module Extface class Driver::Datecs::Fp550 < Extface::Driver::Base::Fiscal NAME = 'Datecs FP550 (Serial)'.freeze RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 3 #seconds INVALID_FRAME_RETRIES = 6 #count (bad length, bad checksum) ACKS_MAX_WAIT = 60 #count / nothing is forever NAKS_MAX_COUNT = 3 #count include Extface::Driver::Datecs::CommandsV1 def handle(buffer) if i = buffer.index(/[\x03\x16\x15]/) # find position of frame possible delimiter rpush buffer[0..i] # this will make data available for #pull(timeout) method return i+1 # return number of bytes processed end end #tests def non_fiscal_test device.session("Non Fiscal Text") do |s| s.notify "Printing Non Fiscal Text" s.open_non_fiscal_doc s.print "********************************" s.print "Extface Print Test".center(32) s.print "********************************" s.fsend Printer::PAPER_MOVE, "1" s.print "Driver: " + "#{self.class::NAME}".truncate(24) s.close_non_fiscal_doc s.notify "Printing finished" end end def fiscal_test sale_and_pay_items_session([ price: 0.01, text1: "Extface Test" ) ]) end #reports def z_report_session device.session("Z Report") do |s| s.notify "Z Report Start" s.fsend Closure::DAY_FIN_REPORT, "0" s.notify "Z Report End" end end def x_report_session device.session("X Report") do |s| s.notify "X Report Start" s.fsend Closure::DAY_FIN_REPORT, "2" s.notify "X Report End" end end #print def open_non_fiscal_doc fsend Sales::START_NON_FISCAL_DOC @print_session = true end def print(text) #up to 38 sybols, TODO check raise "Not in print session" unless @print_session fsend Sales::PRINT_NON_FISCAL_TEXT, text end def close_non_fiscal_doc fsend Sales::END_NON_FISCAL_DOC @print_session = false end def check_status flush #clear receive buffer fsend(Info::GET_STATUS, 'X') # get 6 bytes status errors.empty? end #fiscal def open_fiscal_doc(operator = "1", password = "1") fsend Sales::START_FISCAL_DOC, "#{operator.presence || "1"},#{password.presence || "1"},00001" @fiscal_session = true end def close_fiscal_doc raise "Not in fiscal session" unless @fiscal_session fsend Sales::END_FISCAL_DOC @fiscal_session = false end def add_sale(sale_item) raise "Not in fiscal session" unless @fiscal_session fsend Sales::SALE_AND_SHOW, build_sale_data(sale_item) end def add_comment(text) raise "Not in fiscal session" unless @fiscal_session end def add_payment(value = nil, type_num = nil) raise "Not in fiscal session" unless @fiscal_session payment_data = "".tap() do |data| data << "\t" data << PAYMENT_TYPE_MAP[type_num || 1] data << ("%.2f" % value) unless value.blank? end fsend(Sales::TOTAL, payment_data) end def total_payment raise "Not in fiscal session" unless @fiscal_session fsend(Sales::TOTAL, "\t") end #basket def sale_and_pay_items_session(items = [], operator = "1", password = "1") device.session("Fiscal Doc") do |s| s.notify "Fiscal Doc Start" s.open_fiscal_doc s.notify "Register Sale" items.each do |item| s.add_sale(item) end s.notify "Register Payment" s.total_payment s.notify "Close Fiscal Receipt" s.close_fiscal_doc s.notify "Fiscal Doc End" end end def cancel_doc_session device.session("Doc cancel") do |s| s.notify "Doc Cancel Start" s.fsend Sales::CANCEL_FISCAL_DOC s.paper_cut s.notify "Doc Cancel End" end end #common def fsend(cmd, data = "") #return data or nil packet_data = build_packet(cmd, data) #store packet to be able to re-transmit it with the same sequence number result = false invalid_frames = 0 #counter for bad responses nak_messages = 0 #counter