* UI development toolkit for HTML5 (OpenUI5)
* (c) Copyright 2009-2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt.
) {
"use strict";
* Constructor for a new RangeSlider
* @param {string} [sId] ID for the new control, generated automatically if no ID is given
* @param {object} [mSettings] Initial settings for the new control
* @class
* Represents a numerical interval and two handles to select a sub-range within it.
and max
) it will be changed to be in the valid range.
* If it is smaller than value
it will be set to the same value.
value2: {type: "float", group: "Data", defaultValue: 100},
* Determines the currently selected range on the slider.
* If the value is lower/higher than the allowed minimum/maximum, a warning message will be output to the console.
range: {type: "float[]", group: "Data", defaultValue: [0,100]}
designtime: "sap/m/designtime/RangeSlider.designtime"
RangeSlider.prototype.init = function () {
var oStartLabel, oEndLabel, oRangeLabel;
Slider.prototype.init.call(this, arguments);
// Do not execute "_adjustRangeValue" before all initial setters are finished.
// As max, min, range, value and value2 are dependent on each other,
// we should be sure that at the first run they are set properly and then to be validated.
this._bInitialRangeChecks = true;
this._bRTL = sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getRTL();
// the initial focus range which should be used
this._aInitialFocusRange = this.getRange();
this._oResourceBundle = sap.ui.getCore().getLibraryResourceBundle('sap.m');
this._ariaUpdateDelay = [];
oStartLabel = new InvisibleText({
text: this._oResourceBundle.getText("RANGE_SLIDER_LEFT_HANDLE")
oEndLabel = new InvisibleText({
text: this._oResourceBundle.getText("RANGE_SLIDER_RIGHT_HANDLE")
oRangeLabel = new InvisibleText({
text: this._oResourceBundle.getText("RANGE_SLIDER_RANGE_HANDLE")
// clear Slider's tooltip
this.destroyAggregation("_handlesLabels", true);
this.addAggregation("_handlesLabels", oStartLabel);
this.addAggregation("_handlesLabels", oEndLabel);
this.addAggregation("_handlesLabels", oRangeLabel);
this._mHandleTooltip = {
start: {
handle: null, // Handle is provided by the renderer, available onAfterRendering
tooltip: null,
label: oStartLabel
end: {
handle: null, // Handle is provided by the renderer, available onAfterRendering
tooltip: null,
label: oEndLabel
RangeSlider.prototype.exit = function () {
this._oResourceBundle = null;
this._aInitialFocusRange = null;
this._liveChangeLastValue = null;
this._mHandleTooltip.start.handle = null;
this._mHandleTooltip.start.tooltip = null;
this._mHandleTooltip.start.label = null;
this._mHandleTooltip.end.handle = null;
this._mHandleTooltip.end.tooltip = null;
this._mHandleTooltip.end.label = null;
this._ariaUpdateDelay = null;
RangeSlider.prototype.onBeforeRendering = function () {
var aRange = this.getRange();
if (this.getShowAdvancedTooltip()) {
this.initAndSyncTooltips(["leftTooltip", "rightTooltip"]);
// At this point it's certain that all setters are executed and values of
// min, max, value, value2 and range are set properly and are not using the Default values.
// It's important however to keep the slider values within the boundaries defined by min and max.
// Executing once again the range setter would adjust values accordingly. It should not matter if we do:
// this.setRange(aRange) OR this.setValue(fValue) && this.setValue2(fValue2).
// Note: this.getRange() is intended to have the same value as [this.getValue(), this.getValue2()]
this._bInitialRangeChecks = false;
// We need the decimal precision in order to be able to set the correct values.
// It is well known that JavaScript has issues with handling floating point values.
