require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') context "A new Database" do setup do @db = => 2, :logger => 3) end specify "should receive options" do @db.opts.should == {1 => 2, :logger => 3} end specify "should set the logger from opts[:logger]" do @db.logger.should == 3 end specify "should create a connection pool" do @db.pool.should be_a_kind_of(ConnectionPool) @db.pool.max_size.should == 4 => 10).pool.max_size.should == 10 end specify "should pass the supplied block to the connection pool" do cc = nil d = {1234} d.synchronize {|c| cc = c} cc.should == 1234 end end context "Database#connect" do specify "should raise Sequel::Error::NotImplemented" do proc {}.should raise_error(NotImplementedError) end end context "Database#disconnect" do specify "should raise Sequel::Error::NotImplemented" do proc {}.should raise_error(NotImplementedError) end end context "Database#uri" do setup do @c = do set_adapter_scheme :mau end @db = Sequel('mau://user:pass@localhost:9876/maumau') end specify "should return the connection URI for the database" do @db.uri.should == 'mau://user:pass@localhost:9876/maumau' end end context "Database.adapter_scheme" do specify "should return the database schema" do Sequel::Database.adapter_scheme.should be_nil @c = do set_adapter_scheme :mau end @c.adapter_scheme.should == :mau end end context "Database#dataset" do setup do @db = @ds = @db.dataset end specify "should provide a blank dataset through #dataset" do @ds.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::Dataset) @ds.opts.should == {} @ds.db.should be(@db) end specify "should provide a #from dataset" do d = @db.from(:mau) d.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::Dataset) d.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM mau' e = @db[:miu] e.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::Dataset) e.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM miu' end specify "should provide a filtered #from dataset if a block is given" do d = @db.from(:mau) {:x > 100} d.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::Dataset) d.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM mau WHERE (x > 100)' end specify "should provide a #select dataset" do d =, :b, :c).from(:mau) d.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::Dataset) d.sql.should == 'SELECT a, b, c FROM mau' end end context "Database#execute" do specify "should raise Sequel::Error::NotImplemented" do proc {'blah blah')}.should raise_error(NotImplementedError) proc { << 'blah blah'}.should raise_error(NotImplementedError) end end context "Database#<<" do setup do @c = do define_method(:execute) {|sql| sql} end @db ={}) end specify "should pass the supplied sql to #execute" do (@db << "DELETE FROM items").should == "DELETE FROM items" end specify "should accept an array and convert it to SQL" do a = %[ -- CREATE TABLE items (a integer, /*b integer*/ b text, c integer); DROP TABLE old_items; ].split($/) (@db << a).should == "CREATE TABLE items (a integer, b text, c integer); DROP TABLE old_items;" end specify "should remove comments and whitespace from arrays" do s = %[ -- CREATE TABLE items (a integer, /*b integer*/ b text, c integer); \r\n DROP TABLE old_items; ].split($/) (@db << s).should == "CREATE TABLE items (a integer, b text, c integer); DROP TABLE old_items;" end specify "should not remove comments and whitespace from strings" do s = "INSERT INTO items VALUES ('---abc')" (@db << s).should == s end end context "Database#synchronize" do setup do @db = => 1) @db.pool.connection_proc = proc {12345} end specify "should wrap the supplied block in pool.hold" do stop = false c1, c2 = nil t1 = {@db.synchronize {|c| c1 = c; while !stop;sleep 0.1;end}} while !c1;end c1.should == 12345 t2 = {@db.synchronize {|c| c2 = c}} sleep 0.2 @db.pool.available_connections.should be_empty c2.should be_nil stop = true t1.join sleep 0.1 c2.should == 12345 t2.join end end context "Database#test_connection" do setup do @db = @test = nil @db.pool.connection_proc = proc {@test = rand(100)} end specify "should call pool#hold" do @db.test_connection @test.should_not be_nil end specify "should return true if successful" do @db.test_connection.should be_true end end class DummyDataset < Sequel::Dataset def first raise if @opts[:from] == [:a] true end end class DummyDatabase < Sequel::Database attr_reader :sqls def execute(sql) @sqls ||= [] @sqls << sql end def transaction; yield; end def dataset end end context "Database#create_table" do setup do @db = end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.create_table :test do primary_key :id, :integer, :null => false column :name, :text index :name, :unique => true end @db.sqls.should == [ 'CREATE TABLE test (id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name text)', 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_name_index ON test (name)' ] end end context "Database#alter_table" do setup do @db = end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.alter_table :xyz do add_column :aaa, :text, :null => false, :unique => true drop_column :bbb rename_column :ccc, :ddd set_column_type :eee, :integer set_column_default :hhh, 'abcd' add_index :fff, :unique => true drop_index :ggg end @db.sqls.should == [ 'ALTER TABLE xyz ADD COLUMN aaa text UNIQUE NOT NULL', 'ALTER TABLE xyz DROP COLUMN bbb', 'ALTER TABLE xyz RENAME COLUMN ccc TO ddd', 'ALTER TABLE xyz ALTER COLUMN eee TYPE integer', "ALTER TABLE xyz ALTER COLUMN hhh SET DEFAULT 'abcd'", 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xyz_fff_index ON xyz (fff)', 'DROP INDEX xyz_ggg_index' ] end end context "Database#add_column" do setup do @db = end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.add_column :test, :name, :text, :unique => true @db.sqls.should == [ 'ALTER TABLE test ADD COLUMN name text UNIQUE' ] end end context "Database#drop_column" do setup do @db = end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.drop_column :test, :name @db.sqls.should == [ 'ALTER TABLE test DROP COLUMN name' ] end end context "Database#rename_column" do setup do @db = end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.rename_column :test, :abc, :def @db.sqls.should == [ 'ALTER TABLE test RENAME COLUMN abc TO def' ] end end context "Database#set_column_type" do setup do @db = end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.set_column_type :test, :name, :integer @db.sqls.should == [ 'ALTER TABLE test ALTER COLUMN name TYPE integer' ] end end context "Database#set_column_default" do setup do @db = end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.set_column_default :test, :name, 'zyx' @db.sqls.should == [ "ALTER TABLE test ALTER COLUMN name SET DEFAULT 'zyx'" ] end end context "Database#add_index" do setup do @db = end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.add_index :test, :name, :unique => true @db.sqls.should == [ 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_name_index ON test (name)' ] end specify "should accept multiple columns" do @db.add_index :test, [:one, :two] @db.sqls.should == [ 'CREATE INDEX test_one_two_index ON test (one, two)' ] end end context "Database#drop_index" do setup do @db = end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.drop_index :test, :name @db.sqls.should == [ 'DROP INDEX test_name_index' ] end end class Dummy2Database < Sequel::Database attr_reader :sql def execute(sql); @sql = sql; end def transaction; yield; end end context "Database#drop_table" do setup do @db = end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.drop_table :test @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE test'] end specify "should accept multiple table names" do @db.drop_table :a, :bb, :ccc @db.sqls.should == [ 'DROP TABLE a', 'DROP TABLE bb', 'DROP TABLE ccc' ] end end context "Database#rename_table" do setup do @db = end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.rename_table :abc, :xyz @db.sqls.should == ['ALTER TABLE abc RENAME TO xyz'] end end context "Database#table_exists?" do setup do @db = @db.stub!(:tables).and_return([:a, :b]) @db2 = end specify "should use Database#tables if available" do @db.table_exists?(:a).should be_true @db.table_exists?(:b).should be_true @db.table_exists?(:c).should be_false end specify "should otherwise try to select the first record from the table's dataset" do @db2.table_exists?(:a).should be_false @db2.table_exists?(:b).should be_true end end class Dummy3Database < Sequel::Database attr_reader :sql, :transactions def execute(sql); @sql ||= []; @sql << sql; end class DummyConnection def initialize(db); @db = db; end def execute(sql); @db.execute(sql); end end end context "Database#transaction" do setup do @db = @db.pool.connection_proc = proc {} end specify "should wrap the supplied block with BEGIN + COMMIT statements" do @db.transaction {@db.execute 'DROP TABLE test;'} @db.sql.should == ['BEGIN', 'DROP TABLE test;', 'COMMIT'] end specify "should issue ROLLBACK if an exception is raised, and re-raise" do @db.transaction {@db.execute 'DROP TABLE test'; raise RuntimeError} rescue nil @db.sql.should == ['BEGIN', 'DROP TABLE test', 'ROLLBACK'] proc {@db.transaction {raise RuntimeError}}.