conditions_not_on_or_after node_cond_not_on_or_after = xpath_first_from_signed_assertion('/a:Conditions') return node_cond_not_on_or_after.attributes["NotOnOrAfter"] unless node_cond_not_on_or_after.blank? end #ricavo l'issue instant della request def assertion_authninstant node_authn_statement = xpath_first_from_signed_assertion('/a:AuthnStatement') return node_authn_statement.attributes["AuthnInstant"] unless node_authn_statement.blank? end private def validation_error(message) raise end def validate(soft = true) # prime the IdP metadata before the document validation. # The idp_cert needs to be populated before the validate_response_state method if settings idp_metadata = end #verifico se sono stati scaricati i metadati dell'idp return false if validate_metadata_idp(idp_metadata) == false #carico nei setting l'idp_entity_id entity_descriptor_element = REXML::XPath.first(idp_metadata,"/EntityDescriptor") if !entity_descriptor_element.nil? settings.idp_entity_id = entity_descriptor_element.attributes["entityID"] end return false if validate_structure(soft) == false return false if validate_response_state(soft) == false return false if validate_conditions(soft) == false #validazione assertion firmata return false if validate_signed_elements(soft) == false #validazione version che sia 2.0 return false if validate_version(soft) == false #validazione version delle asserzioni che sia 2.0 return false if validate_version_assertion(soft) == false #validazione destination return false if validate_destination(soft) == false #validazione status return false if validate_status(soft) == false #validazione inresponseto return false if validate_presence_inresponseto(soft) == false #validazione issuer return false if validate_issuer(soft) == false #validazioni varie su asserzioni return false if validate_assertion(soft) == false #validazione presenza format su attributes return false if validate_name_format_attributes(soft) == false # Just in case a user needs to toss out the signature validation, # I'm adding in an option for it. (Sometimes canonicalization is a bitch!) return true if settings.skip_validation == true # document.validte populates the idp_cert return false if document.validate_document(get_fingerprint, soft) == false # validate response code return false if success? == false return true end # Validates the Issuer (Of the SAML Response and the SAML Assertion) # @param soft [Boolean] soft Enable or Disable the soft mode (In order to raise exceptions when the response is invalid or not) # @return [Boolean] True if the Issuer matchs the IdP entityId, otherwise False if soft=True # @raise [ValidationError] if soft == false and validation fails # def validate_issuer(soft=true) obtained_issuers = issuers(soft) if obtained_issuers == false return false #errori all'interno del metodo issuers else obtained_issuers.each do |iss| unless Spid::Saml::Utils.uri_match?(iss, settings.idp_entity_id) # error_msg = "Doesn't match the issuer, expected: <#{settings.idp_entity_id}>, but was: <#{issuer}>" # return append_error(error_msg) return (soft ? false : validation_error("Elemento Issuer diverso da EntityID IdP, expected: <#{settings.idp_entity_id}>, but was: <#{iss}>")) end end true end end def validate_presence_inresponseto(soft=true) response_to_id_value = response_to_id return (soft ? false : validation_error("InResponseTo non specificato o mancante")) if response_to_id_value.blank? end #validate status e status code def validate_status(soft=true) #controlli su status node_status = REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response/p:Status", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }) return (soft ? false : validation_error("Status non presente")) if node_status.blank? #controlli su status code node_status_code = REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response/p:Status/p:StatusCode", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }) return (soft ? false : validation_error("Status code non presente")) if node_status_code.blank? return (soft ? false : validation_error("Status non presente")) unless node_status_code.attributes["Value"] == "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success" true end #validate presenza dei metadata per idp def validate_metadata_idp(metadata_idp) if metadata_idp.blank? validation_error("Metadata idp non raggiungibile per #{settings.idp_entity_id}") else return true end end # Validates the SAML version (2.0) # If fails, the error is added to the errors array. # @return [Boolean] True if the SAML Response is 2.0, otherwise returns False # def version(document) @version ||= begin node = REXML::XPath.first( document, "/p:AuthnRequest | /p:Response | /p:LogoutResponse | /p:LogoutRequest", { "p" => PROTOCOL } ) node.nil? ? nil : node.attributes['Version'] end end def version_assertion(document) assertion_nodes = xpath_from_signed_assertion() @version_assertion = "2.0" #ciclo sui nodi delle asserzioni, se uno ha una versione diversa da 2.0 ritorno nil unless assertion_nodes.blank? assertion_nodes.each{ |ass_node| return nil if ass_node.attributes['Version'] != "2.0" } end @version_assertion end def validate_version(soft = true) unless version(self.document) == "2.0" #return append_error("Unsupported SAML version") return soft ? false : validation_error("Unsupported SAML version") end true end def validate_version_assertion(soft = true) unless version_assertion(self.document) == "2.0" #return append_error("Unsupported SAML version") return soft ? false : validation_error("Unsupported SAML Assertion version") end true end def validate_signed_elements(soft = true) signature_nodes = REXML::XPath.match(decrypted_document.nil? ? document : decrypted_document,"//ds:Signature",{"ds"=>DSIG}) signed_elements = [] verified_seis = [] verified_ids = [] signature_nodes.each do |signature_node| signed_element = if signed_element != 'Response' && signed_element != 'Assertion' return soft ? false : validation_error("Invalid Signature Element '#{signed_element}'. SAML Response rejected") #return append_error("Invalid Signature Element '#{signed_element}'. SAML Response rejected") end if signature_node.parent.attributes['ID'].nil? return soft ? false : validation_error("Signed Element must contain an ID. SAML Response rejected") #return append_error("Signed Element must contain an ID. SAML Response rejected") end id = signature_node.parent.attributes.get_attribute("ID").value if verified_ids.include?(id) return soft ? false : validation_error("Duplicated ID. SAML Response rejected") #return append_error("Duplicated ID. SAML Response rejected") end verified_ids.push(id) # Check that reference URI matches the parent ID and no duplicate References or IDs ref = REXML::XPath.first(signature_node, ".//ds:Reference", {"ds"=>DSIG}) if ref uri = ref.attributes.get_attribute("URI") if uri && !uri.value.empty? sei = uri.value[1..-1] unless sei == id #return append_error("Found an invalid Signed Element. SAML Response rejected") return soft ? false : validation_error("Found an invalid Signed Element. SAML Response rejected") end if verified_seis.include?(sei) #return append_error("Duplicated Reference URI. SAML Response rejected") return soft ? false : validation_error("Duplicated Reference URI. SAML Response rejected") end verified_seis.push(sei) end end signed_elements << signed_element end unless signature_nodes.length < 3 && !signed_elements.empty? #return append_error("Found an unexpected number of Signature Element. SAML Response rejected") return soft ? false : validation_error("Found an unexpected number of Signature Element. SAML Response rejected") end #if[:want_assertions_signed] && !(signed_elements.include? "Assertion") if !(signed_elements.include? "Assertion") #return append_error("The Assertion of the Response is not signed and the SP requires it") return soft ? false : validation_error("L'asserzione non รจ firmata.") end true end def validate_structure(soft = true) Dir.chdir(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'schemas'))) do @schema = Nokogiri::XML::Schema('saml20protocol_schema.xsd')) @xml = Nokogiri::XML(self.document.to_s) end if soft @schema.validate(@xml).map{ return false } else @schema.validate(@xml).map{ |error| raise("#{error.message}\n\n#{@xml.to_s}")) } end end def validate_response_state(soft = true) if response.empty? return soft ? false : validation_error("Blank response") end if settings.nil? return soft ? false : validation_error("No settings on response") end if settings.idp_cert_fingerprint.nil? && settings.idp_cert.nil? return soft ? false : validation_error("No fingerprint or certificate on settings") end true end # Validates the Destination, (If the SAML Response is received where expected). # If the response was initialized with the :skip_destination option, this validation is skipped, # If fails, the error is added to the errors array # @return [Boolean] True if there is a Destination element that matches the Consumer Service URL, otherwise False # @return [String|nil] Destination attribute from the SAML Response. # def destination @destination ||= begin node = REXML::XPath.first( document, "/p:Response", { "p" => PROTOCOL } ) node.nil? ? nil : node.attributes['Destination'] end end def validate_destination(soft = true) return (soft ? false : validation_error("La response non ha destination")) if destination.nil? #return true if options[:skip_destination] if destination.empty? # error_msg = "The response has an empty Destination value" # return append_error(error_msg) return soft ? false : validation_error("The response has an empty Destination value") end return true if settings.assertion_consumer_service_url.nil? || settings.assertion_consumer_service_url.empty? #DA-RIPRISTINARE! # unless Spid::Saml::Utils.uri_match?