*SproutCore 1.4.4 (November 12, 2010)* * Fix SC.platform.touch for Chrome 9 * Better docs for setIfChanged * Minor documentation fix * Minor cleanup to SC.platform * Added support for Chrome Frame with :chrome_frame flag in Buildfile * Can now parse '1/1/01 1:1:1'-formatted date times. Thanks timgaleckas. * Remove unused code in SC.Store#removeDataHash * Removed deep flag for clone method * Replaced some instances of true with YES * Datastore makes deep copies of data hashes instead of shallow copies * Added support for making deep copies of an object into SC.copy and into SC.Copyable.copy * SC.clone makes deep copies of objects of type SC.T_HASH * Removed unnecessary variable declaration and method invokation in writeAttribute * Fixed an incorrect statement in the SC.CollectionContent inline documentation. * Fixed typo in SC.Animatable fixes * Added safety check for SC.Touch.allowDefault * Animatable should check that transitions exist before using special case * Typos prevent accelerating anything with a right or bottom even if it also has a top/height or left/width *SproutCore 1.4.3 (October 19, 2010)* * Send a warning to the console when using SC.RecordArray#indexOf or SC.RecordArray#lastIndexOf and providing an object that is * Applied fix to the findClassNames function so that class names can be detected when using SproutCore in IE 7 and 8. * SC.ObserverSet.add was being overloaded in debug mode by a version that mucked up passing along a context with addObserver. T * rendering of select field will now honor isEnabled, ensuring that the control is disabled in the markup if not enabled in cod * adding an observer that monitors the objects content (and not just the reference) so that any changes to the content will upd * NotEmpty validator would not validate 0 as a non-empty number * Spelling fixes in api doc * Fix spelling in license header * LabelView: allow inline editing of numbers like 0 * Refactor duplicated code into a function * Made errors with not correctly initialized caches obvious to find. * Add same guard clause as in insertTab * Fix tabbing in the previous direction as well * Make tabbing between inline text fields work * Make SC.Animatable not crash when it lacks a parent view. * Changed SC.Button mixin to support content objects that do not have get * Fixed issue with SC.ScrollerView not properly updating its element's class names, e.g., if controlsHidden changed to false, t * SC.ScrollerView's thumbs now default to their position -- solves an issue where going back to a view that had already been sc * Explicitly check falsity of isReady in SC._object_className so searching for class names in tests work * SC.ListItemView checks rightIcon property when determining if click occurred within it * For radio buttons with horizontal layoutDirection, added itemWidthKey for custom widths -- fixes Github Issue #27 * These tests fail because the store status for the child record is only updated when you 'get' the status of the child record. * return null instead of undefined from select field view getFieldValue when empty item selected. * Sanity check in CollectionView item removal * Fixed SC root responder's mousemove function so that last hovered views are exited first before other views are entered * Fixes passing contexts with addObserver. * Make sure a bad DateTime.parse() doesn't mess up future parses *SproutCore 1.4.2 (October 1, 2010)* * Fixes a DateTime .get('lastMonday') bug * default to using ISO 8601 format for time parsing if none is specified * Allow SelectFieldView to obtain focus if the user presses TAB key from previous field. * Fixed typo *SproutCore 1.4.1 (September 21, 2010)* * Update the X-SproutCore-Version header to 1.4 [MO]