for rejected packets (should re-transmit the packet) push packet_data #send packet ACKS_MAX_WAIT.times do |retries| errors.clear if resp = frecv(RESPONSE_TIMEOUT) if resp.valid? human_status_errors(resp.status) if errors.empty? result = break else raise errors.full_messages.join(',') end else #ack, nak or bad if resp.nak? nak_messages += 1 if nak_messages > NAKS_MAX_COUNT errors.add :base, "#{NAKS_MAX_COUNT} NAKs Received. Abort!" break end elsif !resp.ack? invalid_frames += 1 if nak_messages > INVALID_FRAME_RETRIES errors.add :base, "#{INVALID_FRAME_RETRIES} Broken Packets Received. Abort!" break end end push packet_data unless resp.ack? end end errors.add :base, "#{ACKS_MAX_WAIT} ACKs Received. Abort!" end return result end def frecv(timeout) # return RespFrame or nil if frame_bytes = pull(timeout) return else errors.add :base, "No data received from device" return nil end end def build_packet(cmd, data = "") "".b.tap() do |packet| packet << STX #Preamble. 1 byte long. Value: 01H. packet << 0x20 + 4 + data.length #Number of bytes from <01> preamble (excluded) to <05> (included) plus the fixed offset of 20H packet << sequence_number #Sequence number of the frame. Length : 1 byte. Value: 20H – FFH. packet << cmd #Length: 1 byte. Value: 20H - 7FH. packet << data #Length: 0 - 218 bytes for Host to printer packet << PA1 #Post-amble. Length: 1 byte. Value: 05H. packet << Frame.bcc(packet[1..-1])#Control sum (0000H-FFFFH). Length: 4 bytes. Value of each byte: 30H-3FH packet << ETX #Terminator. Length: 1 byte. Value: 03H. end end def paper_cut device.session('Paper Cut') do |s| s.push build_packet(Printer::PAPER_CUT) end end def human_status_errors(status) #6 bytes status status_0 = status[0].ord errors.add :base, "Fiscal Device General Error" unless (status_0 & 0x20).zero? errors.add :base, "Invalid Command" unless (status_0 & 0x02).zero? errors.add :base, "Date & Time Not Set" unless (status_0 & 0x04).zero? errors.add :base, "Syntax Error" unless (status_0 & 0x02).zero? status_1 = status[1].ord errors.add :base, "Unpermitted Command In This Mode" unless (status_1 & 0x02).zero? errors.add :base, "Field Overflow" unless (status_1 & 0x01).zero? end private def sequence_number @seq ||= 0x1f @seq += 1 @seq = 0x1f if @seq == 0x7f @seq end class Frame include ActiveModel::Validations attr_reader :frame, :len, :seq, :cmd, :data, :status, :bcc validates_presence_of :frame, unless: :unpacked? validate :bcc_validation validate :len_validation def initialize(buffer) if match = buffer.match(/\x01(.{1})(.{1})(.{1})(.*)\x04(.{6})\x05(.{4})\x03/nm) @frame = match.to_a.first @len, @seq, @cmd, @data, @status, @bcc = match.captures else if buffer[/^\x16+$/] # only ACKs @ack = true elsif buffer.index("\x15") @nak = true end end end def ack?; !!@ack; end #should wait, response is yet to come def nak?; !!@nak; end #should retry command with same seq private def unpacked? # is it packed or unpacked message? @ack || @nak end def bcc_validation unless unpacked? || frame.blank? calc_bcc = self.class.bcc frame[1..-6] errors.add(:bcc, I18n.t('errors.messages.invalid')) if bcc != calc_bcc end end def len_validation unless unpacked? || frame.blank? errors.add(:len, I18n.t('errors.messages.invalid')) if frame.nil? || len.ord != (frame[1..-6].length + 0x20) end end class << self def bcc(buffer) sum = 0 buffer.each_byte do |byte| sum += byte end "".tap() do |bcc| 4.times do |halfbyte| bcc.insert 0, (0x30 + ((sum >> (halfbyte*4)) & 0x0f)).chr end end end end end end end