module Vedeu # When included into a class, provides the mechanism to store the class in a # repository for later retrieval. # module Model attr_reader :repository # When {Vedeu::Model} is included in a class, the methods within this module # are included as class methods on that class. # module ClassMethods # Build models using a simple DSL when a block is given, otherwise returns # a new instance of the class including this module. # # @param attributes [Hash] A collection of attributes specific to the # model. # @param block [Proc] The block passed to the build method. # @return [Object] An instance of the model. def build(attributes = {}, &block) attributes = defaults.merge!(attributes) model = new(attributes) model.deputy(attributes[:client]).instance_eval(&block) if block_given? model end # Provide a convenient way to define the child or children of a model. # # @param klass [Class] The member (singular) or collection (multiple) # class name for the respective model. # @return [void] def child(klass) send(:define_method, __callee__) { klass } end alias_method :member, :child alias_method :collection, :child private # The default values for a new instance of this class. # # @return [Hash] def defaults { client: nil, name: '', } end end # ClassMethods # When this module is included in a class, provide ClassMethods as class # methods for the class. # # @param klass [Class] # @return [void] def self.included(klass) klass.send :extend, ClassMethods end # Returns a DSL instance responsible for defining the DSL methods of this # model. # # @param client [Object|NilClass] The client binding represents # the client application object that is currently invoking a DSL method. # It is required so that we can send messages to the client application # object should we need to. # @return [void] The DSL instance for this model. def deputy(client = nil) Object.const_get(dsl_class).new(self, client) end # @todo Perhaps some validation could be added here? # @return [void] The model instance stored in the repository. def store # if valid? end private # Removes the module part from the expression in the string. # # @example # demodulize('Vedeu::DSL::Interface') # => "Interface" # # @param klass [Class|String] # @return [void] def demodulize(klass) klass = klass.to_s klass[(klass.rindex('::') + 2)..-1] end # Returns the DSL class name responsible for this model. # # @return [String] def dsl_class 'Vedeu::DSL::' + demodulize( end end # Model end # Vedeu