{I" class:ETI"ProcessedAsset; FI"logical_path; TI"%external/bootstrap-timepicker.js; FI" pathname; TI"_/Users/remo/code/ruby/gems/contour/app/assets/javascripts/external/bootstrap-timepicker.js; FI"content_type; TI"application/javascript; TI" mtime; Tl+jQI"length; Ti{I"digest; TI"%68986b2d39c86b560703644dee918c70; FI"source; TI"{/* ========================================================= * bootstrap-timepicker.js * http://www.github.com/jdewit/bootstrap-timepicker * ========================================================= * Copyright 2012 * * Created By: * Joris de Wit @joris_dewit * * Contributions By: * Gilbert @mindeavor * Koen Punt info@koenpunt.nl * Nek * Chris Martin * Dominic Barnes contact@dominicbarnes.us * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ========================================================= */ !function($) { "use strict"; // jshint ;_; /* TIMEPICKER PUBLIC CLASS DEFINITION * ================================== */ var Timepicker = function(element, options) { this.$element = $(element); this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.timepicker.defaults, options, this.$element.data()); this.minuteStep = this.options.minuteStep || this.minuteStep; this.secondStep = this.options.secondStep || this.secondStep; this.showMeridian = this.options.showMeridian || this.showMeridian; this.showSeconds = this.options.showSeconds || this.showSeconds; this.showInputs = this.options.showInputs || this.showInputs; this.disableFocus = this.options.disableFocus || this.disableFocus; this.template = this.options.template || this.template; this.modalBackdrop = this.options.modalBackdrop || this.modalBackdrop; this.defaultTime = this.options.defaultTime || this.defaultTime; this.open = false; this.init(); }; Timepicker.prototype = { constructor: Timepicker , init: function () { if (this.$element.parent().hasClass('input-append')) { this.$element.parent('.input-append').find('.add-on').on('click', $.proxy(this.showWidget, this)); this.$element.on({ focus: $.proxy(this.highlightUnit, this), click: $.proxy(this.highlightUnit, this), keydown: $.proxy(this.elementKeypress, this), blur: $.proxy(this.blurElement, this) }); } else { if (this.template) { this.$element.on({ focus: $.proxy(this.showWidget, this), click: $.proxy(this.showWidget, this), blur: $.proxy(this.blurElement, this), keydown:$.proxy(this.inputKeydown, this) }); } else { this.$element.on({ focus: $.proxy(this.highlightUnit, this), click: $.proxy(this.highlightUnit, this), keydown: $.proxy(this.elementKeypress, this), blur: $.proxy(this.blurElement, this) }); } } this.$widget = $(this.getTemplate()).appendTo('body'); this.$widget.on('click', $.proxy(this.widgetClick, this)); if (this.showInputs) { this.$widget.find('input').on({ click: function() { this.select(); }, keydown: $.proxy(this.widgetKeypress, this), change: $.proxy(this.updateFromWidgetInputs, this) }); } this.setDefaultTime(this.defaultTime); var that = this; $(document).on('mousedown', function (e) { // Clicked outside the timepicker, hide it if ($(e.target).closest('.bootstrap-timepicker').length == 0) { that.hideWidget(); } }); } , showWidget: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); if (this.open) { return; } this.$element.trigger('show'); if (this.disableFocus) { this.$element.blur(); } var pos = $.extend({}, this.$element.offset(), { height: this.$element[0].offsetHeight }); this.updateFromElementVal(); $('html') .trigger('click.timepicker.data-api') .one('click.timepicker.data-api', $.proxy(this.hideWidget, this)); if (this.template === 'modal') { this.$widget.modal('show').on('hidden', $.proxy(this.hideWidget, this)); } else { this.$widget.css({ top: pos.top + pos.height , left: pos.left }) if (!this.open) { this.$widget.addClass('open'); } } this.open = true; this.$element.trigger('shown'); } , hideWidget: function(){ this.