require 'site_prism' module UlePage module SitePrismExtender include SitePrism::DSL include SitePrism # why define this method? # if we use the elements method directly, it will be conflicted with RSpec.Mather.BuiltIn.All.elements. # I have not found one good method to solve the confliction. def element_collection(collection_name, *find_args) build collection_name, *find_args do define_method collection_name.to_s do |*_runtime_args, &element_block| self.class.raise_if_block(self, collection_name.to_s, !element_block.nil?) page.all(*find_args) end end end # attr_accessor :attributes # can define fields based on the model class # usage: # define_elements Brand def define_elements(model_class, props = []) attributes = props = attributes if props.empty?!(&:to_s) unless props.empty? attributes.each do |attri| next unless props.include? attri selector = '#' + "#{class_name(model_class)}_#{attri}" element attri, selector end end # if you want to define the element as model1[modle2][name] whose id is "model1_model2_name" # useage # define Brand User # define Brand, User, [:description] def define_sub_elements(model_class, submodel_class, props = []) attributes = props = attributes if props.empty?!(&:to_s) unless props.empty? attributes.each do |attri| next unless props.include?(attri) selector = '#' + "#{class_name(model_class)}_#{class_name(submodel_class)}_attributes_#{attri}" element attri, selector end end def class_name(my_class) end # instead of the rails traditional form # in js mode, there is no prefix before the element name def define_elements_js(model_class, excluded_props = []) attributes = attributes.each do |attri| next if excluded_props.include? attri selector = '#' + attri # self.class.send "element", attri.to_sym, selector element attri, selector end end end end