Feature: pages that show details for features
When I run `cucumber fixtures --profile fixture`
Scenario: Generate the pages
Then the following files should exist:
| results/basic.html |
| results/advanced.html |
Scenario: Generating the basic html page from the erb
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC"
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain ""
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Feature Results"
Scenario: Including an image / logo
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Average Duration"
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Scenarios"
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Steps"
Scenario: It should capture scenario and step statuses
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Passed"
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Failed"
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Pending"
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Undefined"
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "Skipped"
Scenario: It should display scenario names
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "A passing scenario"
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "A scenario outline"
And the file "results/background.html" should contain "Another passing scenario"
Scenario: It should display scenario steps
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "it should say hello"
And the file "results/background.html" should contain "it should say hello"
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "I am using a scenario outline"
Scenario: It should display the step and data for scenario outline steps
Then the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "I use aaa"
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "I use bbb"
Scenario: It should display descriptions for features
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "As a stakeholder"
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "I want to see some details about this feature"
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "So that I have some idea why this test matters"
Scenario: It should display a nested table
Then the file "results/advanced.html" should contain " | key1 | "
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "key2 | "
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "key3 | "
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "value1 | "
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "value2 | "
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "value3 | "
Scenario: It should display the multi-line argument
Then the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "Hello with"
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "more than one"
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "line in a string"
Scenario: It should display errors for features
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError"
And the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError"
And the file "results/failing_background.html" should contain "RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError"
Scenario: It should display error message with a yellow background and red text
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError"
And the background of the error message row should be "rgba(249, 231, 8, 1)"
And the text of the of the error message row should be "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"
Scenario: Embedding an image into the page
Then the file "results/basic.html" should contain "
And the file "results/basic.html" should contain "AutoTrader"
Scenario: Displaying a background
Then the file "results/background.html" should contain "Background: A scenario can have a background"
And the file "results/background.html" should contain "When Cucumber puts"
Scenario: Feature pages should have a link back to the report summary
Then the file "results/advanced.html" should contain "