module Pin ## # This class models Pin's Charges API class Charges < Base ## # Lists all of the charges for your account # args: page (Fixnum), pagination (Boolean) # returns: a collection of charge objects # # if pagination is passed, access the response hash with [:response] # and the pagination hash with [:pagination] # # def self.all(page = nil, pagination = false) build_collection_response(auth_get("charges?page=#{page}"), pagination) end ## # Find a charge for your account given a token # args: token (String) # returns: a charge object # def self.find(token) build_response(auth_get("charges/#{token}")) end # Find a charge(s) for your account given a search term or set of terms # args: options (Hash) # returns: a collection of charge objects # def = {}) term = '' options.each do |key, option| term += "#{key.to_s}=#{URI.encode(option)}&" end build_response(auth_get("charges/search?#{term}")) end # Create a charge given charge details and a card, # a card_token or a customer_token # args: options (Hash) # returns: a charge object # def self.create(options = {}) build_response(auth_post('charges', options)) end # Captures a previously authorised charge and returns its details. # args: charge-token (String) # returns: charge object # def self.capture(token) build_response(auth_put("/charges/#{token}/capture")) end end end