#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' require 'puppet/indirector/ldap' describe Puppet::Indirector::Ldap do before do @indirection = stub 'indirection', :name => :testing Puppet::Indirector::Indirection.stubs(:instance).returns(@indirection) @ldap_class = Class.new(Puppet::Indirector::Ldap) do def self.to_s "Testing::Mytype" end end @connection = mock 'ldap' @searcher = @ldap_class.new end describe "when searching ldap" do before do # Stub everything, and we can selectively replace with an expect as # we need to for testing. @searcher.stubs(:connection).returns(@connection) @searcher.stubs(:search_filter).returns(:filter) @searcher.stubs(:search_base).returns(:base) @searcher.stubs(:process) @request = stub 'request', :key => "yay" end it "should call the ldapsearch method with the search filter" do @searcher.expects(:search_filter).with("yay").returns("yay's filter") @searcher.expects(:ldapsearch).with("yay's filter") @searcher.find @request end it "should fail if no block is passed to the ldapsearch method" do proc { @searcher.ldapsearch("blah") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should use the results of the ldapbase method as the ldap search base" do @searcher.stubs(:search_base).returns("mybase") @connection.expects(:search).with do |*args| args[0].should == "mybase" true end @searcher.find @request end it "should default to the value of the :search_base setting as the result of the ldapbase method" do Puppet.expects(:[]).with(:ldapbase).returns("myldapbase") searcher = @ldap_class.new searcher.search_base.should == "myldapbase" end it "should use the results of the :search_attributes method as the list of attributes to return" do @searcher.stubs(:search_attributes).returns(:myattrs) @connection.expects(:search).with do |*args| args[3].should == :myattrs true end @searcher.find @request end it "should use depth 2 when searching" do @connection.expects(:search).with do |*args| args[1].should == 2 true end @searcher.find @request end it "should call process() on the first found entry" do @connection.expects(:search).yields("myresult") @searcher.expects(:process).with("myresult") @searcher.find @request end it "should reconnect and retry the search if there is a failure" do run = false @connection.stubs(:search).with do |*args| if run true else run = true raise "failed" end end.yields("myresult") @searcher.expects(:process).with("myresult") @searcher.find @request end it "should not reconnect on failure more than once" do count = 0 @connection.stubs(:search).with do |*args| count += 1 raise ArgumentError, "yay" end proc { @searcher.find(@request) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) count.should == 2 end it "should return true if an entry is found" do @connection.expects(:search).yields("result") @searcher.ldapsearch("whatever") { |r| }.should be_true end end describe "when connecting to ldap", :if => Puppet.features.ldap? do it "should create and start a Util::Ldap::Connection instance" do conn = mock 'connection', :connection => "myconn", :start => nil Puppet::Util::Ldap::Connection.expects(:instance).returns conn @searcher.connection.should == "myconn" end it "should only create the ldap connection when asked for it the first time" do conn = mock 'connection', :connection => "myconn", :start => nil Puppet::Util::Ldap::Connection.expects(:instance).returns conn @searcher.connection end it "should cache the connection" do conn = mock 'connection', :connection => "myconn", :start => nil Puppet::Util::Ldap::Connection.expects(:instance).returns conn @searcher.connection.should equal(@searcher.connection) end end describe "when reconnecting to ldap", :if => (Puppet.features.root? and Facter.value("hostname") == "culain") do it "should reconnect to ldap when connections are lost" end end