$element.trigger('hide'); if (this.template === 'modal') { this.$widget.modal('hide'); } else { this.$widget.removeClass('open'); } this.open = false; this.$element.trigger('hidden'); } , widgetClick: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var action = $(e.target).closest('a').data('action'); if (action) { this[action](); this.update(); } } , widgetKeypress: function(e) { var input = $(e.target).closest('input').attr('name'); switch (e.keyCode) { case 9: //tab if (this.showMeridian) { if (input == 'meridian') { this.hideWidget(); } } else { if (this.showSeconds) { if (input == 'second') { this.hideWidget(); } } else { if (input == 'minute') { this.hideWidget(); } } } break; case 27: // escape this.hideWidget(); break; case 38: // up arrow switch (input) { case 'hour': this.incrementHour(); break; case 'minute': this.incrementMinute(); break; case 'second': this.incrementSecond(); break; case 'meridian': this.toggleMeridian(); break; } this.update(); break; case 40: // down arrow switch (input) { case 'hour': this.decrementHour(); break; case 'minute': this.decrementMinute(); break; case 'second': this.decrementSecond(); break; case 'meridian': this.toggleMeridian(); break; } this.update(); break; } } , elementKeypress: function(e) { var input = this.$element.get(0); switch (e.keyCode) { case 0: //input break; case 9: //tab this.updateFromElementVal(); if (this.showMeridian) { if (this.highlightedUnit != 'meridian') { e.preventDefault(); this.highlightNextUnit(); } } else { if (this.showSeconds) { if (this.highlightedUnit != 'second') { e.preventDefault(); this.highlightNextUnit(); } } else { if (this.highlightedUnit != 'minute') { e.preventDefault(); this.highlightNextUnit(); } } } break; case 27: // escape this.updateFromElementVal(); break; case 37: // left arrow this.updateFromElementVal(); this.highlightPrevUnit(); break; case 38: // up arrow switch (this.highlightedUnit) { case 'hour': this.incrementHour(); break; case 'minute': this.incrementMinute(); break; case 'second': this.incrementSecond(); break; case 'meridian': this.toggleMeridian(); break; } this.updateElement(); break; case 39: // right arrow this.updateFromElementVal(); this.highlightNextUnit(); break; case 40: // down arrow switch (this.highlightedUnit) { case 'hour': this.decrementHour(); break; case 'minute': this.decrementMinute(); break; case 'second': this.decrementSecond(); break; case 'meridian': this.toggleMeridian(); break; } this.updateElement(); break; } if (!this.isValidInputCharacter(e)) { e.preventDefault(); } } , isValidInputCharacter: function(event) { var character = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode); var valid = [0, 8, 9, 46, 65, 80, 77]; return event.ctrlKey || valid.indexOf(event.keyCode) >= 0 || (character >= '0' && character <= '9'); } , inputKeydown: function(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 0: //input break; case 9: //tab this.hideWidget(); break; case 27: // escape this.hideWidget(); break; case 13: // enter this.hideWidget(); break; } } , setValues: function(time) { if (this.showMeridian) { var arr = time.split(' '); var timeArray = arr[0].split(':'); this.meridian = arr[1]; } else { var timeArray = time.split(':'); } this.hour = parseInt(timeArray[0], 10); this.minute = parseInt(timeArray[1], 10); this.second = parseInt(timeArray[2], 10); if (isNaN(this.hour)) { this.hour = 0; } if (isNaN(this.minute)) { this.minute = 0; } if (this.showMeridian) { if (this.hour > 12) { this.hour = 12; } else if (this.hour < 1) { this.hour = 1; } if (this.meridian == 'am' || this.meridian == 'a') { this.meridian = 'AM'; } else if (this.meridian == 'pm' || this.meridian == 'p') { this.meridian = 'PM'; } if (this.meridian != 'AM' && this.meridian != 'PM') { this.meridian = 'AM'; } } else { if (this.hour >= 24) { this.hour = 23; } else if (this.hour < 0) { this.hour = 0; } } if (this.minute < 0) { this.minute = 0; } else if (this.minute >= 60) { this.minute = 59; } if (this.showSeconds) { if (isNaN(this.second)) { this.second = 0; } else if (this.second < 0) { this.second = 0; } else if (this.second >= 60) { this.second = 59; } } if ( this.