##NEED A SEPERATE MODEL THAT IMPLEMENTS IT module Auth::Concerns::Shopping::CartConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Auth::Concerns::ChiefModelConcern include Auth::Concerns::OwnerConcern included do field :name, type: String field :notes, type: String ## location of the user for this cart field :place_id, type: String ## name, age, sex of the user for this cart. field :personality_id, type: String ## debit is calculated live, by first getting all the items already dispatched and their value, and then getting the total payments made and their value, so it infact becomes something at the validation level of the cart item. ## add cart item ids attr_accessor :add_cart_item_ids ## remove cart item ids attr_accessor :remove_cart_item_ids ## the total price of all the items in the cart attr_accessor :cart_price ## the array of payment objects made upto now to this cart attr_accessor :cart_payments ## the array of cart items in this cart. attr_accessor :cart_items ## the amount the customer owes to us. attr_accessor :cart_pending_balance ## the cumulative amount paid into this cart(sum of all successfull payments.) attr_accessor :cart_paid_amount ## the credit the customer has pending in the cart. ## this is used for sequentially debiting money from the cart_paid amount. attr_accessor :cart_credit ## the minimum amount payable for all the cart items in the cart that are not yet accepted attr_accessor :cart_minimum_payable_amount ## the discount object id, passed in so that it can be rendered in the show_cart action where we provide a link to create a payment. field :discount_id, type: String attr_accessor :discount attr_accessor :personality attr_accessor :place before_destroy do |document| document.prepare_cart if document.cart_items.keep_if{|c| c.accepted == true}.size > 0 false elsif document.get_cart_payments.size > 0 false end end validate :add_or_remove_validation ## how to handle discount exceeds cart balance. ## how to handle discount origin cart id, is same as this cart. end ## sets all the attribute accessors of the cart. ## @param[Payment] : a payment object can be passed in. ## this is used in case there is a new payment which is calling prepare_cart. in that case the new payment has to be also added to the cart_payments. this is alwasy the case when a new payment is made with a status directly set as accepted, i.e for eg a cashier makes a payment on behalf of the customer. def prepare_cart find_cart_items set_cart_price set_cart_payments set_cart_paid_amount set_cart_pending_balance set_cart_minimum_payable_amount set_discount set_personality set_place end ################ ATTR ACCESSOR SETTERS & GETTERS ############## ## set the cart items, [Array] of cart items. def find_cart_items puts "find cart items." conditions = {:resource_id => get_resource.id.to_s, :parent_id => self.id.to_s} self.cart_items = Auth.configuration.cart_item_class.constantize.where(conditions).order(:created_at => 'asc') self.cart_items end def get_cart_items self.cart_items end ## => def set_cart_price puts "set cart price" self.cart_price = total_value_of_all_items_in_cart = get_cart_items.map{|c| c = c.price*c.quantity}.sum self.cart_price end def get_cart_price self.cart_price end def set_cart_payments puts "set cart payments." self.cart_payments = [] payments_made_to_this_cart = Auth.configuration.payment_class.constantize.find_payments(get_resource,self) payments_made_to_this_cart.each do |payment| self.cart_payments << payment end self.cart_payments end def get_cart_payments self.cart_payments end def set_cart_paid_amount puts "set cart paid amount" total_paid = 0 payments = get_cart_payments price = get_cart_price payments.each do |payment| total_paid += payment.amount if (payment.payment_success) end self.cart_paid_amount = total_paid self.cart_credit = self.cart_paid_amount self.cart_paid_amount end ## sum total of all payments made to the cart. def get_cart_paid_amount self.cart_paid_amount end def set_cart_pending_balance self.cart_pending_balance = get_cart_price - get_cart_paid_amount end def get_cart_pending_balance self.cart_pending_balance end ## takes all the cart items that are not accepted, and sums their "minimum_price_required_to_accept_cart_item" methods. def set_cart_minimum_payable_amount pending_or_unaccepted_cart_items = self.cart_items.select{|c| c.accepted.nil? || c.accepted == false} accepted_cart_items = self.cart_items.select{|c| c.accepted == true} if pending_or_unaccepted_cart_items.size > 0 self.cart_minimum_payable_amount = pending_or_unaccepted_cart_items.map{|c| c = c.minimum_price_required_to_accept_cart_item}.inject(:+) ## it can happen that he has payed somewhere halfway between the required amount and the full price of the cart -> see the tests. self.cart_minimum_payable_amount = self.cart_pending_balance if (self.cart_pending_balance < self.cart_minimum_payable_amount) elsif accepted_cart_items.size > 0 self.cart_minimum_payable_amount = 0 else end ## we can add more stuff