require 'stringio' module SurveyorGui module Models module QuestionMethods include QuestionAndGroupSharedMethods def self.included(base) base.send :attr_accessor, :dummy_answer, :dummy_answer_array, :type, :decimals base.send :attr_writer, :grid_columns_textbox, :omit, :omit_text, :other, :other_text, :comments_text, :comments, :dropdown_column_count base.send :attr_accessible, :dummy_answer, :dummy_answer_array, :question_type, :question_type_id, :survey_section_id, :question_group_id, :text, :pick, :reference_identifier, :display_order, :display_type, :is_mandatory, :prefix, :suffix, :answers_attributes, :decimals, :dependency_attributes, :hide_label, :dummy_blob, :dynamically_generate, :answers_textbox, :dropdown_column_count, :grid_columns_textbox, :grid_rows_textbox, :omit_text, :omit, :other, :other_text, :is_comment, :comments, :comments_text, :dynamic_source, :modifiable, :report_code, :question_group_attributes if defined? ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity base.send :accepts_nested_attributes_for, :answers, :reject_if => lambda { |a| a[:text].blank?}, :allow_destroy => true base.send :belongs_to, :survey_section base.send :has_many, :responses base.send :has_many, :dependency_conditions, :through=>:dependency, :dependent => :destroy base.send :default_scope, lambda{ base.order('display_order')} base.send :scope, :by_display_order, -> {base.order('display_order')} ### everything below this point must be commented out to run the rake tasks. base.send :accepts_nested_attributes_for, :dependency, :reject_if => lambda { |d| d[:rule].blank?}, :allow_destroy => true ### everything below this point must be commented out to run the rake tasks. base.send :mount_uploader, :dummy_blob, BlobUploader base.send :belongs_to, :question_type base.send :validate, :no_responses base.send :before_destroy, :no_responses base.send :after_save, :build_complex_questions base.send :before_save, :make_room_for_question base.send :scope, :is_not_comment, -> { base.where(is_comment: false) } base.send :scope, :is_comment, -> { base.where(is_comment: true) } base.class_eval do def answers_attributes=(ans) #don't set answer.text if question_type = number. In this case, text should get set by the prefix and suffix setters. #note: Surveyor uses the answer.text field to store prefix and suffix for numbers. #if not a number question, go ahead and set the text attribute as normal. if @question_type_id!="number" && !ans.empty? && ans["0"] ans["0"].merge!( {"original_choice"=>ans["0"]["text"]}) assign_nested_attributes_for_collection_association(:answers, ans) end end end end def default_args self.is_mandatory ||= false self.display_type ||= "default" self.pick ||= "none" self.data_export_identifier ||= Surveyor::Common.normalize(text) self.short_text ||= text self.api_id ||= Surveyor::Common.generate_api_id end #prevent a question from being modified if responses have been submitted for the survey. Protects data integrity. def no_responses #below is code to fix a bizarre bug. When triggered by the "cut" function, for some reason survey_id is erased. Have not found reason yet. Temporary fix. if !survey_section && self.reload end if && self.survey_section && self.survey_section.survey #this will be a problem if two people are editing the survey at the same time and do a survey preview - highly unlikely though. self.survey_section.survey.response_sets.where('test_data = ?',true).each {|r| r.destroy} end if && !survey_section.survey.template && survey_section.survey.response_sets.count>0 errors.add(:base,"Reponses have already been collected for this survey, therefore it cannot be modified. Please create a new survey instead.") return false end end def dynamically_generate 'false' end def question_type_id QuestionType.categorize_question(self) end # #generates descriptions for different types of questions, including those that use widgets def question_type @question_type = QuestionType.find(question_type_id) end # #setter for question type. Sets both pick and display_type def question_type_id=(type) case type when "grid_one" write_attribute(:pick, "one") prep_picks write_attribute(:display_type, "default") _update_group_id when "pick_one" write_attribute(:pick, "one") prep_picks write_attribute(:display_type, "default") _remove_group when "slider" write_attribute(:pick, "one") prep_picks write_attribute(:display_type, "slider") when "stars" write_attribute(:pick, "one") write_attribute(:display_type, "stars") prep_picks when "dropdown" write_attribute(:pick, "one") write_attribute(:display_type, "dropdown") prep_picks when "pick_any" write_attribute(:pick, "any") prep_picks write_attribute(:display_type, "default") _remove_group when "grid_any" write_attribute(:pick, "any") prep_picks write_attribute(:display_type, "default") _update_group_id when "grid_dropdown" write_attribute(:pick, "one") prep_picks write_attribute(:display_type, "dropdown") _update_group_id when "group_inline" _update_group_id when 'label' write_attribute(:pick, "none") write_attribute(:display_type, "label") when 'box' prep_not_picks('text') when 'number' prep_not_picks('float') when 'date' prep_not_picks('date') when 'time' prep_not_picks('time') when 'datetime' prep_not_picks('datetime') when 'file' prep_not_picks('blob') when 'string' prep_not_picks('string') end @question_type_id = type end #If the question involves picking from a list of choices, this sets response class. def prep_picks #write_attribute(:display_type, self.display_type || "default") if self.display_type=='stars' response_class='integer' else response_class='answer' end if self.answers.blank? self.answers_attributes={'0'=>{'text'=>'default', 'response_class'=>response_class}} else{|a|a.response_class=response_class} end end #if the question is not a pick from list of choices (but is a fill in the blank type question) and not multiple choice, this sets it #accordingly. def prep_not_picks(answer_type) write_attribute(:pick, "none") write_attribute(:display_type,"default") if self.answers.blank? #self.answers_attributes={'0'=>{'text'=>'default','response_class'=>answer_type, 'hide_label' => answer_type=='float' ? false : true}} self.answers_attributes={'0'=>{'text'=>'default','response_class'=>answer_type, 'display_type' => answer_type=='float' ? 