$element.val() != '' ) this.updateElement(); this.updateWidget(); } , setMeridian: function(meridian) { if (meridian == 'a' || meridian == 'am' || meridian == 'AM' ) { this.meridian = 'AM'; } else if (meridian == 'p' || meridian == 'pm' || meridian == 'PM' ) { this.meridian = 'PM'; } else { this.updateWidget(); } this.updateElement(); } , setDefaultTime: function(defaultTime){ if (defaultTime) { if (defaultTime === 'current') { var dTime = new Date(); var hours = dTime.getHours(); var minutes = Math.floor(dTime.getMinutes() / this.minuteStep) * this.minuteStep; var seconds = Math.floor(dTime.getSeconds() / this.secondStep) * this.secondStep; var meridian = "AM"; if (this.showMeridian) { if (hours === 0) { hours = 12; } else if (hours >= 12) { if (hours > 12) { hours = hours - 12; } meridian = "PM"; } else { meridian = "AM"; } } this.hour = hours; this.minute = minutes; this.second = seconds; this.meridian = meridian; } else if (defaultTime === 'value') { this.setValues(this.$element.val()); } else { this.setValues(defaultTime); } if ( this.$element.val() != '' ) this.updateElement(); this.updateWidget(); } else { this.hour = 0; this.minute = 0; this.second = 0; } } , formatTime: function(hour, minute, second, meridian) { hour = hour < 10 ? '0' + hour : hour; minute = minute < 10 ? '0' + minute : minute; second = second < 10 ? '0' + second : second; return hour + ':' + minute + (this.showSeconds ? ':' + second : '') + (this.showMeridian ? ' ' + meridian : ''); } , getTime: function() { return this.formatTime(this.hour, this.minute, this.second, this.meridian); } , setTime: function(time) { this.setValues(time); this.update(); } , update: function() { this.updateElement(); this.updateWidget(); } , blurElement: function() { this.highlightedUnit = undefined; this.updateFromElementVal(); } , updateElement: function() { var time = this.getTime(); this.$element.val(time).change(); switch (this.highlightedUnit) { case 'hour': this.highlightHour(); break; case 'minute': this.highlightMinute(); break; case 'second': this.highlightSecond(); break; case 'meridian': this.highlightMeridian(); break; } } , updateWidget: function() { if (this.showInputs) { this.$widget.find('input.bootstrap-timepicker-hour').val(this.hour < 10 ? '0' + this.hour : this.hour); this.$widget.find('input.bootstrap-timepicker-minute').val(this.minute < 10 ? '0' + this.minute : this.minute); if (this.showSeconds) { this.$widget.find('input.bootstrap-timepicker-second').val(this.second < 10 ? '0' + this.second : this.second); } if (this.showMeridian) { this.$widget.find('input.bootstrap-timepicker-meridian').val(this.meridian); } } else { this.$widget.find('span.bootstrap-timepicker-hour').text(this.hour); this.$widget.find('span.bootstrap-timepicker-minute').text(this.minute < 10 ? '0' + this.minute : this.minute); if (this.showSeconds) { this.$widget.find('span.bootstrap-timepicker-second').text(this.second < 10 ? '0' + this.second : this.second); } if (this.showMeridian) { this.$widget.find('span.bootstrap-timepicker-meridian').text(this.meridian); } } } , updateFromElementVal: function (e) { var time = this.$element.val(); if (time) { this.setValues(time); this.updateWidget(); } } , updateFromWidgetInputs: function () { var time = $('input.bootstrap-timepicker-hour', this.$widget).val() + ':' + $('input.bootstrap-timepicker-minute', this.$widget).val() + (this.showSeconds ? ':' + $('input.bootstrap-timepicker-second', this.$widget).val() : '') + (this.showMeridian ? ' ' + $('input.bootstrap-timepicker-meridian', this.