require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') describe 'template' do describe 'clone' do before do @cmd = %w(template clone) end it 'should print error on missing --id' do params = ['--new-name=zzz'] expected_result = expected_result.expected_err = ['Could not clone the provisioning template:', " Missing arguments for 'id'", ''].join("\n") expected_result.expected_exit_code = HammerCLI::EX_USAGE api_expects_no_call result = run_cmd(@cmd + params) assert_cmd(expected_result, result) end it 'should print error on missing --new-name' do params = ['--id=1'] expected_result = usage_error_result( @cmd, 'Option --new-name is required.', 'Could not clone the provisioning template') api_expects_no_call result = run_cmd(@cmd + params) assert_cmd(expected_result, result) end it 'should clone a template by id' do params = ['--id=1', '--new-name=zzz'] api_expects(:config_templates, :clone, 'Clone template') do |par| par['id'] == '1' && par['config_template']['name'] == 'zzz' end.returns(:name => 'A', :value => '1') result = run_cmd(@cmd + params) assert_cmd(success_result("Provisioning template cloned.\n"), result) end it 'should clone a template by name' do params = ['--name=old', '--new-name=zzz'] api_expects(:config_templates, :index, 'Attempt find template') do |par| par[:search] == 'name = "old"' end.returns( index_response( [{ 'snippet' => false, 'audit_comment' => nil, 'created_at' => '2016-02-29 14:32:57 UTC', 'updated_at' => '2016-02-29 14:32:57 UTC', 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'zzz', 'template_kind_id' => 7, 'template_kind_name' => 'user_data' }])) api_expects(:config_templates, :clone, 'Clone template') do |par| par['id'] == 1 && par['config_template']['name'] == 'zzz' end.returns(:name => 'A', :value => '1') result = run_cmd(@cmd + params) assert_cmd(success_result("Provisioning template cloned.\n"), result) end end describe 'update' do before do @cmd = %w(template update) end it "doesn't send snippet flag when --type is undefined" do params = ['--id=1', '--locked=true'] api_expects(:template_kinds, :index, 'Get list of template kinds').returns(index_response([])) api_expects(:config_templates, :update, 'Update the template') do |par| par['config_template']['locked'] == true && par['config_template']['snippet'].nil? end.returns(:name => 'A', :value => '1') result = run_cmd(@cmd + params) assert_cmd(success_result("Provisioning template updated.\n"), result) end end describe 'create' do before do @cmd = %w(template create) end it 'should print correct error on providing unknown template kind' do params = ['--name=tpl', '--file=Gemfile', '--type=unknown'] expected_result = expected_result.expected_err = ['Could not create the provisioning template:', " Error: unknown template kind", ' ', " See: 'hammer template create --help'.", ''].join("\n") expected_result.expected_exit_code = HammerCLI::EX_USAGE HammerCLIForeman::Template::CreateCommand.any_instance.stubs(:kinds).returns(["PXELinux"]) api_expects_no_call result = run_cmd(@cmd + params) assert_cmd(expected_result, result) end end end