Refinery::PhotoGallery.configure do |config| # Max file size of uploaded image # config.max_file_size = <%= Refinery::PhotoGallery.max_file_size.inspect %> # Turn on/off client side resizing. If true, photo will be resized 2 times - on client side to accelerate transmision time, and also on server side to generate thumbs. # If you want to achieve better quality, choose false. # config.client_side_resize = <%= Refinery::PhotoGallery.client_side_resize.inspect %> # Params for client side resizing. E.g: {:width => 950, :height=> 950, :quality=> 100} # This dimmensions should be equal with config.single_dimensions # config.client_side_resize_params = <%= Refinery::PhotoGallery.client_side_resize_params.inspect %> # Locale name for Plupload. Put your locale file in /app/assets/javascripts/refinery/photo_gallery/admin/plupload/i18n/ and write here filename WITHOUT file extension. E.g: cs # config.plupload_locale = <%= Refinery::PhotoGallery.plupload_locale.inspect %> # Case insensitive extension white list for carrierwave # config.extension_white_list = <%= Refinery::PhotoGallery.extension_white_list.inspect %> # Directory where uploaded photos will be stored. Absolute adress to Rails root # config.photo_gallery_dir = <%= Refinery::PhotoGallery.photo_gallery_dir.inspect %> # After file uploading, there are created 4 versions of this image. If you are not going to recreate this thumbs, delete original uploaded file to save space on disk. # config.delete_uploaded_file = <%= Refinery::PhotoGallery.delete_uploaded_file.inspect %> # Thumbs dimensions in pixels. E.g: [950,950] for width:950, height: 950 # config.album_dimensions = <%= Refinery::PhotoGallery.album_dimensions.inspect %> # config.preview_dimensions = <%= Refinery::PhotoGallery.preview_dimensions.inspect %> # config.single_dimensions = <%= Refinery::PhotoGallery.single_dimensions.inspect %> # config.collections_per_page = <%= Refinery::PhotoGallery.collections_per_page.inspect %> # config.albums_per_page = <%= Refinery::PhotoGallery.albums_per_page.inspect %> # config.photos_per_page = <%= Refinery::PhotoGallery.photos_per_page.inspect %> end