module Bergamasco module Pandoc # Options understood by pandoc, taken from # Ignore all other options passed to pandoc, unless overriden. AVAILABLE_OPTIONS = %w(from read to write output data-dir strict parse-raw smart old-dashes base-header-level indented-code-classes filter normalize preserve-tabs tab-stop track-changes file-scope extract-media standalone template metadata variable print-default-template print-default-data-file no-wrap wrap columns toc table-of-contents toc-depth no-highlight highlight-style include-in-header include-before-body include-after-body self-contained offline html5 html-q-tags ascii reference-links reference-location atx-headers chapters top-level-division number-sections number-offsetS no-tex-ligatures listings incremental slide-level section-divs default-image-extension email-obfuscation id-prefix title-prefix css reference-odt reference-docx epub-stylesheet epub-cover-image epub-metadata epub-embed-font epub-chapter-level latex-engine latex-engine-opt bibliography csl citation-abbreviations natbib biblatex latexmathml asciimathml mathml mimetex webtex jsmath mathjax katex katex-stylesheet gladtex trace dump-args ignore-args verbose bash-completion list-input-formats list-output-formats list-extensions list-highlight-languages list-highlight-styles) ALIAS_OPTIONS = %w(f r t w o R S F p s M V D H B A 5 N i T c m) ALLOWED_OPTIONS = AVAILABLE_OPTIONS + ALIAS_OPTIONS def self.convert(text, options={}) options = { |k, v| ALLOWED_OPTIONS.include?(k.to_s.gsub('_', '-')) }.to_h options[:from] ||= :markdown options[:to] ||= :html PandocRuby.convert(text, options) rescue Errno::ENOENT puts "Pandoc is not installed" end def self.convert_to_jats(text, options={}) options = options.merge(template: "templates/default.jats", to: "lib/bergamasco/jats.lua", csl: "lib/bergamasco/jats.csl") options = options.merge(metadata: options[:metadata]) if options[:metadata].present? convert(text, options) end def self.write_jats(input_path, output_path, options={}) file = xml = convert_to_jats(file, options) IO.write(output_path, xml) output_path end def self.write_bibliograpy_to_yaml(bib_path, yaml_path) yaml = `pandoc-citeproc --bib2yaml #{bib_path} 2>&1` return nil if $?.exitstatus > 0 IO.write(yaml_path, yaml) SafeYAML.load(yaml) end end end