// E.g. 0.0001 + 0.0002 = 0.00029999999999999998
this._iDecimalPrecision = this.getDecimalPrecisionOfNumber(this.getStep());
// set the correct scale aggregation, if needed
RangeSlider.prototype.onAfterRendering = function () {
Slider.prototype.onAfterRendering.apply(this, arguments);
var aRange = this.getRange();
this._mHandleTooltip.start.handle = this.getDomRef("handle1");
this._mHandleTooltip.end.handle = this.getDomRef("handle2");
// Setting the handles to the Start and the End points of the provided or the default range
this._updateHandle(this._mHandleTooltip.start.handle, aRange[0]);
this._updateHandle(this._mHandleTooltip.end.handle, aRange[1]);
//Swap tooltips so when range is with reversed values e.g. [12, 1]
//to have properly updated tooltips
if (this.getShowAdvancedTooltip() && (aRange[0] > aRange[1])) {
RangeSlider.prototype._storeTooltipsMetadata = function () {
var aTooltips = this.getUsedTooltips();
// Attach tooltips
if (!this._mHandleTooltip.start.tooltip) {
this._mHandleTooltip.start.tooltip = aTooltips[0];
if (!this._mHandleTooltip.end.tooltip) {
this._mHandleTooltip.end.tooltip = aTooltips[1];
this._mHandleTooltip.bTooltipsSwapped = false; // Reset tooltips swapping
* Recalculates the progress range and updates the progress indicator styles.
* @private
RangeSlider.prototype._recalculateRange = function () {
var aHandlesLeftOffset, sStart, sEnd, oProgressIndicator,
sSide = this._bRTL ? "right" : "left";
aHandlesLeftOffset = [
sStart = Math.min.apply(Math, aHandlesLeftOffset) + "%";
sEnd = (100 - Math.max.apply(Math, aHandlesLeftOffset)) + "%";
oProgressIndicator = this.getDomRef("progress");
if (this._bRTL) {
oProgressIndicator.style.left = sEnd;
oProgressIndicator.style.right = sStart;
} else {
oProgressIndicator.style.left = sStart;
oProgressIndicator.style.right = sEnd;
* Gets the closest to the oEvent x coordinate handle dom element.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object
* @returns {HTMLElement} The handle, from which the event comes from.
* @private
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype.getClosestHandleDomRef = function (oEvent) {
var oHandle1 = this._mHandleTooltip.start.handle,
oHandle2 = this._mHandleTooltip.end.handle,
fPageXCalc = Math.abs(oEvent.pageX - oHandle1.offsetLeft - this._fSliderPaddingLeft - this._fSliderOffsetLeft),
fClientXCalc = Math.abs(oEvent.clientX - oHandle2.offsetLeft - this._fSliderPaddingLeft - this._fSliderOffsetLeft);
return fPageXCalc > fClientXCalc ? oHandle2 : oHandle1;
RangeSlider.prototype._getIndexOfHandle = function (oHandle) {
if (oHandle && oHandle.getAttribute && oHandle.getAttribute("data-range-val") === "start") {
return 0;
} else if (oHandle && oHandle.getAttribute && oHandle.getAttribute("data-range-val") === "end") {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
* Gets a handle corresponding to a tooltip
* @param {sap.m.SliderTooltipBase} oTooltip Slider/Range slider tooltip
* @sap-restricted sap.m.SliderTooltipContainer.js
* @returns {HTMLElement} The handle, from which the tooltip is responsible.
* @private
RangeSlider.prototype._getHandleForTooltip = function (oTooltip) {
var oHandle = oTooltip === this._mHandleTooltip.start.tooltip ?
this._mHandleTooltip.start.handle : this._mHandleTooltip.end.handle;
return oHandle;
* Updates the handle with the given new value and recalculates the progress indicator
* @param {HTMLElement} oHandle The handle that should be updated
* @param {float} fValue The new value of the handle
* @private
RangeSlider.prototype._updateHandle = function (oHandle, fValue) {
var oTooltip = (this._mHandleTooltip.start.handle === oHandle) ?
this._mHandleTooltip.start.tooltip : this._mHandleTooltip.end.tooltip,
aRange = this.getRange(),
iIndex = this._getIndexOfHandle(oHandle),
fPercentVal = this._getPercentOfValue(fValue);
aRange[iIndex] = fValue;
this._updateHandleDom(oHandle, aRange, iIndex, fValue, fPercentVal);
if (this.getShowAdvancedTooltip()) {
this._updateTooltipContent(oTooltip, fValue);
RangeSlider.prototype._updateHandleDom = function (oHandle, aRange, iIndex, sValue, fPercentVal) {
var bMergedRanges,
sCssClass = this.getRenderer().CSS_CLASS,
oFormInput = this.getDomRef("input");
if (!!this.getName()) {
oFormInput.setAttribute(oHandle.getAttribute("data-range-val"), this.toFixed(aRange[iIndex], this._iDecimalPrecision));
oFormInput.setAttribute("value", this.getValue());
if (this._bRTL) {
oHandle.style.right = fPercentVal + "%";
} else {
oHandle.style.left = fPercentVal + "%";
if (this.getShowHandleTooltip() && !this.getShowAdvancedTooltip()) {
oHandle.title = this._formatValueByCustomElement(sValue);
bMergedRanges = aRange[0] === aRange[1];
this.$("handle1").toggleClass(sCssClass + "HandleOverlap", bMergedRanges);
this.$("handle2").toggleClass(sCssClass + "HandleOverlap", bMergedRanges);
// ARIA updates. Delay the update to prevent multiple updates- for example holding the arrow key.