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end specify "should issue ROLLBACK if rollback! is called in the transaction" do @db.transaction do @db.drop_table(:a) rollback! @db.drop_table(:b) end @db.sql.should == ['BEGIN', 'DROP TABLE a', 'ROLLBACK'] end specify "should be re-entrant" do stop = false cc = nil t = do @db.transaction {@db.transaction {@db.transaction {|c| cc = c while !stop; sleep 0.1; end }}} end while cc.nil?; sleep 0.1; end cc.should be_a_kind_of(Dummy3Database::DummyConnection) @db.transactions.should == [t] stop = true t.join @db.transactions.should be_empty end end class Sequel::Database def self.get_adapters; @@adapters; end end context "A Database adapter with a scheme" do setup do class CCC < Sequel::Database set_adapter_scheme :ccc end end specify "should be registered in adapters" do Sequel::Database.get_adapters[:ccc].should == CCC end specify "should be instantiated when its scheme is specified" do c = Sequel::Database.connect('ccc://localhost/db') c.should be_a_kind_of(CCC) c.opts[:host].should == 'localhost' c.opts[:database].should == 'db' end specify "should be accessible through Sequel.connect" do c = Sequel.connect 'ccc://localhost/db' c.should be_a_kind_of(CCC) c.opts[:host].should == 'localhost' c.opts[:database].should == 'db' end specify "should be accessible through" do c = 'ccc://localhost/db' c.should be_a_kind_of(CCC) c.opts[:host].should == 'localhost' c.opts[:database].should == 'db' end specify "should be accessible through Sequel()" do c = Sequel('ccc://localhost/db') c.should be_a_kind_of(CCC) c.opts[:host].should == 'localhost' c.opts[:database].should == 'db' end specify "should be accessible through Sequel." do # invalid parameters proc {Sequel.ccc('abc', 'def')}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) c = Sequel.ccc('mydb') c.should be_a_kind_of(CCC) c.opts.should == {:database => 'mydb'} c = Sequel.ccc('mydb', :host => 'localhost') c.should be_a_kind_of(CCC) c.opts.should == {:database => 'mydb', :host => 'localhost'} c = Sequel.ccc c.should be_a_kind_of(CCC) c.opts.should == {} c = Sequel.ccc(:database => 'mydb', :host => 'localhost') c.should be_a_kind_of(CCC) c.opts.should == {:database => 'mydb', :host => 'localhost'} end specify "should be accessible through Sequel.connect with options" do c = Sequel.connect(:adapter => :ccc, :database => 'mydb') c.should be_a_kind_of(CCC) c.opts.should == {:adapter => :ccc, :database => 'mydb'} end end context "An unknown database scheme" do specify "should raise an error in Sequel::Database.connect" do proc {Sequel::Database.connect('ddd://localhost/db')}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error::AdapterNotFound) end specify "should raise an error in Sequel.connect" do proc {Sequel.connect('ddd://localhost/db')}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error::AdapterNotFound) end specify "should raise an error in" do proc {'ddd://localhost/db')}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error::AdapterNotFound) end end context "A broken adapter (lib is there but the class is not)" do setup do @fn = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../lib/sequel_core/adapters/blah.rb') FileUtils.touch(@fn) end teardown do FileUtils.rm(@fn) end specify "should raise an error" do proc {Sequel.connect('blah://blow')}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error::AdapterNotFound) end end context "Database#uri_to_options" do specify "should convert a URI to an options hash" do h = Sequel::Database.uri_to_options(URI.parse('ttt://uuu:ppp@')) h[:user].should == 'uuu' h[:password].should == 'ppp' h[:host].should == '' h[:port].should == 1234 h[:database].should == 'blah' end end context "A single threaded database" do teardown do Sequel::Database.single_threaded = false end specify "should use a SingleThreadedPool instead of a ConnectionPool" do db = => true) db.pool.should be_a_kind_of(SingleThreadedPool) end specify "should be constructable using :single_threaded => true option" do db = => true) db.pool.should be_a_kind_of(SingleThreadedPool) end specify "should be constructable using Database.single_threaded = true" do Sequel::Database.single_threaded = true db = db.pool.should be_a_kind_of(SingleThreadedPool) end specify "should be constructable using Sequel.single_threaded = true" do Sequel.single_threaded = true db = db.pool.should be_a_kind_of(SingleThreadedPool) end end context "A single threaded database" do setup do conn = 1234567 @db = => true) do conn += 1 end end specify "should invoke connection_proc only once" do @db.pool.hold {|c| c.should == 1234568} @db.pool.hold {|c| c.should == 1234568} end specify "should convert an Exception into a RuntimeError" do db = => true) do raise Exception end proc {db.pool.hold {|c|}}.