module AFM ISO_LATIN1_ENCODING = %w( .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef space exclam quotedbl numbersign dollar percent ampersand quoteright parenleft parenright asterisk plus comma minus period slash zero one two three four five six seven eight nine colon semicolon less equal greater question at A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z bracketleft backslash bracketright asciicircum underscore quoteleft a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z braceleft bar braceright asciitilde .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef dotlessi grave acute circumflex tilde macron breve dotaccent dieresis .notdef ring cedilla .notdef hungarumlaut ogonek caron space exclamdown cent sterling currency yen brokenbar section dieresis copyright ordfeminine guillemotleft logicalnot hyphen registered macron degree plusminus twosuperior threesuperior acute mu paragraph periodcentered cedilla onesuperior ordmasculine guillemotright onequarter onehalf threequarters questiondown Agrave Aacute Acircumflex Atilde Adieresis Aring AE Ccedilla Egrave Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Igrave Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Eth Ntilde Ograve Oacute Ocircumflex Otilde Odieresis multiply Oslash Ugrave Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Yacute Thorn germandbls agrave aacute acircumflex atilde adieresis aring ae ccedilla egrave eacute ecircumflex edieresis igrave iacute icircumflex idieresis eth ntilde ograve oacute ocircumflex otilde odieresis divide oslash ugrave uacute ucircumflex udieresis yacute thorn ydieresis ) class Font attr_reader :metadata, :char_metrics, :char_metrics_by_code, :kern_pairs # Loading a Font Metrics file by absolute path (no automatic font path resolution) def initialize(filename) @metadata = {} @char_metrics = {} @char_metrics_by_code = {} @kern_pairs = [] do |file| mode = :meta file.each_line do |line| case(line) when /^StartFontMetrics/ ; mode = :meta when /^StartCharMetrics/ ; mode = :char_metrics when /^EndCharMetrics/ ; mode = :meta when /^StartKernData/ ; mode = :kern_data when /^StartKernPairs/ ; mode = :kern_pairs when /^EndKernPairs/ ; mode = :kern_data when /^EndKernData/ ; mode = :meta else case(mode) when :meta if match = line.match(/^([\w]+) (.*)$/) @metadata[match[1]] = match[2] end when :char_metrics metrics = {} metrics[:charcode] = match[1].to_i if match = line.match(/C (-?\d+) *?;/) metrics[:wx] = match[1].to_i if match = line.match(/WX (-?\d+) *?;/) metrics[:name] = match[1] if match = line.match(/N ([.\w]+) *?;/) if match = line.match(/B (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) *?;/) metrics[:boundingbox] = [match[1].to_i, match[2].to_i, match[3].to_i, match[4].to_i] end @char_metrics[metrics[:name]] = metrics if metrics[:name] @char_metrics_by_code[metrics[:charcode]] = metrics if metrics[:charcode] && metrics[:charcode] > 0 when :kern_pairs if match = line.match(/^KPX ([.\w]+) ([.\w]+) (-?\d+)$/) @kern_pairs << [match[1], match[2], match[3].to_i] end end end end end end # # alias for new() def self.from_file(file) end # # Get metadata by key def [](key) @metadata[key] end # # Get metrics for character. Takes an integer (charcode) or # a one-char string. currently works only for Latin1 strings, # since we only have a chartable for the Latin1 charset so far. # (shamelessly stolen from by Gisle Aas) def metrics_for(char) glyph = if (char.kind_of?(Integer)) ISO_LATIN1_ENCODING[char] else ISO_LATIN1_ENCODING[char.unpack("C*").first] end @char_metrics[glyph] end end end