module Polonium class Element include WaitFor, ValuesMatch attr_reader :driver, :locator def initialize(driver, locator) @driver = driver @locator = locator end def assert_element_present(params={}) driver.wait_for_is_element_present(locator, params) end def assert_element_not_present(params={}) driver.wait_for_is_element_not_present(locator, params) end def assert_value(expected_value) assert_element_present wait_for do |configuration| actual_value = driver.get_value(locator) configuration.message = "Expected '#{locator}' to be '#{expected_value}' but was '#{actual_value}'" has_value? expected_value, actual_value end end def assert_attribute(expected_name, expected_value) assert_element_present attr_locator = "#{locator}@#{expected_name}" wait_for do |configuration| actual = driver.get_attribute(attr_locator) #todo: actual value configuration.message = "Expected attribute '#{attr_locator}' to be '#{expected_value}' but was '#{actual}'" values_match? actual, expected_value end end def assert_selected(expected_value) assert_element_present wait_for do |configuration| actual = driver.get_selected_label(locator) configuration.message = "Expected '#{locator}' to be selected with '#{expected_value}' but was '#{actual}" values_match? actual, expected_value end end def assert_visible(options={}) assert_element_present options = { :message => "Expected '#{locator}' to be visible, but it wasn't" }.merge(options) wait_for(options) do driver.is_visible(locator) end end def assert_not_visible(options={}) assert_element_present options = { :message => "Expected '#{locator}' to be hidden, but it wasn't" }.merge(options) wait_for(options) do !driver.is_visible(locator) end end def assert_checked assert_element_present wait_for(:message => "Expected '#{locator}' to be checked") do driver.is_checked(locator) end end def assert_not_checked assert_element_present wait_for(:message => "Expected '#{locator}' to not be checked") do !driver.is_checked(locator) end end def assert_text(expected_text, options={}) assert_element_present wait_for(options) do |configuration| actual = driver.get_text(locator) configuration.message = "Expected text '#{expected_text}' to be full contents of #{locator} but was '#{actual}')" values_match? actual, expected_text end end def assert_contains(expected_text, options={}) return assert_contains_in_order(*expected_text) if expected_text.is_a? Array assert_element_present options = { :message => "#{locator} should contain #{expected_text}" }.merge(options) wait_for(options) do contains?(expected_text) end end def assert_does_not_contain(expected_text, options={}) assert_element_present wait_for(options) do !contains?(expected_text) end end def assert_next_sibling(expected_sibling_id, options = {}) assert_element_present eval_js = "'#{locator}')" wait_for(:message => "id '#{locator}' should be next to '#{expected_sibling_id}'") do actual_sibling_id = driver.get_eval(eval_js) expected_sibling_id == actual_sibling_id end end def assert_contains_in_order(*text_fragments) assert_element_present wait_for do |configuration| success = false html = driver.get_text(locator) results = find_text_order_error_fragments(html, text_fragments) fragments_not_found = results[:fragments_not_found] fragments_out_of_order = results[:fragments_out_of_order] if !fragments_not_found.empty? configuration.message = "Certain fragments weren't found:\n" << "#{fragments_not_found.join("\n")}\n" << "\nhtml follows:\n #{html}\n" elsif !fragments_out_of_order.empty? configuration.message = "Certain fragments were out of order:\n" << "#{fragments_out_of_order.join("\n")}\n" << "\nhtml follows:\n #{html}\n" else success = true end success end end def is_present? driver.is_element_present(locator) end def is_not_present? !driver.is_element_present(locator) end def has_value?(expected_value, actual_value=driver.get_value(locator)) expected_value == actual_value end def inner_html driver.get_inner_html(locator) end def contains?(text) inner_html.match(text) ? true : false end def ==(other) return false unless other.is_a?(Element) return false unless self.driver == other.driver return false unless self.locator == other.locator true end protected def method_missing(method_name, *args, &blk) if driver.respond_to?(method_name) driver_args = [locator] + args driver.__send__(method_name, *driver_args, &blk) else super end end def find_text_order_error_fragments(html, text_fragments) fragments_not_found = [] fragments_out_of_order = [] previous_index = -1 previous_fragment = '' text_fragments.each do |current_fragment| current_index = html.index(current_fragment) if current_index if current_index < previous_index message = "Fragment #{current_fragment} out of order:\n" << "\texpected '#{previous_fragment}'\n" << "\tto come before '#{current_fragment}'\n" fragments_out_of_order << message end else fragments_not_found << "Fragment #{current_fragment} was not found\n" end previous_index = current_index previous_fragment = current_fragment end { :fragments_not_found => fragments_not_found, :fragments_out_of_order => fragments_out_of_order } end end end