### Copyright 2016 Pixar
###    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
###    with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
###    compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
###    Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
###    6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
###       names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
###       and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
###       the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
###    You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
###        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
###    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
###    distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
###    KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
###    language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.

module D3
  class Package < JSS::Package

    ################# Public Instance Methods #################

    ### Set the login name of the admin who's doing something with this pkg
    ### @param new_val[String] the name of the admin
    ### @return [void]
    def admin= (new_val = @admin)
      return nil if new_val == @admin
      raise "admin can't be empty!" if new_val.to_s == ''
      @admin = new_val

    ### Set the basename of this package
    ### new_val = string
    def basename= (new_val = @basename)
      return nil if new_val == @basename
      validate_edition "#{new_val}-#{@version}-#{@revision}"
      @basename = new_val.to_s
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing

    ### Set the version of this package
    ### new_val = string
    def version= (new_val = @version)
      return nil if new_val == @version
      new_val = validate_version new_val
      validate_edition "#{basename}-#{new_val}-#{@revision}"
      @version = new_val
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing

    ### Set the basename of this package
    ### new_val = string
    def revision= (new_val = @revision)
      return nil if new_val == @revision
      new_val = validate_revision new_val
      validate_edition "#{basename}-#{@version}-#{new_val}"
      @revision = new_val
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing

    ### Set whether or not this package should uninstall other
    ### installed versions before installing itself. Otherwise,
    ### it'll just install itself over whatever's already there.
    ### @param new_val[Boolean] Should d3 uninstall other versions before installing self
    ### @return [void]
    def remove_first= (new_val = @remove_first)
      new_val ||= false # nil defaults to false
      return new_val if new_val == @remove_first
      @remove_first = validate_yes_no new_val
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing

    ### Set the expiration period for all installs of this pkg.
    ### Once installed, if this many days go by without
    ### the @expiration_paths being launched, as noted by d3repoman, the pkg
    ### will be silently uninstalled.
    ### Use nil, false, or 0 (the default) to prevent expiration.
    ### When expiration happens, a policy can be triggered to notify the user or
    ### take other actions. See {D3::Client#expiration_policy}
    ### Can be over-ridden on a per-install basis using the
    ### :expiration option with the {#install} method
    ### @param new_val[Integer] The number of days with no launch before expiring.
    ### @return [void]
    def expiration= (new_val = @expiration)
      return @expiration if new_val == @expiration
      new_val ||= 0
      @expiration = validate_expiration(new_val)
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless  @initializing
    end # expiration =

    ### Set the expiration paths for this pkg.
    ### These are abosulute paths to executables one of which must be brought to the
    ### foreground at least once every @expiration days to prevent
    ### silent un-installing of this package.
    ### The paths are those recorded in d3RepoMan's timestamp plists.
    ### @example "/Applications/FileMaker Pro 11/FileMaker Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Filemaker Pro"
    ### @param new_val[String,Pathname,Array<String,Pathname>] The expiration paths. 
    ###   A Pathname for a single path, a String for single, or multiple 
    ###   (comma-separated) or an Array of Strings or Pathnames for single paths.
    ###   Each path must be an absolute path starting with a /
    ### @return [void]
    def expiration_paths= (new_val = @expiration_paths)
      return @expiration_paths if new_val == @expiration_paths
      @expiration_paths = validate_expiration_paths (new_val)
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing
    end # expiration =

    ### Add a path to expiration_paths
    ### @param new_val[String,Pathname]
    ### The paths are those recorded in d3RepoMan's timestamp plists.
    ### @example "/Applications/FileMaker Pro 11/FileMaker Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Filemaker Pro"
    def add_expiration_path (path)
      path = validate_expiration_path(path)
      @expiration_paths << path
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing
    end # add_expiration_path
    ### Remove a path from expiration_paths
    ### @param new_val[String,Pathname]
    ### The paths are those recorded in d3RepoMan's timestamp plists.
    ### @example "/Applications/FileMaker Pro 11/FileMaker Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Filemaker Pro"
    def remove_expiration_path (path)
      @expiration_paths.delete Pathname.new(path)
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing
    end # remove_expiration_path
    ### Set the prohibiting process for this installer.
    ### The value of this attribute is compared at install time to the lines output
    ### by the command 'ps -A -c -o comm' (case insensitive)
    ### If any line matches, an exception will be raised and the package will not be installed.
    ### @param new_val[String] the process name that will prohibit installation
    ### @return [void]
    def prohibiting_process= (new_val = @prohibiting_process)
      return @prohibiting_process if new_val == @prohibiting_process
      @prohibiting_process = validate_prohibiting_process (new_val)
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing

    ### Set the automatic-install groups for this package.
    ### See also {#add_auto_group} and {#remove_auto_group}
    ### @param new_val [String,Array<String>] The group names as a comma-separated string or an array of strings
    ### @return [void]
    def auto_groups= (new_val = @auto_groups)
      @auto_groups ||= []
      new_val ||= []
      new_groups = validate_auto_groups (new_val)
      validate_non_overlapping_groups new_groups, @excluded_groups
      @auto_groups =  new_groups
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing

