<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <display_name>Reduce EPD by Percentage for Peak Hours</display_name>
  <description>This measure reduces electric equipment loads by a user-specified percentage for a user-specified time period (usually the peak hours). The reduction can be applied to at most three periods throughout out the year specified by the user. This is applied throughout the entire building.</description>
  <modeler_description>The original schedules for equipment in the building will be found and copied. The copies will be modified to have the percentage reduction during the specified hours, and be applied to the specified date periods through out the year. The rest of the year will keep using the original schedules.</modeler_description>
      <display_name>Percentage Reduction of Electric Equipment Power (%)</display_name>
      <description>Enter a value between 0 and 100</description>
      <display_name>Start Time for the Reduction</display_name>
      <description>In HH:MM:SS format</description>
      <display_name>End Time for the Reduction</display_name>
      <description>In HH:MM:SS format</description>
      <display_name>Use alternative default start and end time based on the climate zone of the model?</display_name>
      <description>This will overwrite the star and end time you input</description>
      <display_name>First start date for the Reduction</display_name>
      <description>In MM-DD format</description>
      <display_name>First end date for the Reduction</display_name>
      <description>In MM-DD format</description>
      <display_name>Second start date for the Reduction (optional)</display_name>
      <description>Specify a date in MM-DD format if you want a second period of reduction; leave blank if not needed.</description>
      <display_name>Second end date for the Reduction (optional)</display_name>
      <description>Specify a date in MM-DD format if you want a second period of reduction; leave blank if not needed. If either the start or end date is blank, the period is considered not used.</description>
      <display_name>Third start date for the Reduction (optional)</display_name>
      <description>Specify a date in MM-DD format if you want a third period of reduction; leave blank if not needed.</description>
      <display_name>Third end date for the Reduction</display_name>
      <description>Specify a date in MM-DD format if you want a third period of reduction; leave blank if not needed. If either the start or end date is blank, the period is considered not used.</description>
  <outputs />
  <provenances />
    <tag>Equipment.Electric Equipment</tag>
      <name>Intended Software Tool</name>
      <value>Apply Measure Now</value>
      <name>Intended Software Tool</name>
      <value>OpenStudio Application</value>
      <name>Intended Software Tool</name>
      <value>Parametric Analysis Tool</value>
      <name>Measure Type</name>
      <name>Intended Software Tool</name>
      <value>OpenStudio Application</value>
      <name>Intended Software Tool</name>
      <value>Parametric Analysis Tool</value>