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end end context "A database" do setup do Sequel::Database.single_threaded = false end teardown do Sequel::Database.single_threaded = false end specify "should be either single_threaded? or multi_threaded?" do db = => true) db.should be_single_threaded db.should_not be_multi_threaded db = => 1) db.should_not be_single_threaded db.should be_multi_threaded db = db.should_not be_single_threaded db.should be_multi_threaded Sequel::Database.single_threaded = true db = db.should be_single_threaded db.should_not be_multi_threaded db = => 4) db.should be_single_threaded db.should_not be_multi_threaded end specify "should accept a logger object" do db = s = "I'm a logger" db.logger = s db.logger.should be(s) db.logger = nil db.logger.should be_nil end end context "Database#dataset" do setup do @db = end specify "should delegate to Dataset#query if block is provided" do @d = @db.query {select :x; from :y} @d.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::Dataset) @d.sql.should == "SELECT x FROM y" end end context "Database#fetch" do setup do @db = c = do def fetch_rows(sql); yield({:sql => sql}); end end @db.meta_def(:dataset) {} end specify "should create a dataset and invoke its fetch_rows method with the given sql" do sql = nil @db.fetch('select * from xyz') {|r| sql = r[:sql]} sql.should == 'select * from xyz' end specify "should format the given sql with any additional arguments" do sql = nil @db.fetch('select * from xyz where x = ? and y = ?', 15, 'abc') {|r| sql = r[:sql]} sql.should == "select * from xyz where x = 15 and y = 'abc'" # and Aman Gupta's example @db.fetch('select name from table where name = ? or id in (?)', 'aman', [3,4,7]) {|r| sql = r[:sql]} sql.should == "select name from table where name = 'aman' or id in (3, 4, 7)" end specify "should return the dataset if no block is given" do @db.fetch('select * from xyz').should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::Dataset) @db.fetch('select a from b').map {|r| r[:sql]}.should == ['select a from b'] @db.fetch('select c from d').inject([]) {|m, r| m << r; m}.should == \ [{:sql => 'select c from d'}] end specify "should return a dataset that always uses the given sql for SELECTs" do ds = @db.fetch('select * from xyz') ds.select_sql.should == 'select * from xyz' ds.sql.should == 'select * from xyz' ds.filter! {:price < 100} ds.select_sql.should == 'select * from xyz' ds.sql.should == 'select * from xyz' end end context "Database#[]" do setup do @db = end specify "should return a dataset when symbols are given" do ds = @db[:items] ds.class.should == Sequel::Dataset ds.opts[:from].should == [:items] end specify "should return an enumerator when a string is given" do c = do def fetch_rows(sql); yield({:sql => sql}); end end @db.meta_def(:dataset) {} sql = nil @db['select * from xyz where x = ? and y = ?', 15, 'abc'].each {|r| sql = r[:sql]} sql.should == "select * from xyz where x = 15 and y = 'abc'" end end context "Database#create_view" do setup do @db = end specify "should construct proper SQL with raw SQL" do @db.create_view :test, "SELECT * FROM xyz" @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE VIEW test AS SELECT * FROM xyz'] end specify "should construct proper SQL with dataset" do @db.create_view :test, @db[:items].select(:a, :b).order(:c) @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE VIEW test AS SELECT a, b FROM items ORDER BY c'] end end context "Database#create_or_replace_view" do setup do @db = end specify "should construct proper SQL with raw SQL" do @db.create_or_replace_view :test, "SELECT * FROM xyz" @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW test AS SELECT * FROM xyz'] end specify "should construct proper SQL with dataset" do @db.create_or_replace_view :test, @db[:items].select(:a, :b).order(:c) @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW test AS SELECT a, b FROM items ORDER BY c'] end end context "Database#drop_view" do setup do @db = end specify "should construct proper SQL" do @db.drop_view :test @db.sqls.should == ['DROP VIEW test'] end end # TODO: beaf this up with specs for all supported ops context "Database#alter_table_sql" do setup do @db = end specify "should raise error for an invalid op" do proc {@db.alter_table_sql(:mau, :op => :blah)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end context "Database.connect" do EEE_YAML = "development:\r\n adapter: eee\r\n username: mau\r\n password: tau\r\n host: alfonso\r\n database: mydb\r\n" setup do class EEE < Sequel::Database set_adapter_scheme :eee end @fn = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'eee.yaml'), 'wb') {|f| f << EEE_YAML} end teardown do FileUtils.rm(@fn) end specify "should accept hashes loaded from YAML files" do db = Sequel(YAML.load_file(@fn)['development']) db.class.should == EEE db.opts[:database].should == 'mydb' db.opts[:user].should == 'mau' db.opts[:password].should == 'tau' db.opts[:host].should == 'alfonso' end end