// We need only the latest state
this._ariaUpdateDelay[iIndex] = setTimeout(this["_updateHandleAria"].bind(this, oHandle, sValue), 100);
RangeSlider.prototype._updateHandleAria = function (oHandle, sValue) {
var aRange = this.getRange(),
oProgressHandle = this.getDomRef("progress"),
fNormalizedValue = this.toFixed(sValue, this._iDecimalPrecision),
sScaleLabel = this._formatValueByCustomElement(fNormalizedValue);
aRange[0] = this.toFixed(aRange[0], this._iDecimalPrecision);
aRange[1] = this.toFixed(aRange[1], this._iDecimalPrecision);
this._updateHandleAriaAttributeValues(oHandle, sValue, sScaleLabel);
if (oProgressHandle) {
oProgressHandle.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", aRange.join("-"));
this._oResourceBundle.getText('RANGE_SLIDER_RANGE_ANNOUNCEMENT', aRange.map(this._formatValueByCustomElement, this)));
* Updates handles' ARIA Labels.
* When handles are swapped, the corresponding labels should be swapped too. So the state would be always acurate
* @private
RangeSlider.prototype._updateHandlesAriaLabels = function () {
var aRange = this.getRange(),
oTempLabel = this._mHandleTooltip.start.label;
if ((aRange[0] > aRange[1] && !this._mHandleTooltip.bAriaHandlesSwapped) ||
(aRange[0] < aRange[1] && this._mHandleTooltip.bAriaHandlesSwapped)) {
this._mHandleTooltip.start.label = this._mHandleTooltip.end.label;
this._mHandleTooltip.end.label = oTempLabel;
if (this._mHandleTooltip.start.handle) {
this._mHandleTooltip.start.handle.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", this._mHandleTooltip.start.label.getId());
if (this._mHandleTooltip.end.handle) {
this._mHandleTooltip.end.handle.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", this._mHandleTooltip.end.label.getId());
this._mHandleTooltip.bAriaHandlesSwapped = !this._mHandleTooltip.bAriaHandlesSwapped;
* Updates the handle's tooltip value
* @param {Object} oTooltip The tooltip object.
* @param {float} fNewValue The new value
* @private
RangeSlider.prototype._updateTooltipContent = function (oTooltip, fNewValue) {
var sNewValue = this.toFixed(fNewValue, this._iDecimalPrecision);
RangeSlider.prototype._swapTooltips = function (aRange) {
var oTempTooltip = this._mHandleTooltip.start.tooltip;
if ((aRange[0] >= aRange[1] && !this._mHandleTooltip.bTooltipsSwapped) ||
(aRange[0] <= aRange[1] && this._mHandleTooltip.bTooltipsSwapped)) {
this._mHandleTooltip.start.tooltip = this._mHandleTooltip.end.tooltip;
this._mHandleTooltip.end.tooltip = oTempTooltip;
this._updateTooltipContent(this._mHandleTooltip.start.tooltip, aRange[0]);
this._updateTooltipContent(this._mHandleTooltip.end.tooltip, aRange[1]);
// After swapping tooltips, also some accessibility properties should be updated
if (this.getInputsAsTooltips()) {
this._mHandleTooltip.start.handle.setAttribute("aria-controls", this._mHandleTooltip.start.tooltip.getId());
this._mHandleTooltip.end.handle.setAttribute("aria-controls", this._mHandleTooltip.end.tooltip.getId());
this._mHandleTooltip.bTooltipsSwapped = !this._mHandleTooltip.bTooltipsSwapped;
RangeSlider.prototype._adjustTooltipsContainer = function () {
var oTooltipsContainer = this.getAggregation("_tooltipContainer");
if (!oTooltipsContainer.getDomRef()) {
oTooltipsContainer.repositionTooltips(this.getMin(), this.getMax());
* Gets the tooltips that should be shown.
