// - Column classes are for and | tags.
// - Users can use these classes in the CSS files, but cannot define their own.
// writerArgs: Object
// Associative Array, arguments for TableWriter.
// fetchArgs: object?
// Any arguments for store.fetch
// name: String
// Plugin name
name: "printer",
constructor: function(grid){
// summary:
// only newed by _Plugin
// inGrid: EnhancedGrid
// The grid to plug in to.
this.grid = grid;
//For print, we usually need the HTML instead of raw data.
grid.setExportFormatter(function(data, cell, rowIndex, rowItem){
return cell.format(rowIndex, rowItem);
_mixinGrid: function(){
var g = this.grid;
g.printGrid = lang.hitch(this, this.printGrid);
g.printSelected = lang.hitch(this, this.printSelected);
g.exportToHTML = lang.hitch(this, this.exportToHTML);
g.exportSelectedToHTML = lang.hitch(this, this.exportSelectedToHTML);
g.normalizePrintedGrid = lang.hitch(this, this.normalizeRowHeight);
printGrid: function(args){
// summary:
// Print all the data in the grid, using title as a title,
// decorating generated html by cssFiles,
// using tagName:"attrbuteList" pairs(writerArgs) to control html tags
// in the generated html string.
// tags:
// public
// args: __printArgs?
// Arguments for print.
this.exportToHTML(args, lang.hitch(this, this._print));
printSelected: function(args){
// summary:
// Print selected data. All other features are the same as printGrid.
// For meaning of arguments see function *printGrid*
// tags:
// public
// args: __printArgs?
// Arguments for print.
this.exportSelectedToHTML(args, lang.hitch(this, this._print));
exportToHTML: function(args, onExported){
// summary:
// Export to HTML string, but do NOT print.
// Users can use this to implement print preview.
// For meaning of the 1st-3rd arguments see function *printGrid*.
// tags:
// public
// args: __printArgs?
// Arguments for print.
// onExported: function(string)
// call back function
args = this._formalizeArgs(args);
var _this = this;
this.grid.exportGrid("table", args, function(str){
_this._wrapHTML(args.title, args.cssFiles, args.titleInBody + str).then(onExported);
exportSelectedToHTML: function(args, onExported){
// summary:
// Export selected rows to HTML string, but do NOT print.
// Users can use this to implement print preview.
// For meaning of arguments see function *printGrid*
// tags:
// public
// args: __printArgs?
// Arguments for print.
args = this._formalizeArgs(args);
var _this = this;
this.grid.exportSelected("table", args.writerArgs, function(str){
_this._wrapHTML(args.title, args.cssFiles, args.titleInBody + str).then(onExported);
_loadCSSFiles: function(cssFiles){
var dl = array.map(cssFiles, function(cssFile){
cssFile = lang.trim(cssFile);
if(cssFile.substring(cssFile.length - 4).toLowerCase() === '.css'){
return xhr.get({
url: cssFile
var d = new Deferred();
return d;
return DeferredList.prototype.gatherResults(dl);
_print: function(/* string */htmlStr){
// summary:
// Do the print job.
// tags:
// private
// htmlStr: String
// The html content string to be printed.
// returns:
// undefined
var win, _this = this,
fillDoc = function(w){
var doc = w.document;
//We don't have a print facility.
}else if(has('chrome') || has('opera')){
//referred from dijit._editor.plugins.Print._print()
//In opera and chrome the iframe.contentWindow.print
//will also print the outside window. So we must create a
//stand-alone new window.
win = window.open("javascript: ''", "",
//Opera will stop at this point, showing the popping-out window.
//If the user closes the window, the following codes will not execute.
//If the user returns focus to the main window, the print function
// is executed, but still a no-op.
//Put private things in deeper namespace to avoid poluting grid namespace.
var fn = this._printFrame,
dn = this.grid.domNode;
var frameId = dn.id + "_print_frame";
if(!(fn = html.byId(frameId))){
//create an iframe to store the grid data.
fn = html.create("iframe");
fn.id = frameId;
fn.frameBorder = 0;
html.style(fn, {
width: "1px",
height: "1px",
position: "absolute",
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
border: "none",
overflow: "hidden"
html.style(fn, "visibility", "hidden");
//Reuse this iframe
this._printFrame = fn;
win = fn.contentWindow;
//IE requires the frame to be focused for print to work, and it's harmless for FF.
_wrapHTML: function(/* string */title, /* Array */cssFiles, /* string */body_content){
// summary:
// Put title, cssFiles, and body_content together into an HTML string.
// tags:
// private
// title: String
// A title for the html page.
// cssFiles: Array
// css file pathes.
// body_content: String
// Content to print, not including part and tags
// returns:
// the wrapped HTML string ready for print
return this._loadCSSFiles(cssFiles).then(function(cssStrs){
var i, sb = ['',
'', title,
for(i = 0; i < cssStrs.length; ++i){
sb.push(body_content, '');
return sb.join('');
normalizeRowHeight: function(doc){
var views = query(".grid_view", doc.body);
var headPerView = array.map(views, function(view){
return query(".grid_header", view)[0];
var rowsPerView = array.map(views, function(view){
return query(".grid_row", view);
var rowCount = rowsPerView[0].length;
var i, v, h, maxHeight = 0;
for(v = views.length - 1; v >= 0; --v){
h = html.contentBox(headPerView[v]).h;
if(h > maxHeight){
maxHeight = h;
for(v = views.length - 1; v >= 0; --v){
html.style(headPerView[v], "height", maxHeight + "px");
for(i = 0; i < rowCount; ++i){
maxHeight = 0;
for(v = views.length - 1; v >= 0; --v){
h = html.contentBox(rowsPerView[v][i]).h;
if(h > maxHeight){
maxHeight = h;
for(v = views.length - 1; v >= 0; --v){
html.style(rowsPerView[v][i], "height", maxHeight + "px");
var left = 0, ltr = html._isBodyLtr();
for(v = 0; v < views.length; ++v){
html.style(views[v], ltr ? "left" : "right", left + "px");
left += html.marginBox(views[v]).w;
_formalizeArgs: function(args){
args = (args && lang.isObject(args)) ? args : {};
args.title = String(args.title) || "";
args.cssFiles = [args.cssFiles];
args.titleInBody = args.title ? ['', args.title, ''].join('') : '';
return args; //Object
EnhancedGrid.registerPlugin(Printer/*name:'printer'*/, {
"dependency": ["exporter"]
return Printer;