'default' : 'hidden_label'}} else self.answers.first.response_class=answer_type #self.answers.first.hide_label = answer_type=='float' ? false : true self.answers.first.display_type = answer_type=='float' ? 'default' : 'hidden_label' end end #number prefix getter. splits a number question into the actual answer and it's unit type. Eg, you might want a #number to be prefixed with a dollar sign. def prefix if self.answers.first && self.answers.first.text.include?('|') self.answers.first.text.split('|')[0] end end #number suffix getter. sometimes you want a number question to have a units of measure suffix, like "per day" def suffix if self.answers.first && self.answers.first.text.include?('|') self.answers.first.text.split('|')[1] end end #sets the number prefix def prefix=(pre) if @question_type_id=="number" if self.answers.blank? self.answers_attributes={'0'=>{'text'=>pre+'|'}} unless pre.blank? else if pre.blank? self.answers.first.text = 'default' else self.answers.first.text = pre+'|' end end end end #sets the number suffix def suffix=(suf) if @question_type_id=="number" if self.answers.first.blank? || self.answers.first.text.blank? self.answers_attributes={'0'=>{'text'=>'|'+suf}} unless suf.blank? else if self.answers.first.text=='default' self.answers.first.text='|'+suf elsif self.answers.first.text.blank? self.answers.first.text = '|'+suf else self.answers.first.text=self.answers.first.text+suf end end end end def surveyresponse_class(response_sets) if dependent? response_sets.each do |r| if triggered?(r) return nil end end return "q_hidden" else nil end end def question_description ## this is an expensive method - use sparingly is_numbered? ? question_number.to_s + ') ' + text : text end def is_numbered? case display_type when 'label' false else if part_of_group? if == true else false end else true end end end def question_number ##this is an expensive method - use sparingly ##should consider adding question_number attribute to table in future if nil else _preceding_questions_numbered.count end end #def controlling_questions in QuestionAndGroupSharedMethods def answers_textbox self.answers.where('is_exclusive != ? and is_comment != ? and response_class != ?',true,true,"string").order('display_order asc').collect(&:text).join("\n") end def answers_textbox=(textbox) #change updated_at as a hack to force dirty record for change on answers_textbox write_attribute(:updated_at, @answers_textbox=textbox end def omit @omit = self.answers.where('is_exclusive = ?',true).size > 0 end def omit_text answer = self.answers.where('is_exclusive = ?',true).first @omit_text = (answer ? answer.text : "none of the above") end def other @other = self.answers.where('response_class = ? and is_exclusive = ? and is_comment = ?',"string",false, false).size > 0 end def other_text answer = self.answers.where('response_class = ? and is_exclusive = ? and is_comment = ?',"string", false, false).first @other_text = (answer ? answer.text : "Other") end def comments if self.part_of_group? @comments = self.question_group.questions.where('is_comment=?',true).size > 0 else @comments = self.answers.where('is_comment=?',true).size > 0 end end def comments_text if self.part_of_group? @comments_text = is_comment ? self.answers.first.text : "Comments" else answer = self.answers.where('is_comment=?',true).first @comments_text = (answer ? answer.text : "Comments") end end def dropdown_column_count @dropdown_column_count = @dropdown_column_count || (self.question_group ? self.question_group.columns.size : 1) end def grid_columns_textbox self.answers.where('response_class != ? and is_exclusive = ?',"string",false).order('display_order asc').collect(&:text).join("\n") end def grid_rows_textbox if self.question_group && self.question_group.questions self.question_group.questions.where('is_comment=?',false).order('display_order asc').collect(&:text).join("\n") else nil end end def question_group_attributes=(params) if question_group question_group.update_attributes(params.except(:id)) @question_group_attributes=params else QuestionGroup.create!(params) end end def text=(txt) write_attribute(:text, txt) if part_of_group? && question_group.display_type != "inline" question_group.update_attributes(text: txt) end @text = txt end def grid_rows_textbox=(textbox) write_attribute(:text, textbox.match(/.*\r*/).to_s.strip) @grid_rows_textbox = textbox.gsub(/\r/,"") end def build_complex_questions if (@answers_textbox && self.pick!="none") || @grid_columns_textbox || @grid_rows_textbox self.question_type.build_complex_question_structure( self, answers_textbox: @answers_textbox, omit_text: @omit_text, is_exclusive: @omit=="1", other_text: @other_text, other: @other=="1", comments_text: @comments_text, comments: @comments=="1", grid_columns_textbox: @grid_columns_textbox, grid_rows_textbox: @grid_rows_textbox) end end def next_display_order if part_of_group? self.question_group.questions.last.display_order + 1 else display_order + 1 end end def make_room_for_question if new_record? if Question.where('survey_section_id = ? and display_order = ?',survey_section_id, display_order).size > 0 Question.where(:survey_section_id => survey_section_id) .where("display_order >= ?", display_order) .update_all("display_order = display_order+1") end end end def repeater? part_of_group? ? (question_group.display_type=="repeater" ? true : false ) : false end private def _update_group_id @question_group = @question_group || self.question_group || QuestionGroup.create!(text: @text, display_type: :grid) self.question_group_id = end def _remove_group if part_of_group?{|q| q.destroy if != id} write_attribute(:question_group_id, nil) end end def _preceding_questions_numbered _preceding_questions.to_a.delete_if{|p| !p.is_numbered?} end def _preceding_questions ##all questions from previous sections, plus all questions with a lower display order than this one Question.joins(:survey_section).where( '(survey_id = ? and survey_sections.display_order < ?) or (survey_section_id = ? and questions.display_order <= ?)', survey_section.survey_id, survey_section.display_order,, display_order ) end end end end