* Returns custom tooltips if provided and more than 1 else default tooltips
* @protected
* @override
* @returns {sap.m.SliderTooltipBase[]} SliderTooltipBase instances.
RangeSlider.prototype.getUsedTooltips = function () {
var aCustomTooltips = this.getCustomTooltips(),
aDefaultTooltips = this.getAggregation("_defaultTooltips") || [];
return aCustomTooltips.length > 1 ? aCustomTooltips : aDefaultTooltips;
* Handles changes in Tooltip Inputs
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object
* @private
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype.handleTooltipChange = function (oEvent) {
this.updateTooltipsPositionAndState(oEvent.getSource(), Number(oEvent.getParameter("value")));
* Updates values of RangeSlider and repositions tooltips.
* @param {string} oTooltip Tooltip to be changed
* @param {float} fValue New value of the RangeSlider
* @sap-restricted sap.m.SliderTooltipBase
* @private
RangeSlider.prototype.updateTooltipsPositionAndState = function (oTooltip, fValue) {
var oHandle, oActiveTooltip,
bTooltipsInitialPositionTouched = this._mHandleTooltip.bTooltipsSwapped;
fValue = this._adjustRangeValue(fValue);
oHandle = this._mHandleTooltip.start.tooltip === oTooltip ?
this._mHandleTooltip.start.handle : this._mHandleTooltip.end.handle;
this._updateHandle(oHandle, fValue);
// When tooltips are swapped, we should put the focus to the corresponding visual representation
if (bTooltipsInitialPositionTouched !== this._mHandleTooltip.bTooltipsSwapped) {
oActiveTooltip = this._mHandleTooltip.start.tooltip !== oTooltip ?
this._mHandleTooltip.start.tooltip : this._mHandleTooltip.end.tooltip;
this._fireChangeAndLiveChange({ range: this.getRange() });
RangeSlider.prototype._updateDOMAfterSetters = function (fValue, aRange, iHandleIndex) {
var fPercentOfValue, oHandle;
if (this.getDomRef()) {
fPercentOfValue = this._getPercentOfValue(fValue);
oHandle = iHandleIndex === 1 ? this._mHandleTooltip.end : this._mHandleTooltip.start;
this._updateHandleDom(oHandle.handle, aRange, iHandleIndex, fValue, fPercentOfValue);
if (this.getShowAdvancedTooltip()) {
this._updateTooltipContent(oHandle.tooltip, fValue);
return true;
return false;
RangeSlider.prototype.setRange = function (aRange) {
aRange = aRange.map(this._adjustRangeValue, this);
if (this._updateDOMAfterSetters(aRange[0], aRange, 0) && this._updateDOMAfterSetters(aRange[1], aRange, 1)) {
return this;
RangeSlider.prototype.setStep = function (fStep) {
//Log warning in case fStep is not valid
//Get the new decimal precision
this._iDecimalPrecision = this.getDecimalPrecisionOfNumber(fStep);
// invalidate as setStep is not called regularly
return this.setProperty("step", fStep);
RangeSlider.prototype.setValue = function (fValue) {
var aRange = this.getRange();
// validate the new value before arithmetic calculations
if (typeof fValue !== "number" || !isFinite(fValue)) {
return this;
fValue = this._adjustRangeValue(fValue);
aRange[0] = fValue;
if (this._updateDOMAfterSetters(aRange[0], aRange, 0)) {
return this;
RangeSlider.prototype.setValue2 = function (fValue) {
var aRange = this.getRange();
fValue = this._adjustRangeValue(fValue);
aRange[1] = fValue;
if (this._updateDOMAfterSetters(aRange[1], aRange, 1)) {
return this;
RangeSlider.prototype._updateRangePropertyDependencies = function (aRange) {
var aRangeCopy = Array.isArray(aRange) ? aRange.slice() : [],
iDecimal = this._iDecimalPrecision ? this._iDecimalPrecision : 0,
fNewValue = Number(aRangeCopy[0].toFixed(iDecimal)),
fNewValue2 = Number(aRangeCopy[1].toFixed(iDecimal));
if (this.getProperty("value") !== fNewValue) {
this.setProperty("value", fNewValue, true);
aRangeCopy[0] = fNewValue;
if (this.getProperty("value2") !== fNewValue2) {
this.setProperty("value2", fNewValue2, true);
aRangeCopy[1] = fNewValue2;
this.setProperty("range", aRangeCopy, true);
* Calculates the value for the handle of the RangeSlider based on the passed raw pageX event coordinates.
