# Alf - Relational Algebra at your fingertips (version 0.9.1) ## Description ### What & Why Alf brings the relational algebra both in Shell and in Ruby. In Shell, because manipulating any relation-like data source should be as straightforward as a one-liner. In Ruby, because I've never understood why programming languages provide data structures like arrays, hashes, sets, trees and graphs but not _relations_... Let's stop the segregation ;-) ### Install % [sudo] gem install alf % alf --help ### Links * {http://rubydoc.info/github/blambeau/alf/master/frames} (read this file there!) * {http://github.com/blambeau/alf} (source code) * {http://revision-zero.org} (author's blog) ### Quick overview Alf is a commandline tool and Ruby library to manipulate data with all the power of a truly relational algebra approach. Objectives behind Alf are manifold: * Pragmatically, Alf aims at being a useful commandline executable for manipulating relational-like data: database records, csv files, or **whatever can be interpreted as (the physical encoding of) a relation**. See 'alf --help' for the list of available commands and implemented relational operators. % alf restrict suppliers -- "city == 'London'" | alf join cities * Alf is also a 100% Ruby relational algebra implementation shipped with a simple to use, powerful, functional DSL for compiling and evaluating relational queries. Alf is not limited to simple scalar values, but admits values of arbitrary complexity (under a few requirements about their implementation, see next section). See 'alf --help' as well as .alf files in the examples directory for syntactic examples. Alf.lispy.evaluate { (join (restrict :suppliers, lambda{ city == 'London' }), :cities) } In addition to this functional syntax, Alf comes bundled with an in-memory Relation data structure that provides an object-oriented way of manipulating relations in simplest cases: suppliers = Alf::Relation[ {:sid => 'S1', :name => 'Smith', :status => 20, :city => 'London'}, {:sid => 'S2', :name => 'Jones', :status => 10, :city => 'Paris'}, {:sid => 'S3', :name => 'Blake', :status => 30, :city => 'Paris'}, {:sid => 'S4', :name => 'Clark', :status => 20, :city => 'London'}, {:sid => 'S5', :name => 'Adams', :status => 30, :city => 'Athens'}, ] cities = ... puts suppliers.restrict(lambda{ city == 'London' }).join(cities) * Alf is also an educational tool, that I've written to draw people attention about the ill-known relational theory (and ill-represented by SQL). The tool is largely inspired from TUTORIAL D, the tutorial language of Chris Date and Hugh Darwen in their books, more specifically in {http://www.thethirdmanifesto.com/ The Third Manifesto (TTM)}. However, Alf only provides an overview of the relational _algebra_ defined there (Alf is neither a relational _database_, nor a relational _language_). I hope that people (especially talented developers) will be sufficiently enticed by features shown here to open that book, read it more deeply, and implement new stuff around Date & Darwen's vision. Have a look at the result of the following query for the kind of things that you'll never ever have in SQL (see also 'alf help quota', 'alf help wrap', 'alf help group', ...): % alf --text summarize supplies --by=sid -- total "sum(:qty)" -- which "group(:pid)" * Last, but not least, Alf is an attempt to help me test some research ideas and communicate about them with people that already know (all or part) of the TTM vision of relational theory. These people include members of the TTM mailing list as well as other people implementing some of the TTM ideas (see {https://github.com/dkubb/veritas Dan Kubb's Veritas project} for example). For this reason, specific features and/or operators are mine, should be considered 'research work in progress', and used with care because not necessarily in conformance with the TTM. % alf --text quota supplies --by=sid --order=qty -- pos "count()" ## Overview of relational theory We quickly recall relational theory in this section, as described in the TTM book. Readers not familiar with Date and Darwen's vision of relational theory should probably read this section, even if fluent in SQL. Others may probably skip this section. A quick test? > _A relation is a value, precisely a set of tuples, which are themselves values. Therefore, a relation is immutable, not ordered, does not contain duplicates, and does not have null/nil attributes._ Familiar? Skip. Otherwise, read on. ### The example database This README file shows a lot of examples built on top of the following suppliers & parts database (almost identical to the original version in C. J. Date's database books). By default, the alf command line is wired to this embedded example. All examples shown here should therefore work immediately, if you want to reproduce them! % alf show database +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------+------------------------+ | :suppliers | :parts | :cities | :supplies | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------+------------------------+ | +------+-------+---------+--------+ | +------+-------+--------+------------+--------+ | +----------+----------+ | +------+------+------+ | | | :sid | :name | :status | :city | | | :pid | :name | :color | :weight | :city | | | :city | :country | | | :sid | :pid | :qty | | | +------+-------+---------+--------+ | +------+-------+--------+------------+--------+ | +----------+----------+ | +------+------+------+ | | | S1 | Smith | 20 | London | | | P1 | Nut | Red | 12.0000000 | London | | | London | England | | | S1 | P1 | 300 | | | | S2 | Jones | 10 | Paris | | | P2 | Bolt | Green | 17.0000000 | Paris | | | Paris | France | | | S1 | P2 | 200 | | | | S3 | Blake | 30 | Paris | | | P3 | Screw | Blue | 17.0000000 | Oslo | | | Athens | Greece | | | S1 | P3 | 400 | | | | S4 | Clark | 20 | London | | | P4 | Screw | Red | 14.0000000 | London | | | Brussels | Belgium | | | S1 | P4 | 200 | | | | S5 | Adams | 30 | Athens | | | P5 | Cam | Blue | 12.0000000 | Paris | | +----------+----------+ | | S1 | P5 | 100 | | | +------+-------+---------+--------+ | | P6 | Cog | Red | 19.0000000 | London | | | | S1 | P6 | 100 | | | | +------+-------+--------+------------+--------+ | | | S2 | P1 | 300 | | | | | | | S2 | P2 | 400 | | | | | | | S3 | P2 | 200 | | | | | | | S4 | P2 | 200 | | | | | | | S4 | P4 | 300 | | | | | | | S4 | P5 | 400 | | | | | | +------+------+------+ | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------+------------------------+ Many people think that relational databases are necessary 'flat', that they are necessarily limited to simple scalar values put in two dimension tables. This is wrong; most SQL databases are indeed 'flat', but _relations_ (in the mathematical sense of the relational theory) are not! Look, **the example above is a relation!**; that 'contains' other relations as particular values, which, in turn, could 'contain' relations or any other 'simple' or more 'complex' value... This is not "flat" at all, after all :-) ### Types and Values To understand what is a relation exactly, one needs to remember elementary notions of set theory and the concepts of _type_ and _value_. * A _type_ is a finite set of values; it is not particularly ordered and, being a set, it does never contain two values which are equal (any type is necessarily accompanied with an equality operator, denoted here by '=='). * A _value_ is **immutable** (you cannot 'change' a value, in any way), has no localization in time and space, and is always typed (that is, it is always accompanied by some identification of the type it belongs to). As you can see, _type_ and _value_ are not the same concepts as _class_ and _object_, which you are probably more familiar with. Alf considers that the latter are _implementations_ of the former. Alf assumes _valid_ implementations (equality and hash methods must be correct) and _valid_ usage (objects used for representing values are kept immutable in practice). Alf _assumes_ this, but does not _enforces_ it: it is your responsibility to use Alf in conformance with these preconditions. That being said, if you want **arrays, colors, ranges, or whatever in your relations**, just do it! You can even join on them, restrict on them, summarize on them, and so on: % alf extend suppliers -- chars "name.chars.to_a" | alf --text restrict -- "chars.last == 's'" +------+-------+---------+--------+-----------------+ | :sid | :name | :status | :city | :chars | +------+-------+---------+--------+-----------------+ | S2 | Jones | 10 | Paris | [J, o, n, e, s] | | S5 | Adams | 30 | Athens | [A, d, a, m, s] | +------+-------+---------+--------+-----------------+ A last, very important word about values. **Null/nil is not a value**. Strictly speaking therefore, you may not use null/nil inside your data files or datasources representing relations. That being said, Alf provides specific support for handling them, because they appear in today's databases in practice and that Alf aims at being a tool that helps you tackling _practical_ problems. See the section with title "Why is Alf Exactly?" later. ### Tuples and Relations Tuples (aka records) and relations are values as well, which explains why you can have them inside relations! * Logically speaking, a tuple is a set of (attribute name, attribute value) pairs. Moreover, it does not contain two attributes with the same name and is **not particularly ordered**. Also, **a tuple is a _value_, and is therefore immutable**. Last, but not least, a tuple **does not admit nulls/nils**. Tuples in Alf are simply implemented with ruby hashes, taken as tuple implementations. Not all hashes are valid tuple implementations, of course (those containing nil are not, for example). Alf _assumes_ valid tuples, but does not _enforce_ this precondition. It's up to you to use Alf the right way! No support is or will ever be provided for ordering tuple attributes. However, as hashes are ordered in Ruby 1.9, Alf implements a best effort strategy to keep a friendly ordering when rendering tuples and relations. This is a very good practical reason for migrating to ruby 1.9 if not already done! {:sid => "S1", :name => "Smith", :status => 20, :city => "London"} * A _relation_ is a set of tuples. Being a set, a relation does **never contain duplicates** (unlike SQL that works on bags, not on sets) and is **not particularly ordered**. Moreover, all tuples of a relation must have the same _heading_, that is, the same set of attribute (name, type) pairs. Also, **a relation is a _value_, is therefore immutable** and **does not admit null/nil**. Alf is mainly an implementation of relational algebra (see section below). The implemented operators consider any Iterator of tuples as potentially valid operand. In addition Alf provides a Relation ruby class, that acts as an in-memory data structure that provides an Object-Oriented API to call operators (see "Interfacing Alf in Ruby" below). ### Relational Algebra In classical