# Numeric

Returns the sum of two numbers.

4.add(2) #=> 6

Returns if a number is within the degree of another.

10.006.close?(10, 0.1) #=> true

Returns the n decremented number.

1.decrement      #=> 0
1.decrement(0.5) #=> 0.5

Returns the absolute difference between numbers.

5.delta(3) #=> 2
3.delta(5) #=> 2

Returns a string representation of the number.

5.delimit                                 #=> "1,000,000.1234"
3.delimit(delimiter: '.', separator: ',') #=> "1.000.000,1234"

Returns the difference between numbers.

5.distance(3) #=> 2
3.distance(5) #=> -2

Returns the division of two numbers.

4.divide(2) #=> 2
0.divide(2) #=> 0
4.divide(0) #=> 0

`equal_to?` aka `eq?`
Returns if matching equality using `==`.

3.equal_to?(2) #=> false
3.equal_to?(3) #=> true

Returns the numbers after '.' of a float.

1.0.fraction      #=> 0.0
12.2456.fraction  #=> 0.2456
-12.2456.fraction #=> 0.2456

Returns if its a fraction.

1.0.fraction?      #=> false
12.2456.fraction?  #=> true

`greater_than?` aka `gt?`
Returns if self is greater than n.

3.greater_than?(2) #=> true
3.greater_than?(3) #=> false
3.greater_than?(4) #=> false

`greater_than_or_equal_to?` aka `gteq?`
Returns if self is greater than or equal to n.

3.greater_than_or_equal_to?(2) #=> true
3.greater_than_or_equal_to?(3) #=> true
3.greater_than_or_equal_to?(4) #=> false

Returns the n incremented number.

1.increment      #=> 2
1.increment(0.5) #=> 1.5

Returns if n is greater than start and less than finish.
Similar to between but does not return true if equal to self.

3.inside?(1, 5) #=> true
3.inside?(3, 5) #=> false

`less_than?` aka `lt?`
Returns if self is less than n.

3.less_than?(2) #=> false
3.less_than?(3) #=> false
3.less_than?(4) #=> true

`less_than_or_equal_to?` aka `lteq?`
Returns if self is less than or equal to n.

3.less_than_or_equal_to?(2) #=> false
3.less_than_or_equal_to?(3) #=> true
3.less_than_or_equal_to?(4) #=> true

Returns the difference of a number and a percentage of it.

4.markdown_percentage(25) #=> 3

Returns the sum of a number and a percentage of it.

4.markup_percentage(25) #=> 5

Returns the multiplication of two numbers.

4.multiply(2) #=> 8

Returns if a number can be evenly divided by n.

9.multiple_of?(3) #=> true
7.multiple_of?(3) #=> false

`not_equal_to?` aka `not_eq?` aka `inequal_to?` aka `ineq?`
Returns if not matching equality using `!=`.

3.not_equal_to?(2) #=> true
3.not_equal_to?(3) #=> false

Returns the suffix that should be added to a number to denote the position in an ordered sequence such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.

'1'.ordinal  #=> 'th'
'2'.ordinal  #=> 'nd'
'3'.ordinal  #=> 'rd'
'11'.ordinal #=> 'th'

transforms a number into an ordinal string used to denote the position in an ordered sequence such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.

'1'.ordinalize  #=> '1th'
'2'.ordinalize  #=> '2nd'
'3'.ordinalize  #=> '3rd'
'11'.ordinalize #=> '4th'

Returns if n is less than start or greater than finish.

3.outside?(4, 5) #=> true
3.outside?(3, 5) #=> false

Returns a string representation of the number padded with pad_num to a specified length.

3.pad                #=> '003'
3.pad(pad_number: 1) #=> '113'
3.pad(precision: 4)  #=> '0003'

Returns a string of padded after the '.' to n amount.

Option | Type | Default
--- | --- | ---
pad_number | integer | 0
precision | integer | 2
separator | string | '...'

3.pad_precision                #=> '3.00'
3.5.pad_precision              #=> '3.50'
3.pad_precision(pad_number: 1) #=> '3.11'

Returns the percentage of a number in relation to another number.

0.percentage_of(4) #=> 0
2.percentage_of(0) #=> 0
2.percentage_of(4) #=> 50.0

Returns the nth power of a number.

4.power(2) #=> 16

`range` aka `plus_minus`
Returns a range from the number plus-or-minus a given value.

4.range(2) #=> 2..6

Returns the nth root of a number.

4.root(2) #=> 2

Returns a number rounded down to given value.

2.128.round_down    #=> 2.0
2.128.round_down(2) #=> 2.12
2.round_down(2)     #=> 2.0

Returns the difference of two numbers.

4.subtract(2) #=> 2

Converts a number to currency string.

Option | Type | Default
--- | --- | ---
precision | integer | 2
unit | string | '$'

3.to_currency            #=> '$3.00'
3.1.to_currency          #=> '$3.10'
3.11.to_currency         #=> '$3.11'
3.11111.to_currency      #=> '$3.11'
3.to_currency(unit: '@') #=> '@3.00'

`to_nearest value`
return the value in values that is nearest to the number.

5.to_nearest_value([1, 3, 6, 9])           #=> 6
3.5.to_nearest_value([3.0, 3.3, 3.6, 3.9]) #=> 3.6

Converts a number to percentage string.

Option | Type | Default
--- | --- | ---
precision | integer | 2
unit | string | '%'

3.to_percentage            #=> '3.00%'
3.1.to_percentage          #=> '3.10%'
3.11.to_percentage         #=> '3.11%'
3.11111.to_percentage      #=> '3.11%'
3.to_percentage(unit: '@') #=> '3.00@'

Returns if another number is approximately equal within a given epsilon

10.006.within?(10, 0.1) #=>  true