module Jets::Cfn::Builder::Parent class Genesis extend Memoist include Jets::AwsServices include Jets::Cfn::Builder::Interface include Jets::Util::Logging def initialize(options) @options = options @template = {}) end # interface method def compose clean add_description("Jets: #{Jets::VERSION}") add_resource( # codebuild resources config = Jets.bootstrap.config # want bootstrap not deploy config here add_resource( unless config.infra add_resource( end if config.infra || config.codebuild.lambda.enable add_resource( end if config.codebuild.fleet.enable add_resource( end merge_existing_template! if @options[:bootstrap] end # interface method: Finale overrides def clean? @options[:bootstrap] end def clean return unless clean? templates_path = "#{Jets.build_root}/templates" logger.debug "Parent Genesis clean #{templates_path}" FileUtils.rm_rf(templates_path) end # interface method def template_path Jets::Names.parent_template_path end # Note: Tried concept of marking resources as a genesis resource as part of # add_resource but that approach cannot handle deletion of resources. # So we need a pre-defined list of genesis resources. class_attribute :genesis_resources self.genesis_resources = %w[S3Bucket Codebuild CodebuildRole CodebuildFleet] delegate :genesis_resources, to: :class # This is how cfn delta updates are achieved. def merge_existing_template! existing = existing_template return unless existing # Delete resources managed by the bootstrap genesis stack. existing["Resources"].delete_if { |k, v| genesis_resources.include?(k) } # Note: In case Outputs are all deleted by something else in the future # Finale stack does not delete outputs, it filters them. # Genesis resource outputs names should match the genesis resource logic id. outputs = existing["Outputs"] outputs&.delete_if { |k, v| genesis_resources.include?(k) } @template.deep_merge!(existing) end def existing_template stack_name = Jets::Names.parent_stack_name template_body = cfn.get_template(stack_name: stack_name).template_body # TODO: vs Jets::Util::Yamler Jets::Cfn::Stack::Yamler.load(template_body) rescue Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::ValidationError => e raise unless /does not exist/.match?(e.message) end end end