* This will be later transformed to % of the total width of the RangeSlider in order for the handle to be
* updated accordingly.
* @param {float} fValue The new raw value of the handle.
* @returns {float} The new calculated value of the handle.
* @private
RangeSlider.prototype._calculateHandlePosition = function (fValue) {
var fMax = this.getMax(),
fMin = this.getMin(),
fNewValue = ((fValue - this._fSliderPaddingLeft - this._fSliderOffsetLeft) / this._fSliderWidth) * (fMax - fMin) + fMin;
// RTL mirror
if (this._bRTL) {
fNewValue = this._convertValueToRtlMode(fNewValue);
return this._adjustRangeValue(fNewValue);
* Checks and adjusts value according to Min and Max properties and checks RTL mode
* @param {float} fValue Value to be checked and adjusted
* @returns {float} Adjusted value
* @private
RangeSlider.prototype._adjustRangeValue = function (fValue) {
var fMax = this.getMax(),
fMin = this.getMin(),
fStep = this.getStep(),
if (this._bInitialRangeChecks) {
return fValue;
fModStepVal = Math.abs((fValue - fMin) % fStep);
if (fModStepVal !== 0 /* division with remainder */) {
// snap the new value to the nearest step
fValue = fModStepVal * 2 >= fStep ? fValue + fStep - fModStepVal : fValue - fModStepVal;
if (fValue < fMin) {
log.warning("Warning: " + "Min value (" + fValue + ") not in the range: ["
+ fMin + "," + fMax + "]", this);
fValue = fMin;
} else if (fValue > fMax) {
log.warning("Warning: " + "Max value (" + fValue + ") not in the range: ["
+ fMin + "," + fMax + "]", this);
fValue = fMax;
return fValue;
* Handle the touchstart event happening on the range slider.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object.
* @private
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype.ontouchstart = function (oEvent) {
var oTouch = oEvent.targetTouches[0],
CSS_CLASS = this.getRenderer().CSS_CLASS,
sEventNamespace = "." + CSS_CLASS, fMinValue, fMaxValue,
fValue, aHandles, aRange, iHandleIndex, fHandlesDistance, oFocusItem,
fTotalNumberOfValues, fPercentOfHandle, fHandleValue, fHandleHalfWidth;
if (!this.getEnabled()) {
// mark the event for components that needs to know if the event was handled
// Should be prevent as in Safari while dragging the handle everything else gets selection.
// As part of the RangeSlider, Inputs in the tooltips should be excluded
if (oEvent.target.className.indexOf("sapMInput") === -1) {
// we need to recalculate the styles since something may have changed
// the screen size between touches.
if (["number", "text"].indexOf(oEvent.target.type) > -1) {
fValue = this._calculateHandlePosition(oTouch.pageX);
aRange = this.getRange();
aHandles = [this._mHandleTooltip.start.handle, this._mHandleTooltip.end.handle];
iHandleIndex = this._getIndexOfHandle(oEvent.target);
fHandlesDistance = aHandles.reduce(function (fAccumulation, oHandle) {
return Math.abs(fAccumulation - oHandle.offsetLeft);
}, 0);
fMinValue = Math.min.apply(Math, aRange);
fMaxValue = Math.max.apply(Math, aRange);
// half width of a handle (both are equal)
fHandleHalfWidth = this.$("handle1").outerWidth() / 2;
// total number of possible values
fTotalNumberOfValues = Math.abs(this.getMin()) + Math.abs(this.getMax());
// percents that half a handle takes from the width of the scale
fPercentOfHandle = ((fHandleHalfWidth * 100) / this.$("inner").outerWidth());
// number of values that takes half a handle
fHandleValue = (fPercentOfHandle / 100) * fTotalNumberOfValues;
// if the click is outside the range or distance between handles is below the threshold - update the closest slider handle
if (fValue < fMinValue ||
fValue < fMinValue + fHandleValue ||
fValue > fMaxValue ||
fValue > (fMaxValue - fHandleValue) ||
fHandlesDistance <= SliderUtilities.CONSTANTS.RANGE_MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD) {
aHandles = [this.getClosestHandleDomRef(oTouch)];
this._updateHandle(aHandles[0], fValue);
// _updateHandle would update the range and the check for change event fire would fail in _ontouchend
this._fireChangeAndLiveChange({range: this.getRange()});
} else if (iHandleIndex !== -1) { // Determine if the press event is on certain handle
aHandles = [this.getDomRef(iHandleIndex === 0 ? "handle1" : "handle2")];
// registers event listeners
.on("touchend" + sEventNamespace + " touchcancel" + sEventNamespace + " mouseup" + sEventNamespace,
this._ontouchend.bind(this, aHandles))
.on("touchmove" + sEventNamespace + (oEvent.originalEvent.type !== "touchstart" ? " mousemove" + sEventNamespace : ""),
this._ontouchmove.bind(this, fValue, this.getRange(), aHandles));
// adds pressed state
aHandles.map(function (oHandle) {
if (oHandle.className.indexOf(CSS_CLASS + "HandlePressed") === -1) {
oHandle.className += " " + CSS_CLASS + "HandlePressed";
oFocusItem = aHandles.length === 1 ? aHandles[0] : this.getDomRef("progress");
setTimeout(oFocusItem["focus"].bind(oFocusItem), 0);
* Handle the touchmove event happening on the slider.