$widget).val() : ''); this.setValues(time); } , getCursorPosition: function() { var input = this.$element.get(0); if ('selectionStart' in input) { // Standard-compliant browsers return input.selectionStart; } else if (document.selection) { // IE fix input.focus(); var sel = document.selection.createRange(); var selLen = document.selection.createRange().text.length; sel.moveStart('character', - input.value.length); return sel.text.length - selLen; } } , highlightUnit: function () { var input = this.$element.get(0); this.position = this.getCursorPosition(); if (this.position >= 0 && this.position <= 2) { this.highlightHour(); } else if (this.position >= 3 && this.position <= 5) { this.highlightMinute(); } else if (this.position >= 6 && this.position <= 8) { if (this.showSeconds) { this.highlightSecond(); } else { this.highlightMeridian(); } } else if (this.position >= 9 && this.position <= 11) { this.highlightMeridian(); } } , highlightNextUnit: function() { switch (this.highlightedUnit) { case 'hour': this.highlightMinute(); break; case 'minute': if (this.showSeconds) { this.highlightSecond(); } else { this.highlightMeridian(); } break; case 'second': this.highlightMeridian(); break; case 'meridian': this.highlightHour(); break; } } , highlightPrevUnit: function() { switch (this.highlightedUnit) { case 'hour': this.highlightMeridian(); break; case 'minute': this.highlightHour(); break; case 'second': this.highlightMinute(); break; case 'meridian': if (this.showSeconds) { this.highlightSecond(); } else { this.highlightMinute(); } break; } } , highlightHour: function() { this.highlightedUnit = 'hour'; this.$element.get(0).setSelectionRange(0,2); } , highlightMinute: function() { this.highlightedUnit = 'minute'; this.$element.get(0).setSelectionRange(3,5); } , highlightSecond: function() { this.highlightedUnit = 'second'; this.$element.get(0).setSelectionRange(6,8); } , highlightMeridian: function() { this.highlightedUnit = 'meridian'; if (this.showSeconds) { this.$element.get(0).setSelectionRange(9,11); } else { this.$element.get(0).setSelectionRange(6,8); } } , incrementHour: function() { if (this.showMeridian) { if (this.hour === 11) { this.toggleMeridian(); } else if (this.hour === 12) { return this.hour = 1; } } if (this.hour === 23) { return this.hour = 0; } this.hour = this.hour + 1; } , decrementHour: function() { if (this.showMeridian) { if (this.hour === 1) { return this.hour = 12; } else if (this.hour === 12) { this.toggleMeridian(); } } if (this.hour === 0) { return this.hour = 23; } this.hour = this.hour - 1; } , incrementMinute: function() { var newVal = this.minute + this.minuteStep - (this.minute % this.minuteStep); if (newVal > 59) { this.incrementHour(); this.minute = newVal - 60; } else { this.minute = newVal; } } , decrementMinute: function() { var newVal = this.minute - this.minuteStep; if (newVal < 0) { this.decrementHour(); this.minute = newVal + 60; } else { this.minute = newVal; } } , incrementSecond: function() { var newVal = this.second + this.secondStep - (this.second % this.secondStep); if (newVal > 59) { this.incrementMinute(); this.second = newVal - 60; } else { this.second = newVal; } } , decrementSecond: function() { var newVal = this.second - this.secondStep; if (newVal < 0) { this.decrementMinute(); this.second = newVal + 60; } else { this.second = newVal; } } , toggleMeridian: function() { this.meridian = this.meridian === 'AM' ? 'PM' : 'AM'; this.update(); } , getTemplate: function() { if (this.options.templates[this.options.template]) { return this.options.templates[this.options.template]; } if (this.showInputs) { var hourTemplate = ''; var minuteTemplate = ''; var secondTemplate = ''; var meridianTemplate = ''; } else { var hourTemplate = ''; var minuteTemplate = ''; var secondTemplate = ''; var meridianTemplate = ''; } var templateContent = '