/* * Author: Yasunobu Chiba * * Copyright (C) 2012 NEC Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include "bool.h" #include "checks.h" #include "log.h" #include "management_interface.h" #include "management_service_interface.h" #include "trema.h" // FIXME: don't include trema.h here (move get_trema_name() to trema_private.c) #include "trema_private.h" #include "trema_wrapper.h" #include "wrapper.h" static bool initialized = false; static management_application_request_handler application_callback = NULL; static void *application_user_data = NULL; static void handle_echo_request( const messenger_context_handle *handle, management_echo_request *request ) { assert( handle != NULL ); assert( request != NULL ); assert( ntohs( request->header.type ) == MANAGEMENT_ECHO_REQUEST ); assert( ntohl( request->header.length ) == sizeof( management_echo_request ) ); debug( "Handling an echo request from %s ( sent_at = %u.%09u ).", handle->service_name, ntohl( request->sent_at.tv_sec ), ntohl( request->sent_at.tv_nsec ) ); bool ret = true; management_echo_reply reply; memset( &reply, 0, sizeof( management_echo_reply ) ); reply.header.type = htons( MANAGEMENT_ECHO_REPLY ); reply.header.length = htonl( sizeof( management_echo_reply ) ); reply.sent_at = request->sent_at; struct timespec now = { 0, 0 }; int retval = clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &now ); if ( retval < 0 ) { error( "Failed to retrieve clock." ); ret = false; } reply.received_at.tv_sec = htonl( ( uint32_t ) now.tv_sec ); reply.received_at.tv_nsec = htonl( ( uint32_t ) now.tv_nsec ); reply.header.status = ( uint8_t ) ( ret == true ? MANAGEMENT_REQUEST_SUCCEEDED : MANAGEMENT_REQUEST_FAILED ); ret = send_reply_message( handle, MESSENGER_MANAGEMENT_REPLY, &reply, sizeof( management_echo_reply ) ); if ( ret == false ) { error( "Failed to send an echo reply." ); } } static void handle_set_logging_level_request( const messenger_context_handle *handle, management_set_logging_level_request *request ) { assert( handle != NULL ); assert( request != NULL ); assert( ntohs( request->header.type ) == MANAGEMENT_SET_LOGGING_LEVEL_REQUEST ); assert( ntohl( request->header.length ) == sizeof( management_set_logging_level_request ) ); request->level[ LOGGING_LEVEL_STR_LENGTH - 1 ] = '\0'; debug( "Handling a set logging level request from %s ( level = %s ).", handle->service_name, request->level ); management_set_logging_level_reply reply; memset( &reply, 0, sizeof( management_set_logging_level_reply ) ); reply.header.type = htons( MANAGEMENT_SET_LOGGING_LEVEL_REPLY ); reply.header.length = htonl( sizeof( management_set_logging_level_reply ) ); bool ret = valid_logging_level( request->level ); if ( ret ) { ret = set_logging_level( request->level ); } if ( ret ) { reply.header.status = MANAGEMENT_REQUEST_SUCCEEDED; } else { reply.header.status = MANAGEMENT_REQUEST_FAILED; } ret = send_reply_message( handle, MESSENGER_MANAGEMENT_REPLY, &reply, sizeof( management_set_logging_level_reply ) ); if ( ret == false ) { error( "Failed to send a set logging level reply." ); } } static void append_stat( const char *key, const uint64_t value, void *user_data ) { assert( key != NULL ); assert( user_data != NULL ); list_element **stats = user_data; stat_entry *entry = xmalloc( sizeof( stat_entry ) ); memset( entry, 0, sizeof( stat_entry ) ); memcpy( entry->key, key, sizeof( entry->key ) ); entry->value = htonll( value ); append_to_tail( stats, entry ); } static void handle_show_stats_request( const messenger_context_handle *handle, management_show_stats_request *request ) { assert( handle != NULL ); assert( request != NULL ); assert( ntohs( request->header.type ) == MANAGEMENT_SHOW_STATS_REQUEST ); assert( ntohl( request->header.length ) == sizeof( management_show_stats_request ) ); debug( "Handling a show stats request from %s.", handle->service_name ); list_element *stats = NULL; create_list( &stats ); foreach_stat( append_stat, &stats ); unsigned int n_stats = list_length_of( stats ); const size_t send_queue_length = 400000; // MESSENGER_RECV_BUFFER * 4 const size_t send_queue_margin = 256; // headroom for various headers unsigned int n_max_entries = ( unsigned int ) ( send_queue_length - send_queue_margin ) / sizeof( stat_entry ); management_show_stats_reply *reply = NULL; size_t length = 0; if ( n_stats <= n_max_entries ) { length = offsetof( management_show_stats_reply, entries ) + sizeof( stat_entry ) * n_stats; reply = xmalloc( length ); memset( reply, 0, length ); reply->header.type = htons( MANAGEMENT_SHOW_STATS_REPLY ); reply->header.length = htonl( ( uint32_t ) length ); reply->header.status = MANAGEMENT_REQUEST_SUCCEEDED; stat_entry *p = reply->entries; for ( list_element *e = stats; e != NULL; e = e->next ) { assert( e->data != NULL ); memcpy( p, e->data, sizeof( stat_entry ) ); p++; } } else { // TODO: Send statistics via out-of-band channel or by multiple replies. error( "Too