* @param {Int} [fInitialPointerPosition] Mouse pointer's initial position
* @param {Int} [aInitialRange] Initial range array
* @param {HTMLElement} [aHandles] The handle that should be updated
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object.
* @private
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype._ontouchmove = function (fInitialPointerPosition, aInitialRange, aHandles, oEvent) {
var fOffset, bRangesEquality, bRangeInBoudaries, bRangeOnBoudaries,
iPageX = oEvent.targetTouches ? oEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX : oEvent.pageX,
fMax = this.getMax(),
fMin = this.getMin(),
aRange = [],
aRangeTemp = [];
// note: prevent native document scrolling
// mark the event for components that needs to know if the event was handled
// suppress the emulated mouse event from touch interfaces
if (oEvent.isMarked("delayedMouseEvent") || !this.getEnabled() ||
// detect which mouse button caused the event and only process the standard click
// (this is usually the left button, oEvent.button === 0 for standard click)
// note: if the current event is a touch event oEvent.button property will be not defined
oEvent.button) {
//calculation of the new range based on the mouse position
fOffset = this._calculateHandlePosition(iPageX) - fInitialPointerPosition;
for (var i = 0; i < aInitialRange.length; i++) {
aRange[i] = aInitialRange[i] + fOffset;
aRangeTemp = this._getNormalizedRange(this.getRange(), aInitialRange, aHandles);
//check if the current range is equal to the new one
bRangesEquality = aRange.every(function (fValue, iIndex) {return fValue === aRangeTemp[iIndex];});
bRangeInBoudaries = aRange.every(function (fValue) {return (fValue >= fMin && fValue <= fMax );});
bRangeOnBoudaries = aRangeTemp.indexOf(fMin) > -1 || aRangeTemp.indexOf(fMax) > -1;
if (!bRangesEquality) {
//check the need to update the handle depending of number of the selected handles and the handles position
if ((aHandles.length === 1) || bRangeInBoudaries || !bRangeOnBoudaries) {
aHandles.map(function (oHandle) {this._updateHandle(oHandle, aInitialRange[this._getIndexOfHandle(oHandle)] + fOffset);}, this);
// adjust container if advanced tooltips have to be shown
this.getShowAdvancedTooltip() && this._adjustTooltipsContainer();
aRangeTemp = this._getNormalizedRange(this.getRange(), aInitialRange, aHandles);
* Updates values of the advanced tooltips.
* @param {string} sNewValue The new value
* @protected
RangeSlider.prototype.updateAdvancedTooltipDom = function () {
this.getAggregation("_tooltipContainer").repositionTooltips(this.getMin(), this.getMax());
RangeSlider.prototype._triggerLiveChange = function () {
var bFireLiveChange,
aRange = this.getRange();
this._liveChangeLastValue = this._liveChangeLastValue || [];
bFireLiveChange = aRange.some(function (fValue, index) {
return fValue !== this._liveChangeLastValue[index];
}, this);
if (bFireLiveChange) {
this._liveChangeLastValue = aRange.slice(); //Save a copy, not a reference
this.fireLiveChange({range: aRange});
* Get the range normalized in the boundaries.