here like the credit score of the user. ## so that is a function of the cart_owner. ## so everytime a cart is fully paid, it can add to the credit score of the user, and that can further titrate this.. ## so we have discount and all this. end ## will do first check if the discount id exists, and then if it requires def set_discount begin self.discount = Auth.configuration.discount_class.constantize.find(discount_id) rescue => e end end ## initially is the same as cart_paid_amount, by calling debit, we can debit from credit, the costs of various items. def get_cart_credit self.cart_credit end ## debits the @amount from the cart credit. ## returns the current credit. def debit(amount) #puts "want to debit: #{amount}" #puts "current credit is: #{self.cart_credit}" self.cart_credit-=amount #puts "after debiting: #{self.cart_credit}" self.cart_credit end ############# PAYMENT BALANCE CONVENIENCE METHODS ############# ## not fully paid, there is some amount to be taken from the customer yet. def has_pending get_cart_pending_balance > 0 end ## fully paid. def fully_paid get_cart_pending_balance == 0 end ## not paid a penny. def not_paid_at_all get_cart_pending_balance == get_cart_price end ## returns the amount that needs to be refunded to the customer from this cart. ## @return : 0 if the pending_balance is greater than 0,otherwise returns the pending balance. def refund_amount return 0 unless get_cart_pending_balance < 0 return get_cart_pending_balance end ## just replaces the cart_items with an array of cart_item_ids ## replaces the cart_payments with an array of cart_payment_ids ## then returns a hash with these two instead of the original values. ## @used_in : Shopping::PaymentConcern.set_receipt. def prepare_receipt puts "PREPARE RECEIPT-----------------------------------" cart_item_ids = cart_items.map{|c| c = c.id.to_s} cart_payment_ids = cart_payments.map{|c| c = c.id.to_s} receipt = self.attributes.merge({:cart_items => cart_item_ids, :cart_payments => cart_payment_ids}) receipt end ## checks if there are any items in the cart. ## expected that prepare_cart has been called in advance. ## return[Boolean] true if there is one or more items in the cart ## @used_in: payment_concern validation cart_not_empty def has_items? get_cart_items.size > 0 end def as_json(options={}) super.merge({:cart_items => self.cart_items, :cart_payments => self.cart_payments, :cart_price => self.cart_price, :cart_paid_amount => self.cart_paid_amount, :cart_pending_balance => self.cart_pending_balance, :cart_credit => self.cart_credit, :cart_minimum_payable_amount => self.cart_minimum_payable_amount}) end def add_or_remove_validation add_or_remove(add_cart_item_ids,1) if add_cart_item_ids add_or_remove(remove_cart_item_ids,-1) if remove_cart_item_ids end ##adds a validation error if the cart items could not be successfully added or removed. ##called from the controller. ##TODO: you should change this to be called before_validation instead, so that all code remains in the model. def add_or_remove(item_ids,add_or_remove) item_ids.map {|id| begin #puts "the signed in resource is:" #puts self.signed_in_resource cart_item = Auth.configuration.cart_item_class.constantize.find_self(id,self.signed_in_resource) cart_item.signed_in_resource = self.signed_in_resource puts "Add or remove is: #{add_or_remove}" resp = (add_or_remove == 1) ? cart_item.set_cart_and_resource(self) : cart_item.unset_cart puts "unset cart is:#{resp.to_s}" resp rescue Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound => error #puts "--------------------------------------------DIDNT FIND THE CART ITEM" #puts error.to_s #puts "--------------------------------------------" true end } #self.errors.add(:cart_items,"some cart items could not be added or removed successfully") if ((add_remove_results.size > 1) || (add_remove_results[0] == false)) end ## used in initialize vars in cart_controlller_concern. ## override this method to allow an admin to also interact with all the actions of the controller. def self.find_cart(cart_id,resource) if cart_collection = self.where(:id => cart_id, :resource_id => resource_id) cart_collection.size > 0 ? cart_collection.first : nil else nil end end ## @return[Boolean] true/false : override to decide how the cart decides if it can create discount coupons for its contents or not. ## the current implementation returns true if all items have been fully paid for. def can_create_discount_coupons? #return (self.cart_items.select{|c| c.accepted.nil? || c.accepted == false}.size == 0) puts "CAME TO CAN CREATE DISCOUNT COUPONS." prepare_cart self.cart_pending_balance == 0 end def set_personality return unless self.personality_id puts "self personality id is: #{self.personality_id}" self.personality = Auth.configuration.personality_class.constantize.find(self.personality_id) end def set_place return unless self.place_id puts "Self place id is: #{self.place_id}" self.place = Auth.configuration.place_class.constantize.find(self.place_id) end end