# # Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Author:: Seth Falcon () # Copyright:: Copyright 2009-2016, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" require "tempfile" describe Chef::Knife::DataBagCreate do let(:knife) do k = Chef::Knife::DataBagCreate.new allow(k).to receive(:rest).and_return(rest) allow(k.ui).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout) k end let(:rest) { double("Chef::ServerAPI") } let(:stdout) { StringIO.new } let(:bag_name) { "sudoing_admins" } let(:item_name) { "ME" } let(:secret) { "abc123SECRET" } let(:raw_hash) { { "login_name" => "alphaomega", "id" => item_name } } let(:config) { {} } before do Chef::Config[:node_name] = "webmonkey.example.com" knife.name_args = [bag_name, item_name] allow(knife).to receive(:config).and_return(config) end context "when data_bag already exist" do it "doesn't creates a data bag" do expect(knife).to receive(:create_object).and_yield(raw_hash) expect(rest).to receive(:get).with("data/#{bag_name}") expect(rest).to_not receive(:post).with("data", { "name" => bag_name }) expect(knife.ui).to receive(:info).with("Data bag #{bag_name} already exists") knife.run end end context "when data_bag doesn't exist" do before do # Data bag doesn't exist by default so we mock the GET request to return 404 exception = double("404 error", :code => "404") allow(rest).to receive(:get) .with("data/#{bag_name}") .and_raise(Net::HTTPServerException.new("404", exception)) end it "tries to create a data bag with an invalid name when given one argument" do knife.name_args = ["invalid&char"] expect(Chef::DataBag).to receive(:validate_name!).with(knife.name_args[0]).and_raise(Chef::Exceptions::InvalidDataBagName) expect { knife.run }.to exit_with_code(1) end it "won't create a data bag with a reserved name for search" do %w{node role client environment}.each do |name| knife.name_args = [name] expect(Chef::DataBag).to receive(:validate_name!).with(knife.name_args[0]).and_raise(Chef::Exceptions::InvalidDataBagName) expect { knife.run }.to exit_with_code(1) end end context "when given one argument" do before do knife.name_args = [bag_name] end it "creates a data bag" do expect(rest).to receive(:post).with("data", { "name" => bag_name }) expect(knife.ui).to receive(:info).with("Created data_bag[#{bag_name}]") knife.run end end context "no secret is specified for encryption" do let(:item) do item = Chef::DataBagItem.from_hash(raw_hash) item.data_bag(bag_name) item end it "creates a data bag item" do expect(knife).to receive(:create_object).and_yield(raw_hash) expect(knife).to receive(:encryption_secret_provided?).and_return(false) expect(rest).to receive(:post).with("data", { "name" => bag_name }).ordered expect(rest).to receive(:post).with("data/#{bag_name}", item).ordered knife.run end end context "a secret is specified for encryption" do let(:encoded_data) { Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.encrypt_data_bag_item(raw_hash, secret) } let(:item) do item = Chef::DataBagItem.from_hash(encoded_data) item.data_bag(bag_name) item end it "creates an encrypted data bag item" do expect(knife).to receive(:create_object).and_yield(raw_hash) expect(knife).to receive(:encryption_secret_provided?).and_return(true) expect(knife).to receive(:read_secret).and_return(secret) expect(Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem) .to receive(:encrypt_data_bag_item) .with(raw_hash, secret) .and_return(encoded_data) expect(rest).to receive(:post).with("data", { "name" => bag_name }).ordered expect(rest).to receive(:post).with("data/#{bag_name}", item).ordered knife.run end end end end