* @param {Array} aRange range value
* @param {Array} aInitialRange last range values
* @param {HTMLElement} [aHandles] The handles of the slider
* @returns {number} The normalized range
* @private
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype._getNormalizedRange = function (aRange, aInitialRange, aHandles) {
var fMax = this.getMax(),
fMin = this.getMin(),
iSelectedRange = Math.abs(aInitialRange[0] - aInitialRange[1]),
aRangeNormalized = [],
i, iOtherElementIndex;
for (i = 0; i < aRange.length; i++) {
aRangeNormalized[i] = (aRange[i] < fMin ? fMin : aRange[i]);
aRangeNormalized[i] = (aRange[i] > fMax ? fMax : aRangeNormalized[i]);
if (aHandles.length === 2) {
if (aRangeNormalized[0] == fMin) {
aRangeNormalized[1] = aRangeNormalized[0] + iSelectedRange;
} else {
iOtherElementIndex = Math.abs(i - 1);
aRangeNormalized[iOtherElementIndex] = (aRangeNormalized[i] <= fMin ? aRangeNormalized[i] + iSelectedRange : aRangeNormalized[iOtherElementIndex]);
aRangeNormalized[iOtherElementIndex] = (aRangeNormalized[i] >= fMax ? aRangeNormalized[i] - iSelectedRange : aRangeNormalized[iOtherElementIndex]);
return aRangeNormalized;
* Handle the touchend event happening on the slider.
* @param {HTMLElement} aHandle The handle that should be updated
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object.
* @private
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype._ontouchend = function (aHandle, oEvent) {
var aNewRange = this.getRange(),
sCSSClass = this.getRenderer().CSS_CLASS;
// mark the event for components that needs to know if the event was handled
aHandle && aHandle.map(function (oHandle) {
oHandle.className = oHandle.className.replace(new RegExp(" ?" + sCSSClass + "HandlePressed", "gi"), "");
jQuery(document).off("." + sCSSClass);
if (this._aInitialFocusRange[0] !== aNewRange[0] || this._aInitialFocusRange[1] !== aNewRange[1]) {
this._aInitialFocusRange = Array.prototype.slice.call(aNewRange);
this.fireChange({ range: aNewRange });
if (this.getShowAdvancedTooltip()) {
this._updateTooltipContent(this._mHandleTooltip.start.tooltip, aNewRange[0]);
this._updateTooltipContent(this._mHandleTooltip.end.tooltip, aNewRange[1]);
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object.
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype.onfocusin = function (oEvent) {
var oTooltipsContainer = this.getAggregation("_tooltipContainer");
if (this.getShowAdvancedTooltip()) {
// remember the initial focus range so when esc key is pressed we can return to it
if (!(document.activeElement === this.getFocusDomRef())) {
this._aInitialFocusRange = this.getRange();
RangeSlider.prototype.getFocusDomRef = function() {
return this.getDomRef("progress");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Keyboard handling */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
* Moves handle / entire slider by specified offset
* @param {float} fOffset Default value: 1. Increase or decrease value by provided offset
* @param {HTMLElement} oHandle DOM reference to the handle
* @private
RangeSlider.prototype._updateSliderValues = function (fOffset, oHandle) {
var aRange = this.getRange(),
fMax = this.getMax(),
fMin = this.getMin(),
fRangeMax = Math.max.apply(null, aRange),
fRangeMin = Math.min.apply(null, aRange),
iIndex = this._getIndexOfHandle(oHandle),
iOffsetSign = fOffset < 0 ? -1 : 1,
aHandles = iIndex > -1 ? [oHandle] : [this._mHandleTooltip.start.handle, this._mHandleTooltip.end.handle];
// If this is a single handle, both values should be equal
if (aHandles.length === 1) {
fRangeMin = fRangeMax = aRange[iIndex];
// Check the boundaries and recalculate the offset if exceeding
if (fRangeMax + fOffset > fMax) {
fOffset = iOffsetSign * (Math.abs(fMax) - Math.abs(fRangeMax));
} else if (fRangeMin + fOffset < fMin) {
fOffset = iOffsetSign * (Math.abs(fRangeMin) - Math.abs(fMin));
aHandles.map(function (oCurHandle) {
this._updateHandle(oCurHandle, aRange[this._getIndexOfHandle(oCurHandle)] + fOffset);
}, this);
RangeSlider.prototype.onkeydown = function (oEvent) {
var bFocusableTooltip = this.getInputsAsTooltips(),
bShowAdvancedTooltips = this.getShowAdvancedTooltip(),
bF2Pressed = oEvent.keyCode === SliderUtilities.CONSTANTS.F2_KEYCODE,
bStartTooltipFocused = (oEvent.target === this._mHandleTooltip.start.handle),
bTargetIsHandle = jQuery(oEvent.target).hasClass(SliderUtilities.CONSTANTS.HANDLE_CLASS);
if (bF2Pressed && bShowAdvancedTooltips && bFocusableTooltip && bTargetIsHandle) {
this._mHandleTooltip[bStartTooltipFocused ? "start" : "end"].tooltip.focus();
* Handles the sapincrease
event when right arrow or up arrow is pressed.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object.