    ### Add one or more groups the to list of auto_groups.
    ### The arg is a comma-separated string or an array of
    ### group names.
    ### @param groupnames[String, Array] the names of the groups to add
    ### @return [void]
    def add_auto_groups (groupnames)
      # are they real groups?
      new_groups = validate_groups(groupnames)
      # if they're already there, just return
      return @auto_groups if (@auto_groups & new_groups) == new_groups
      validate_non_overlapping_groups new_groups, @excluded_groups
      @auto_groups += new_groups
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing

    ### Remove one or more groups the to list of auto_groups.
    ### The arg is a comma-separated string or an array of
    ### group names.
    ### @param groupnames[String, Array] the names of the groups to remove
    ### @return [void]
    def remove_auto_groups (groupnames)
      remove_groups = JSS.to_s_and_a(groupnames)[:arrayform]
      @auto_groups -= remove_groups
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing

    ### Set the excluded groups for this package.
    ### See also {#add_excluded_group} and {#remove_excluded_group}
    ### @param new_val [String,Array<String>] The group names as a comma-separated string or an array of strings
    ### @return [void]
    def excluded_groups= (new_val = @excluded_groups)
      @excluded_groups ||= []
      new_val ||= []
      new_groups = validate_auto_groups (new_val)
     validate_non_overlapping_groups @auto_groups, new_groups
      @excluded_groups =  new_groups
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing

    ### Add one or more groups the to list of excluded_groups.
    ### The arg is a comma-separated string or an array of
    ### group names.
    ### @param groupnames[String, Array] the names of the groups to add
    ### @return [void]
    def add_excluded_groups (groupnames)
      # are they real groups?
      new_groups = validate_groups(groupnames)
      # if they're already there, just return
      return @excluded_groups if (@excluded_groups &  new_groups) == new_groups
      validate_non_overlapping_groups new_groups, @auto_groups
      @excluded_groups += new_groups
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing

    ### Remove one or more groups the to list of excluded_groups.
    ### The arg is a comma-separated string or an array of
    ### group names.
    ### @param groupnames[String, Array] the names of the groups to remove
    ### @return [void]
    def remove_excluded_groups (groupnames)
      remove_groups = JSS.to_s_and_a(groupnames)[:arrayform]
      @excluded_groups -= remove_groups
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing

    ### Set the pre_install_script for this package, either by name or JSS id,
    ### or a Path (String or Pathname) to a local file.
    ### The script must exist in the JSS or the local file must exist
    ### @param new_val[String,Integer] the path, name or id of the JSS::Script to use
    ### @return [void]
    def pre_install= (new_val = @pre_install_script_id)
      name_or_path = validate_pre_install_script(new_val)
      if name_or_path.is_a?(Pathname)
        @pre_install_script_id = new_script script_type: :pre_install, source: name_or_path
        @pre_install_script_id = JSS::Script.map_all_ids_to(:name).invert[name_or_path]
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing

    ### Set the post_install_script for this package, either by name or JSS id,
    ### or a Path (String or Pathname) to a local file.
    ### The script must exist in the JSS or the local file must exist
    ### @param new_val[String,Integer] the name or id of the JSS::Script to use
    ### @return [void]
    def post_install= (new_val = @post_install_script_id)
      name_or_path = validate_post_install_script(new_val)
      if name_or_path.is_a?(Pathname)
        @post_install_script_id = new_script script_type: :post_install, source: name_or_path
        @post_install_script_id = JSS::Script.map_all_ids_to(:name).invert[name_or_path]
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing

    ### Set the pre_remove_script for this package, either by name or JSS id,
    ### or a Path (String or Pathname) to a local file.
    ### The script must exist in the JSS or the local file must exist
    ### @param new_val[String,Integer] the name or id of the JSS::Script to use
    ### @return [void]
    def pre_remove= (new_val = @pre_remove_script_id)
      name_or_path = validate_pre_remove_script(new_val)
      if name_or_path.is_a?(Pathname)
        @pre_remove_script_id = new_script script_type: :pre_remove, source: name_or_path
        @pre_remove_script_id = JSS::Script.map_all_ids_to(:name).invert[name_or_path]
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing

    ### Set the post_remove_script for this package, either by name or JSS id,
    ### or a Path (String or Pathname) to a local file.
    ### The script must exist in the JSS or the local file must exist
    ### @param new_val[String,Integer] the name or id of the JSS::Script to use
    ### @return [void]
    def post_remove= (new_val = @post_remove_script_id)
      name_or_path = validate_post_remove_script(new_val)
      if name_or_path.is_a?(Pathname)
        @post_remove_script_id = new_script script_type: :post_remove, source: name_or_path
        @post_remove_script_id = JSS::Script.map_all_ids_to(:name).invert[name_or_path]
      @need_to_update_d3 = true unless @initializing

  end # class Package
end # module D3