/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2014 GitHub, Inc * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "rugged.h" extern VALUE rb_mRugged; extern VALUE rb_cRuggedRepo; extern VALUE rb_cRuggedBranch; VALUE rb_cRuggedBranchCollection; static inline VALUE rugged_branch_new(VALUE owner, git_reference *ref) { return rugged_ref_new(rb_cRuggedBranch, owner, ref); } // Helper method to normalize branch lookups. static inline int rugged_branch_lookup(git_reference **branch, git_repository *repo, VALUE rb_name_or_branch) { if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(rb_name_or_branch, rb_cRuggedBranch)) { rb_name_or_branch = rb_funcall(rb_name_or_branch, rb_intern("canonical_name"), 0); if (TYPE(rb_name_or_branch) != T_STRING) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Expected #canonical_name to return a String"); return git_reference_lookup(branch, repo, StringValueCStr(rb_name_or_branch)); } else if (TYPE(rb_name_or_branch) == T_STRING) { char *branch_name = StringValueCStr(rb_name_or_branch), *ref_name; int error; if (strncmp(branch_name, "refs/heads/", strlen("refs/heads/")) == 0 || strncmp(branch_name, "refs/remotes/", strlen("refs/remotes/")) == 0) return git_reference_lookup(branch, repo, branch_name); if ((error = git_branch_lookup(branch, repo, branch_name, GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL)) == GIT_OK || error != GIT_ENOTFOUND) return error; if ((error = git_branch_lookup(branch, repo, branch_name, GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE)) == GIT_OK || error != GIT_ENOTFOUND) return error; ref_name = xmalloc((strlen(branch_name) + strlen("refs/") + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(ref_name, "refs/"); strcat(ref_name, branch_name); error = git_reference_lookup(branch, repo, ref_name); xfree(ref_name); return error; } else { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Expecting a String or Rugged::Branch instance"); } } /* * call-seq: * BranchCollection.new(repo) -> refs * * Creates and returns a new collection of branches for the given +repo+. */ static VALUE rb_git_branch_collection_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE repo) { rugged_set_owner(self, repo); return self; } static git_branch_t parse_branch_type(VALUE rb_filter) { ID id_filter; Check_Type(rb_filter, T_SYMBOL); id_filter = SYM2ID(rb_filter); if (id_filter == rb_intern("local")) { return GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL; } else if (id_filter == rb_intern("remote")) { return GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE; } else { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Invalid branch filter. Expected `:remote`, `:local` or `nil`"); } } /* * call-seq: * branches.create(name, target, options = {}) -> branch * * Create a new branch with the given +name+, pointing to the +target+. * * +name+ needs to be a branch name, not an absolute reference path * (e.g. +development+ instead of +refs/heads/development+). * * +target+ needs to be an existing commit in the given repository. * * The following options can be passed in the +options+ Hash: * * :force :: * Overwrites the branch with the given +name+, if it already exists, * instead of raising an exception. * * :message :: * A single line log message to be appended to the reflog. * * :signature :: * The signature to be used for populating the reflog entry. * * If a branch with the given +name+ already exists and +:force+ is not +true+, * an exception will be raised. * * Returns a Rugged::Branch for the newly created branch. */ static VALUE rb_git_branch_collection_create(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE rb_repo = rugged_owner(self), rb_name, rb_target, rb_options; git_repository *repo; git_reference *branch; git_commit *target; git_signature *signature = NULL; char *log_message = NULL; int error, force = 0; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "20:", &rb_name, &rb_target, &rb_options); rugged_check_repo(rb_repo); Data_Get_Struct(rb_repo, git_repository, repo); Check_Type(rb_name, T_STRING); Check_Type(rb_target, T_STRING); if (!NIL_P(rb_options)) { VALUE rb_val; force = RTEST(rb_hash_aref(rb_options, CSTR2SYM("force"))); rb_val = rb_hash_aref(rb_options, CSTR2SYM("signature")); if (!NIL_P(rb_val)) signature = rugged_signature_get(rb_val, repo); rb_val = rb_hash_aref(rb_options, CSTR2SYM("message")); if (!NIL_P(rb_val)) log_message = StringValueCStr(rb_val); } target = (git_commit *)rugged_object_get(repo, rb_target, GIT_OBJ_COMMIT); error = git_branch_create(&branch, repo, StringValueCStr(rb_name), target, force, signature, log_message); git_commit_free(target); git_signature_free(signature); rugged_exception_check(error); return rugged_branch_new(rb_repo, branch); } /* * call-seq: * branches[name] -> branch * * Return the branch with the given +name+. * * Branches can be looked up by their relative (+development+) or absolute * (+refs/heads/development+) branch name. * * If a local branch and a remote branch both share the same short name * (e.g. +refs/heads/origin/master+ and +refs/remotes/origin/master+), * passing +origin/master+ as the +name+ will return the local branch. * You can explicitly request the local branch by passing * +heads/origin/master+, or the remote branch through +remotes/origin/master+. * * Returns the looked up branch, or +nil+ if the branch doesn't exist. */ static VALUE rb_git_branch_collection_aref(VALUE self, VALUE rb_name) { git_reference *branch; git_repository *repo; VALUE rb_repo = rugged_owner(self); int error; rugged_check_repo(rb_repo); Data_Get_Struct(rb_repo, git_repository, repo); Check_Type(rb_name, T_STRING); error = rugged_branch_lookup(&branch, repo, rb_name); if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) return Qnil; rugged_exception_check(error); return rugged_branch_new(rb_repo, branch); } static VALUE each_branch(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self, int branch_names_only) { VALUE rb_repo = rugged_owner(self), rb_filter; git_repository *repo; git_branch_iterator *iter; int error, exception = 0; git_branch_t filter = (GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL | GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE), branch_type; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &rb_filter); if (!rb_block_given_p()) { VALUE symbol = branch_names_only ? CSTR2SYM("each_name") : CSTR2SYM("each"); return rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("to_enum"), 2, symbol, rb_filter); } rugged_check_repo(rb_repo); if (!NIL_P(rb_filter)) filter = parse_branch_type(rb_filter); Data_Get_Struct(rb_repo, git_repository, repo); error = git_branch_iterator_new(&iter, repo, filter); rugged_exception_check(error); if (branch_names_only) { git_reference *branch; while (!exception && (error = git_branch_next(&branch, &branch_type, iter)) == GIT_OK) { rb_protect(rb_yield, rb_str_new_utf8(git_reference_shorthand(branch)), &exception); } } else { git_reference *branch; while (!exception && (error = git_branch_next(&branch, &branch_type, iter)) == GIT_OK) { rb_protect(rb_yield, rugged_branch_new(rb_repo, branch), &exception); } } git_branch_iterator_free(iter); if (exception) rb_jump_tag(exception); if (error != GIT_ITEROVER) rugged_exception_check(error); return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * branches.each([filter]) { |branch| block } * branches.each([filter]) -> enumerator * * Iterate through the branches in the collection. Iteration can be * optionally filtered to yield only +:local+ or +:remote+ branches. * * The given block will be called once with a +Rugged::Branch+ object * for each branch in the repository. If no block is given, an enumerator * will be returned. */ static VALUE rb_git_branch_collection_each(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { return each_branch(argc, argv, self, 0); } /* * call-seq: * branches.each_name([filter]) { |branch_name| block } * branches.each_name([filter]) -> enumerator * * Iterate through the names of the branches in the collection. Iteration can be * optionally filtered to yield only +:local+ or +:remote+ branches. * * The given block will be called once with the name of each branch as a +String+. * If no block is given, an enumerator will be returned. */ static VALUE rb_git_branch_collection_each_name(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { return each_branch(argc, argv, self, 1); } /* * call-seq: * branches.delete(branch) -> nil * branches.delete(name) -> nil * * Delete the specified branch. * * If a Rugged::Branch object was passed, the object will become * invalidated and won't be able to be used for any other operations. */ static VALUE rb_git_branch_collection_delete(VALUE self, VALUE rb_name_or_branch) { git_reference *branch; git_repository *repo; VALUE rb_repo = rugged_owner(self); int error; rugged_check_repo(rb_repo); Data_Get_Struct(rb_repo, git_repository, repo); error = rugged_branch_lookup(&branch, repo, rb_name_or_branch); rugged_exception_check(error); error = git_branch_delete(branch); git_reference_free(branch); rugged_exception_check(error); return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * branch.move(old_name, new_name, options = {}) -> new_branch * branch.move(branch, new_name, options = {}) -> new_branch * branch.rename(old_name, new_name, options = {}) -> new_branch * branch.rename(branch, new_name, options = {}) -> new_branch * * Rename a branch to +new_name+. * * +new_name+ needs to be a branch name, not an absolute reference path * (e.g. +development+ instead of +refs/heads/development+). * * The following options can be passed in the +options+ Hash: * * :force :: * Overwrites the branch with the given +name+, if it already exists, * instead of raising an exception. * * :message :: * A single line log message to be appended to the reflog. * * :signature :: * The signature to be used for populating the reflog entry. * * If a branch with the given +new_name+ already exists and +:force+ is not +true+, * an exception will be raised. * * A new Rugged::Branch object for the renamed branch will be returned. * */ static VALUE rb_git_branch_collection_move(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE rb_repo = rugged_owner(self), rb_name_or_branch, rb_new_branch_name, rb_options; git_reference *old_branch = NULL, *new_branch = NULL; git_repository *repo; git_signature *signature = NULL; char *log_message = NULL; int error, force = 0; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "20:", &rb_name_or_branch, &rb_new_branch_name, &rb_options); Check_Type(rb_new_branch_name, T_STRING); rugged_check_repo(rb_repo); Data_Get_Struct(rb_repo, git_repository, repo); error = rugged_branch_lookup(&old_branch, repo, rb_name_or_branch); rugged_exception_check(error); if (!NIL_P(rb_options)) { VALUE rb_val; force = RTEST(rb_hash_aref(rb_options, CSTR2SYM("force"))); rb_val = rb_hash_aref(rb_options, CSTR2SYM("signature")); if (!NIL_P(rb_val)) signature = rugged_signature_get(rb_val, repo); rb_val = rb_hash_aref(rb_options, CSTR2SYM("message")); if (!NIL_P(rb_val)) log_message = StringValueCStr(rb_val); } error = git_branch_move(&new_branch, old_branch, StringValueCStr(rb_new_branch_name), force, signature, log_message); git_signature_free(signature); git_reference_free(old_branch); rugged_exception_check(error); return rugged_branch_new(rugged_owner(self), new_branch); } /* * call-seq: * branches.exist?(name) -> true or false * branches.exists?(name) -> true or false * * Check if a branch exists with the given +name+. */ static VALUE rb_git_branch_collection_exist_p(VALUE self, VALUE rb_name) { VALUE rb_repo = rugged_owner(self); git_repository *repo; git_reference *branch; int error; Check_Type(rb_name, T_STRING); Data_Get_Struct(rb_repo, git_repository, repo); error = rugged_branch_lookup(&branch, repo, rb_name); git_reference_free(branch); if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) return Qfalse; else rugged_exception_check(error); return Qtrue; } void Init_rugged_branch_collection(void) { rb_cRuggedBranchCollection = rb_define_class_under(rb_mRugged, "BranchCollection", rb_cObject); rb_include_module(rb_cRuggedBranchCollection, rb_mEnumerable); rb_define_method(rb_cRuggedBranchCollection, "initialize", rb_git_branch_collection_initialize, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cRuggedBranchCollection, "[]", rb_git_branch_collection_aref, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cRuggedBranchCollection, "create", rb_git_branch_collection_create, -1); rb_define_method(rb_cRuggedBranchCollection, "each", rb_git_branch_collection_each, -1); rb_define_method(rb_cRuggedBranchCollection, "each_name", rb_git_branch_collection_each_name, -1); rb_define_method(rb_cRuggedBranchCollection, "exist?", rb_git_branch_collection_exist_p, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cRuggedBranchCollection, "exists?", rb_git_branch_collection_exist_p, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cRuggedBranchCollection, "move", rb_git_branch_collection_move, -1); rb_define_method(rb_cRuggedBranchCollection, "rename", rb_git_branch_collection_move, -1); rb_define_method(rb_cRuggedBranchCollection, "delete", rb_git_branch_collection_delete, 1); }