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype.onsapincrease = function (oEvent) {
// note: prevent document scrolling when arrow keys are pressed
// mark the event for components that needs to know if the event was handled
if (this.getEnabled()) {
this._updateSliderValues(this.getStep(), oEvent.target);
this._fireChangeAndLiveChange({range: this.getRange()});
* Handles the onsapplus
event when "+" is pressed.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object.
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype.onsapplus = RangeSlider.prototype.onsapincrease;
* Handles the sapincreasemodifiers
event when Ctrl + right arrow or up arrow are pressed.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object.
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype.onsapincreasemodifiers = function (oEvent) {
if (oEvent.altKey) {
// note: prevent document scrolling when arrow keys are pressed
// mark the event for components that needs to know if the event was handled
if (this.getEnabled()) {
this._updateSliderValues(this._getLongStep(), oEvent.target);
this._fireChangeAndLiveChange({range: this.getRange()});
* Handles the sappageup
event when page up is pressed.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object.
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype.onsappageup = RangeSlider.prototype.onsapincreasemodifiers;
* Handles the sapdecrease
event when left arrow or down arrow are pressed.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object.
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype.onsapdecrease = function (oEvent) {
// note: prevent document scrolling when arrow keys are pressed
// mark the event for components that needs to know if the event was handled
if (this.getEnabled()) {
this._updateSliderValues(-1 * this.getStep(), oEvent.target);
this._fireChangeAndLiveChange({range: this.getRange()});
* Handles the sapminus
event when "-" is pressed.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object.
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype.onsapminus = RangeSlider.prototype.onsapdecrease;
* Handles the sapdecreasemodifiers
event when Ctrl + left or Ctrl + down keys are pressed.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object.
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype.onsapdecreasemodifiers = function (oEvent) {
if (oEvent.altKey) {
// note: prevent document scrolling when arrow keys are pressed
// mark the event for components that needs to know if the event was handled
if (this.getEnabled()) {
this._updateSliderValues(-1 * this._getLongStep(), oEvent.target);
this._fireChangeAndLiveChange({range: this.getRange()});
* Handles the sappagedown
event when when page down is pressed.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object.
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype.onsappagedown = RangeSlider.prototype.onsapdecreasemodifiers;
* Handles the saphome
event when home key is pressed.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object.
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype.onsaphome = function (oEvent) {
var iHandleIndex = 0,
fRangeValue, oHandle, fMin;
// mark the event for components that needs to know if the event was handled
// note: prevent document scrolling when Home key is pressed
iHandleIndex = this._getIndexOfHandle(oEvent.target);
fRangeValue = this.getRange()[iHandleIndex];
fMin = this.getMin();
if (this.getEnabled() && (fRangeValue !== fMin)) {
oHandle = (iHandleIndex === 1 ? this._mHandleTooltip.end : this._mHandleTooltip.start);
this._updateHandle(oHandle.handle, fMin);
this._fireChangeAndLiveChange({range: this.getRange()});
* Handles the sapend
event when the End key pressed.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object.
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype.onsapend = function (oEvent) {
// mark the event for components that needs to know if the event was handled
// note: prevent document scrolling when End key is pressed
if (this.getEnabled()) {
this._updateSliderValues(this.getMax(), oEvent.target);
this._fireChangeAndLiveChange({range: this.getRange()});
* Handles the sapescape
event when escape key is pressed.
* @override
RangeSlider.prototype.onsapescape = function () {
// reset the slider back to the value
// which it had when it got the focus
this._fireChangeAndLiveChange({range: this.getRange()});
return RangeSlider;