(destination, settings.assertion_consumer_service_url) # # error_msg = "The response was received at #{destination} instead of #{settings.assertion_consumer_service_url}" # # return append_error(error_msg) # return soft ? false : validation_error("The response was received at #{destination} instead of #{settings.assertion_consumer_service_url}") # end true end def validate_assertion(soft = true) #posso avere n nodi asserzione..forse nodes_assertion = xpath_from_signed_assertion unless nodes_assertion.blank? #Elemento NameID non specificato node_name_id = xpath_first_from_signed_assertion('/a:Subject/a:NameID') unless node_name_id.blank? return soft ? false : validation_error("Errore su Asserzione: NameID vuoto") if node_name_id.text.blank? #controlli su attributo format attr_format = node_name_id.attribute("Format") return soft ? false : validation_error("Errore su Asserzione: Format su NameID vuoto") if attr_format.blank? || attr_format.to_s != "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient" #45 #controlli su attributo NameQualifier attr_name_qual = node_name_id.attribute("NameQualifier") return soft ? false : validation_error("Errore su Asserzione: NameQualifier su NameID vuoto") if attr_name_qual.blank? || ( !attr_name_qual.blank? && attr_name_qual.value.blank?)#48 e 49 else return soft ? false : validation_error("Errore su Asserzione: NameID non presente") end #Controlli su SubjectConfirmation node_subj_conf = xpath_first_from_signed_assertion('/a:Subject/a:SubjectConfirmation') unless node_subj_conf.blank? #controlli su attributo Method attr_method = node_subj_conf.attribute("Method") return soft ? false : validation_error("Errore su Asserzione: Method su SubjectConfirmation vuoto") if attr_method.blank? || attr_method.to_s != "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer" #53 54 e 55 #Controlli su SubjectConfirmationData node_subj_conf_data = xpath_first_from_signed_assertion('/a:Subject/a:SubjectConfirmation/a:SubjectConfirmationData') unless node_subj_conf_data.blank? #controllo attr Recipient, vuoto o diverso da AssertionConsumerServiceURL attr_recipient = node_subj_conf_data.attribute("Recipient") return soft ? false : validation_error("Errore su Asserzione: Recipient su SubjectConfirmationData vuoto o diverso da AssertionConsumerServiceURL") if attr_recipient.blank? || attr_recipient.to_s != settings.assertion_consumer_service_url #57 58 e 59 #controllo attr InResponseTo, vuoto o diverso da ID request node_response = REXML::XPath.first(document, "/p:Response", { "p" => PROTOCOL}) id_request = node_response.attribute("InResponseTo") attr_in_resp_to = node_subj_conf_data.attribute("InResponseTo") return soft ? false : validation_error("Errore su Asserzione: InResponseTo su SubjectConfirmationData vuoto o diverso da ID request") if attr_in_resp_to.blank? || attr_in_resp_to.to_s != id_request.to_s #57 58 e 59 #controllo attr NotOnOrAfter se vuoto o non presente #63 64 attr_not_on_or_after = node_subj_conf_data.attribute("NotOnOrAfter") return soft ? false : validation_error("Errore su Asserzione: NotOnOrAfter su SubjectConfirmationData mancante") if attr_not_on_or_after.blank? else return soft ? false : validation_error("Errore su Asserzione: SubjectConfirmationData non presente") end else return soft ? false : validation_error("Errore su Asserzione: SubjectConfirmation non presente") end #Controlli su Conditions node_conditions = xpath_first_from_signed_assertion('/a:Conditions') unless node_conditions.blank? attr_not_before = node_conditions.attribute("NotBefore") return soft ? false : validation_error("Errore su Asserzione: Recipient su SubjectConfirmationData vuoto") if attr_not_before.blank? #75 76 #83 84. Assertion - Elemento AudienceRestriction di Condition mancante node_conditions_audience_restrictions = xpath_first_from_signed_assertion('/a:Conditions/a:AudienceRestriction') return soft ? false : validation_error("Errore su Asserzione: AudienceRestriction su Conditions