many statistic entries ( %u > %u ).", n_stats, n_max_entries ); length = offsetof( management_show_stats_reply, entries ); reply = xmalloc( length ); memset( reply, 0, length ); reply->header.type = htons( MANAGEMENT_SHOW_STATS_REPLY ); reply->header.length = htonl( ( uint32_t ) length ); reply->header.status = MANAGEMENT_REQUEST_FAILED; } if ( stats != NULL ) { for ( list_element *e = stats; e != NULL; e = e->next ) { assert( e->data != NULL ); xfree( e->data ); } delete_list( stats ); } bool ret = send_reply_message( handle, MESSENGER_MANAGEMENT_REPLY, reply, length ); if ( ret == false ) { error( "Failed to send a show stats reply." ); } xfree( reply ); } void _set_management_application_request_handler( management_application_request_handler callback, void *user_data ) { application_callback = callback; application_user_data = user_data; } static void handle_application_request( const messenger_context_handle *handle, management_application_request *request ) { assert( handle != NULL ); assert( request != NULL ); assert( ntohs( request->header.type ) == MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_REQUEST ); assert( ntohl( request->header.length ) >= offsetof( management_application_request, data ) ); debug( "Handling an application specific management request from %s ( application_id = %#x ).", handle->service_name, request->application_id ); if ( application_callback != NULL ) { size_t length = ( size_t ) ntohl( request->header.length ) - offsetof( management_application_request, data ); void *data = NULL; if ( length > 0 ) { data = request->data; } application_callback( handle, ntohl( request->application_id ), data, length, application_user_data ); } else { management_application_reply *reply = create_management_application_reply( MANAGEMENT_REQUEST_FAILED, ntohl( request->application_id ), NULL, 0 ); send_management_application_reply( handle, reply ); xfree( reply ); } } static void handle_management_request( const messenger_context_handle *handle, void *data, size_t length ) { assert( handle != NULL ); assert( data != NULL ); assert( length >= sizeof( management_request_header ) ); management_request_header *header = data; assert( length == ( size_t ) ntohl( header->length ) ); switch ( ntohs( header->type ) ) { case MANAGEMENT_ECHO_REQUEST: { if ( length != sizeof( management_echo_request ) ) { error( "Invalid echo request ( length = %zu ).", length ); return; } handle_echo_request( handle, data ); } break; case MANAGEMENT_SET_LOGGING_LEVEL_REQUEST: { if ( length != sizeof( management_set_logging_level_request ) ) { error( "Invalid set logging level request ( length = %zu ).", length ); return; } handle_set_logging_level_request( handle, data ); } break; case MANAGEMENT_SHOW_STATS_REQUEST: { if ( length != sizeof( management_show_stats_request ) ) { error( "Invalid show stats request ( length = %zu ).", length ); return; } handle_show_stats_request( handle, data ); } break; case MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_REQUEST: { if ( length < offsetof( management_application_request, data ) ) { error( "Invalid application specific management request ( length = %zu ).", length ); return; } handle_application_request( handle, data ); } break; default: { error( "Undefined management request type ( type = %#x ).", header->type ); } break; } } static void handle_request( const messenger_context_handle *handle, uint16_t tag, void *data, size_t length ) { assert( handle != NULL ); debug( "Handling a request ( handle = %p, tag = %#x, data = %p, length = %zu ).", handle, tag, data, length ); switch ( tag ) { case MESSENGER_MANAGEMENT_REQUEST: { if ( length < sizeof( management_request_header ) ) { error( "Invalid management request. Too short message ( length = %zu ).", length ); return; } handle_management_request( handle, data, length ); } break; default: { warn( "Undefined request tag ( tag = %#x ).", tag ); } break; } } bool init_management_interface() { if ( initialized ) { error( "Management interface is already initialized." ); return false; } add_message_requested_callback( get_management_service_name( get_trema_name() ), handle_request ); initialized = true; debug( "Management interface is initialized ( trema_name = %s, service_name = %s ).", get_trema_name(), get_management_service_name( get_trema_name() ) ); return true; } bool finalize_management_interface() { if ( !initialized ) { error( "Management interface is not initialized yet or already finalized." ); return false; } delete_message_requested_callback( get_management_service_name( get_trema_name() ), handle_request ); initialized = false; debug( "Management interface is finalized ( trema_name = %s ).", get_trema_name() ); return true; } bool * _get_management_interface_initialized() { return &initialized; } /* * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 2 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: */