module Fog module Compute class ProfitBricks class Real # Creates a volume within the data center. This will NOT attach the volume to a server. # # ==== Parameters # * datacenter_id<~String> - Required, UUID of virtual data center # * options<~Hash>: # * name<~String> - The name of the volume # * size<~Integer> - Required, the size of the volume in GB # * bus<~String> - The bus type of the volume (VIRTIO or IDE). Default: VIRTIO. # * image<~String> - Required**, the image or snapshot ID # * imageAlias<~String> - Required**, an alias to a ProfitBricks public image. Use instead of "image". # * type<~String> - The volume type, HDD or SSD # * licenceType<~String> - Required**, the licence type of the volume. Options: LINUX, WINDOWS, UNKNOWN, OTHER # * imagePassword<~String> - One-time password is set on the Image for the appropriate account. # This field may only be set in creation requests. When reading, it always returns null. # Password has to contain 8-50 characters. # Only these characters are allowed: [abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvxABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVX23456789] # * sshKeys<~String> - SSH keys to allow access to the volume via SSH # # ** Either the image or the licenceType parameters need to be provided. # licenceType is required, but if image is supplied, it will already have a licenceType set. # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * id<~String> - The resource's unique identifier # * type<~String> - The type of the created resource # * href<~String> - URL to the object's representation (absolute path) # * metadata<~Hash> - Hash containing the volume metadata # * createdDate<~String> - The date the resource was created # * createdBy<~String> - The user who created the resource # * etag<~String> - The etag for the resource # * lastModifiedDate<~String> - The last time the resource has been modified # * lastModifiedBy<~String> - The user who last modified the resource # * state<~String> - Volume state # * properties<~Hash> - Hash containing the volume properties # * name<~String> - The name of the volume. # * type<~String> - The volume type, HDD or SSD. # * size<~Integer> - The size of the volume in GB. # * image<~String> - The image or snapshot ID. # * imagePassword<~String> - Indicates if a password is set on the image. # * sshKeys<~String> - SSH keys # * bus<~String> - The bus type of the volume (VIRTIO or IDE). Default: VIRTIO. # * licenceType<~String> - Volume licence type. ( WINDOWS, LINUX, OTHER, UNKNOWN) # * cpuHotPlug<~Boolean> - This volume is capable of CPU hot plug (no reboot required) # * cpuHotUnplug<~Boolean> - This volume is capable of CPU hot unplug (no reboot required) # * ramHotPlug<~Boolean> - This volume is capable of memory hot plug (no reboot required) # * ramHotUnplug<~Boolean> - This volume is capable of memory hot unplug (no reboot required) # * nicHotPlug<~Boolean> - This volume is capable of nic hot plug (no reboot required) # * nicHotUnplug<~Boolean> - This volume is capable of nic hot unplug (no reboot required) # * discVirtioHotPlug<~Boolean> - This volume is capable of Virt-IO drive hot plug (no reboot required) # * discVirtioHotPlug<~Boolean> - This volume is capable of Virt-IO drive hot unplug (no reboot required) # * discScsiHotPlug<~Boolean> - This volume is capable of Scsi drive hot plug (no reboot required) # * discScsiHotUnplug<~Boolean> - This volume is capable of Scsi drive hot unplug (no reboot required) # * deviceNumber<~Integer> - The LUN ID of the volume volume # # {ProfitBricks API Documentation}[] def create_volume(datacenter_id, options = {}) volume = { :properties => options } request( :expects => [202], :method => 'POST', :path => "/datacenters/#{datacenter_id}/volumes", :body => Fog::JSON.encode(volume) ) end end class Mock def create_volume(datacenter_id, options = {}) response = response.status = 202 if datacenter = data[:datacenters]['items'].find do |attrib| attrib['id'] == datacenter_id end datacenter['version'] += 1 if datacenter['version'] else raise Fog::Errors::NotFound, 'Data center resource could not be found' end volume_id = Fog::UUID.uuid volume = { 'id' => volume_id, 'type' => 'volume', 'href' => "https=>//{datacenter['id']}/volumes/#{volume_id}", 'metadata' => { 'createdDate' => '2015-03-18T19=>00=>51Z', 'createdBy' => '', 'etag' => 'c4a2fde6ba91a038ff953b939cc21efe', 'lastModifiedDate' => '2015-03-18T19=>00=>51Z', 'lastModifiedBy' => '', 'state' => 'AVAILABLE' }, 'properties' => { 'name' => options[:name], 'type' => options[:type], 'size' => options[:size], 'image' => options[:image], 'availabilityZone' => options[:availabilityZone], 'bus' => 'VIRTIO', 'licenceType' => 'OTHER', 'cpuHotPlug' => 'true', 'cpuHotUnplug' => 'false', 'ramHotPlug' => 'false', 'ramHotUnplug' => 'false', 'nicHotPlug' => 'true', 'nicHotUnplug' => 'true', 'discVirtioHotPlug' => 'true', 'discVirtioHotUnplug' => 'true', 'discScsiHotPlug' => 'false', 'discScsiHotUnplug' => 'false', 'deviceNumber' => 1 }, 'datacenter_id' => datacenter['id'] } data[:volumes]['items'] << volume response.body = volume response end end end end end