module Deface DEFAULT_ACTIONS = [ Actions::Remove, Actions::Replace, Actions::ReplaceContents, Actions::Surround, Actions::SurroundContents, Actions::InsertBefore, Actions::InsertAfter, Actions::InsertTop, Actions::InsertBottom, Actions::SetAttributes, Actions::AddToAttributes, Actions::RemoveFromAttributes ] DEFAULT_SOURCES = [ Sources::Text, Sources::Erb, Sources::Haml, Sources::Slim, Sources::Partial, Sources::Template, Sources::Cut, Sources::Copy] class Environment attr_accessor :overrides, :enabled, :haml_support, :namespaced, :slim_support def initialize @overrides = @enabled = true @haml_support = false @slim_support = false @actions = [] @sources = [] @namespaced = false Deface::DEFAULT_ACTIONS.each { |action| register_action(action) } Deface::DEFAULT_SOURCES.each { |source| register_source(source) } end def register_action(action) @actions << action Deface::DSL::Context.define_action_method(action.to_sym) end def actions @actions.dup end def register_source(source) @sources << source Deface::DSL::Context.define_source_method(source.to_sym) end def sources @sources.dup end end class Environment::Overrides attr_accessor :all def initialize @all = {} end def find(*args) Deface::Override.find(*args) end def load_all(app) # clear overrides before reloading them app.config.deface.overrides.all.clear Deface::DSL::Loader.register # check all railties / engines / extensions / application for overrides app.railties._all.dup.push(app).each do |railtie| next unless railtie.respond_to? :root load_overrides(railtie) end end def early_check Deface::Override._early.each do |args| end Deface::Override._early.clear end private def load_overrides(railtie) Override.current_railtie = railtie.class.to_s paths = railtie.respond_to?(:paths) ? railtie.paths["app/overrides"] : nil enumerate_and_load(paths, railtie.root) end def enumerate_and_load(paths, root) paths ||= ["app/overrides"] paths.each do |path| # add path to watchable_dir so Rails will call to_prepare on file changes # allowing overrides to be updated / reloaded in development mode. Rails.application.config.watchable_dirs[root.join(path).to_s] = [:rb, :deface] Dir.glob(root.join path, "**/*.rb") do |c| Rails.application.config.cache_classes ? require(c) : load(c) end Dir.glob(root.join path, "**/*.deface") do |c| Rails.application.config.cache_classes ? require(c) : Deface::DSL::Loader.load(c) end end end end end