// Copyright (C) 2015 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_MPC_Hh_ #define DLIB_MPC_Hh_ #include "mpc_abstract.h" #include "../matrix.h" #include "../algs.h" namespace dlib { template < long S_, long I_, unsigned long horizon_ > class mpc { public: const static long S = S_; const static long I = I_; const static unsigned long horizon = horizon_; mpc( ) { A = 0; B = 0; C = 0; Q = 0; R = 0; lower = 0; upper = 0; max_iterations = 0; eps = 0.01; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < horizon; ++i) { target[i].set_size(A.nr()); target[i] = 0; controls[i].set_size(B.nc()); controls[i] = 0; } lambda = 0; } mpc ( const matrix<double,S,S>& A_, const matrix<double,S,I>& B_, const matrix<double,S,1>& C_, const matrix<double,S,1>& Q_, const matrix<double,I,1>& R_, const matrix<double,I,1>& lower_, const matrix<double,I,1>& upper_ ) : A(A_), B(B_), C(C_), Q(Q_), R(R_), lower(lower_), upper(upper_) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(A.nr() > 0 && B.nc() > 0, "\t mpc::mpc()" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t A.nr(): " << A.nr() << "\n\t B.nc(): " << B.nc() ); DLIB_ASSERT(A.nr() == A.nc() && A.nr() == B.nr() && A.nr() == C.nr() && A.nr() == Q.nr(), "\t mpc::mpc()" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t A.nr(): " << A.nr() << "\n\t A.nc(): " << A.nc() << "\n\t B.nr(): " << B.nr() << "\n\t C.nr(): " << C.nr() << "\n\t Q.nr(): " << Q.nr() ); DLIB_ASSERT( B.nc() == R.nr() && B.nc() == lower.nr() && B.nc() == upper.nr() , "\t mpc::mpc()" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t B.nr(): " << B.nr() << "\n\t B.nc(): " << B.nc() << "\n\t lower.nr(): " << lower.nr() << "\n\t upper.nr(): " << upper.nr() ); DLIB_ASSERT(min(Q) >= 0 && min(R) > 0 && min(upper-lower) >= 0, "\t mpc::mpc()" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t min(Q): " << min(Q) << "\n\t min(R): " << min(R) << "\n\t min(upper-lower): " << min(upper-lower) ); max_iterations = 10000; eps = 0.01; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < horizon; ++i) { target[i].set_size(A.nr()); target[i] = 0; controls[i].set_size(B.nc()); controls[i] = 0; } // Bound the maximum eigenvalue of the hessian by computing the trace of the // hessian matrix. lambda = sum(R)*horizon; matrix<double,S,S> temp = diagm(Q); for (unsigned long c = 0; c < horizon; ++c) { lambda += trace(trans(B)*temp*B); Q_diag[horizon-c-1] = diag(trans(B)*temp*B); temp = trans(A)*temp*A + diagm(Q); } } const matrix<double,S,S>& get_A ( ) const { return A; } const matrix<double,S,I>& get_B ( ) const { return B; } const matrix<double,S,1>& get_C ( ) const { return C; } const matrix<double,S,1>& get_Q ( ) const { return Q; } const matrix<double,I,1>& get_R ( ) const { return R; } const matrix<double,I,1>& get_lower_constraints ( ) const { return lower; } const matrix<double,I,1>& get_upper_constraints ( ) const { return upper; } void set_target ( const matrix<double,S,1>& val, const unsigned long time ) { DLIB_ASSERT(time < horizon, "\t void mpc::set_target(eps_)" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t time: " << time << "\n\t horizon: " << horizon ); target[time] = val; } void set_target ( const matrix<double,S,1>& val ) { for (unsigned long i = 0; i < horizon; ++i) target[i] = val; } void set_last_target ( const matrix<double,S,1>& val ) { set_target(val, horizon-1); } const matrix<double,S,1>& get_target ( const unsigned long time ) const { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(time < horizon, "\t matrix mpc::get_target(eps_)" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t time: " << time << "\n\t horizon: " << horizon ); return target[time]; } unsigned long get_max_iterations ( ) const { return max_iterations; } void set_max_iterations ( unsigned long max_iter ) { max_iterations = max_iter; } void set_epsilon ( double eps_ ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(eps_ > 0, "\t void mpc::set_epsilon(eps_)" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t eps_: " << eps_ ); eps = eps_; } double