vuoto") if node_conditions_audience_restrictions.blank? #83 84 #85 86 87. Assertion - Elemento Audience di AudienceRestriction mancante node_conditions_audience_restrictions_audience = xpath_first_from_signed_assertion('/a:Conditions/a:AudienceRestriction/a:Audience') #Spider.logger.error "\n\n node_conditions_audience_restrictions_audience #{node_conditions_audience_restrictions_audience}" #Spider.logger.error "\n\n settings.issuer #{settings.issuer}" return soft ? false : validation_error("Errore su Asserzione: Audience su AudienceRestriction vuoto") if node_conditions_audience_restrictions_audience.blank? || node_conditions_audience_restrictions_audience.text != settings.issuer #83 84 else return soft ? false : validation_error("Errore su Asserzione: Conditions non presente") end node_auth_stat_context_class_ref = xpath_first_from_signed_assertion('/a:AuthnStatement/a:AuthnContext/a:AuthnContextClassRef') #Spider.logger.error "\n\n node_auth_stat_context_class_ref #{node_auth_stat_context_class_ref.text}" unless settings.no_valid_agid return soft ? false : validation_error("Errore su Asserzione: AuthnContextClassRef di AuthnContext su AuthnStatement vuoto o non L2") if node_auth_stat_context_class_ref.blank? || ( (node_auth_stat_context_class_ref.text != '') && (node_auth_stat_context_class_ref.text != '')) end node_attr_stmt_attribute_value = xpath_first_from_signed_assertion("/a:AttributeStatement/a:Attribute/a:AttributeValue") #Elemento AttributeStatement presente, ma sottoelemento Attribute non specificato, caso 99 return soft ? false : validation_error("Errore su Asserzione: AttributeValue di Attribute su AttributeStatement vuoto") if node_attr_stmt_attribute_value.blank? else return soft ? false : validation_error("Errore su Asserzione: non presente") end true end def validate_name_format_attributes(soft=true) unless attributes.blank? return false if @attr_name_format.blank? || (@attr_name_format.length != (attributes.length / 2)) end true end def get_fingerprint idp_metadata = if settings.idp_cert #controllo se ho n certificati if settings.idp_cert.length > 1 array_fingerprint = [] settings.idp_cert.each{|cert_metadata_ipd| cert_text = Base64.decode64(cert_metadata_ipd) cert = array_fingerprint << Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(cert.to_der).upcase.scan(/../).join(":") } return array_fingerprint else cert_text = Base64.decode64(settings.idp_cert[0]) cert = return [Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(cert.to_der).upcase.scan(/../).join(":")] end else return [settings.idp_cert_fingerprint] end end def validate_conditions(soft = true) return true if conditions.nil? return true if options[:skip_conditions] if not_before = parse_time(conditions, "NotBefore") if < not_before return soft ? false : validation_error("Current time is earlier than NotBefore condition") end end if not_on_or_after = parse_time(conditions, "NotOnOrAfter") if >= not_on_or_after return soft ? false : validation_error("Current time is on or after NotOnOrAfter condition") end end true end def parse_time(node, attribute) if node && node.attributes[attribute] Time.parse(node.attributes[attribute]) end end # Extracts all the appearances that matchs the subelt (pattern) # Search on any Assertion that is signed, or has a Response parent signed # @param subelt [String] The XPath pattern # @return [Array of REXML::Element] Return all matches # def xpath_from_signed_assertion(subelt=nil) doc = decrypted_document.nil? ? document : decrypted_document node = REXML::XPath.match( doc, "/p:Response/a:Assertion[@ID=$id]#{subelt}", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }, { 'id' => doc.signed_element_id } ) node.concat( REXML::XPath.match( doc, "/p:Response[@ID=$id]/a:Assertion#{subelt}", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }, { 'id' => doc.signed_element_id } )) end # Extracts the first appearance that matchs the subelt (pattern) # Search on any Assertion that is signed, or has a Response parent signed # @param subelt [String] The XPath pattern # @return [REXML::Element | nil] If any matches, return the Element # def xpath_first_from_signed_assertion(subelt=nil) doc = decrypted_document.nil? ? document : decrypted_document node = REXML::XPath.first( doc, "/p:Response/a:Assertion[@ID=$id]#{subelt}", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }, { 'id' => doc.signed_element_id } ) node ||= REXML::XPath.first( doc, "/p:Response[@ID=$id]/a:Assertion#{subelt}", { "p" => PROTOCOL, "a" => ASSERTION }, { 'id' => doc.signed_element_id } ) node end end #chiudo classe end end