get_epsilon ( ) const { return eps; } matrix<double,I,1> operator() ( const matrix<double,S,1>& current_state ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(min(R) > 0 && A.nr() == current_state.size(), "\t matrix mpc::operator(current_state)" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t min(R): " << min(R) << "\n\t A.nr(): " << A.nr() << "\n\t current_state.size(): " << current_state.size() ); // Shift the inputs over by one time step so we can use them to warm start the // optimizer. for (unsigned long i = 1; i < horizon; ++i) controls[i-1] = controls[i]; solve_linear_mpc(current_state); for (unsigned long i = 1; i < horizon; ++i) target[i-1] = target[i]; return controls[0]; } private: // These temporary variables here just to avoid reallocating them on each call to // operator(). matrix<double,S,1> M[horizon]; matrix<double,I,1> MM[horizon]; matrix<double,I,1> df[horizon]; matrix<double,I,1> v[horizon]; matrix<double,I,1> v_old[horizon]; void solve_linear_mpc ( const matrix<double,S,1>& initial_state ) { // make it so MM == trans(K)*Q*(M-target) M[0] = A*initial_state + C; for (unsigned long i = 1; i < horizon; ++i) M[i] = A*M[i-1] + C; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < horizon; ++i) M[i] = diagm(Q)*(M[i]-target[i]); for (long i = (long)horizon-2; i >= 0; --i) M[i] += trans(A)*M[i+1]; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < horizon; ++i) MM[i] = trans(B)*M[i]; unsigned long iter = 0; for (; iter < max_iterations; ++iter) { // compute current gradient and put it into df. // df == H*controls + MM; M[0] = B*controls[0]; for (unsigned long i = 1; i < horizon; ++i) M[i] = A*M[i-1] + B*controls[i]; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < horizon; ++i) M[i] = diagm(Q)*M[i]; for (long i = (long)horizon-2; i >= 0; --i) M[i] += trans(A)*M[i+1]; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < horizon; ++i) df[i] = MM[i] + trans(B)*M[i] + diagm(R)*controls[i]; // Check the stopping condition, which is the magnitude of the largest element // of the gradient. double max_df = 0; unsigned long max_t = 0; long max_v = 0; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < horizon; ++i) { for (long j = 0; j < controls[i].size(); ++j) { // if this variable isn't an active constraint then we care about it's // derivative. if (!((controls[i](j) <= lower(j) && df[i](j) > 0) || (controls[i](j) >= upper(j) && df[i](j) < 0))) { if (std::abs(df[i](j)) > max_df) { max_df = std::abs(df[i](j)); max_t = i; max_v = j; } } } } if (max_df < eps) break; // We will start out by doing a little bit of coordinate descent because it // allows us to optimize individual variables exactly. Since we are warm // starting each iteration with a really good solution this helps speed // things up a lot. const unsigned long smo_iters = 50; if (iter < smo_iters) { if (Q_diag[max_t](max_v) == 0) continue; // Take the optimal step but just for one variable. controls[max_t](max_v) = -(df[max_t](max_v)-Q_diag[max_t](max_v)*controls[max_t](max_v))/Q_diag[max_t](max_v); controls[max_t](max_v) = put_in_range(lower(max_v), upper(max_v), controls[max_t](max_v)); // If this is the last SMO iteration then don't forget to initialize v // for the gradient steps. if (iter+1 == smo_iters) { for (unsigned long i = 0; i < horizon; ++i) v[i] = controls[i]; } } else { // Take a projected gradient step. for (unsigned long i = 0; i < horizon; ++i) { v_old[i] = v[i]; v[i] = clamp(controls[i] - 1.0/lambda * df[i], lower, upper); controls[i] = clamp(v[i] + (std::sqrt(lambda)-1)/(std::sqrt(lambda)+1)*(v[i]-v_old[i]), lower, upper); } } } } unsigned long max_iterations; double eps; matrix<double,S,S> A; matrix<double,S,I> B; matrix<double,S,1> C; matrix<double,S,1> Q; matrix<double,I,1> R; matrix<double,I,1> lower; matrix<double,I,1> upper; matrix<double,S,1> target[horizon]; double lambda; // abound on the largest eigenvalue of the hessian matrix. matrix<double,I,1> Q_diag[horizon]; matrix<double,I,1> controls[horizon]; }; } #endif // DLIB_MPC_Hh_