algebra, you can make computations like (5 + 2) - 3. In relational algebra, you can make similar things on relations. Alf uses an infix, functional programming-oriented syntax for algebra expressions: (minus (union :suppliers, xxx), yyy) All relational operators take relation operands in input and return a relation as output. We say that the relational algebra is _closed_ under its operators. In practice, it means that operands may always be sub-expressions, **always**. (minus (union (restrict :suppliers, lambda{ zzz }), xxx), yyy) In shell, the closure property means that you can pipe alf invocations the way you want! The same query, in shell: alf restrict suppliers -- "zzz" | alf union xxx | alf minus yyy ## What is Alf exactly? The Third Manifesto defines a series of prescriptions, proscriptions and very strong suggestions for designing a truly relational _language_, called a _D_, as an alternative to SQL for managing relational databases. This is far behind my objective with Alf, as it does not touch at database issues at all (persistence, transactions, and so on.) and don't actually define a programming language (only a small functional ruby DSL). Alf must simply be interpreted as a ruby library implementing (a variant of) Date and Darwen's relational algebra. This library is designed as a set of operator implementations, that work as tuple iterators taking other tuple iterators as input. Under the pre-condition that you provide them _valid_ tuple iterators as input (no duplicates, no nil, + other preconditions on an operator basis), the result is a valid iterator as well. Unless explicitely stated otherwise, any behavior observed when not respecting these preconditions, even an interesting behavior, is not guaranteed and might change with tiny version changes (see section about versioning policy at the end of this file). ### The command line utility # # Provided that suppliers and cities are valid relation representations # [something similar] # % alf restrict suppliers -- "city == 'London'" | alf join cities # the resulting stream is a valid relation representation in the output # stream format that you have selected (.rash by default). It can therefore # be piped to another alf shell invocation, or saved to a file and re-read # later (under the assumption that input and output data formats match, or # course). [Something similar about responsibility and bug]. If you take a look at .alf example files, you'll find functional ruby expressions like the following (called Lispy expressions): % cat examples/minus.alf # Give all suppliers, except those living in Paris (minus :suppliers, (restrict :suppliers, lambda{ city == 'Paris' })) # This is a contrived example for illustrating minus, as the # following is equivalent (restrict :suppliers, lambda{ city != 'Paris' }) You can simply execute such expressions with the alf command line itself (the three following invocations return the same result): % alf examples/minus.alf | alf show % alf show minus % alf -e "(restrict :suppliers, lambda{ city != 'Paris' })" | alf show Symbols are magically resolved from the environment, which is wired to the examples by default. See the dedicated sections below to update this behavior to your needs. ### The algebra compiler # # Provided that :suppliers and :cities are valid relation representations # (under the responsibility shared by you and the Reader and Environment # subclasses you use -- see later), then, # op = Alf.lispy.compile { (join (restrict :suppliers, lambda{ city == 'London' }), :cities) } # op is a thread-safe Enumerable of tuples, that can be taken as a valid # relation representation. It can therefore be used as the input operand # of any other expression. This is under Alf's responsibility, and any # failure must be considered a bug! ### The Relation data structure In addition, Alf is bundled with an in-memory Relation data structure that provided a more abstract API for manipulating relations in simple cases (the rules are the same about pre and post-conditions): # The query above can be done as follows. Note that relations are always # loaded in memory here! suppliers = Alf::Relation[ ... ] cities = Alf::Relation[ ... ] suppliers.restrict(lambda{ city == 'London' }). join(cities) # => Alf::Relation[ ... ] All relational operators have an instance method equivalent on the Alf::Relation class. Semantically, the receiver object is simply the first operand of the functional call, as illustrated above. ### Where do relations come from? Relation literals can simply be written as follows: suppliers = Alf::Relation[ {:sid => 'S1', :name => 'Smith', :status => 20, :city => 'London'}, {:sid => 'S2', :name => 'Jones', :status => 10, :city => 'Paris'}, {:sid => 'S3', :name => 'Blake', :status => 30, :city => 'Paris'}, {:sid => 'S4', :name => 'Clark', :status => 20, :city => 'London'}, {:sid => 'S5', :name => 'Adams', :status => 30, :city => 'Athens'}, ] Environment classes serve datasets (see later) that always have a to_rel method for obtaining in-memory relations: env = Alf::Environment.examples env.dataset(:suppliers).to_rel # => Alf::Relation[ ... ] Compiled expressions always have a to_rel method that allows obtaining an in-memory relation: op = Alf.lispy.compile { (join (restrict :suppliers, lambda{ city == 'London' }), :cities) } op.to_rel # => Alf::Relation[...] Lispy provides an 'evaluate' method which is precisely equivalent to the chain above. Therefore: rel = Alf.lispy.evaluate { (join (restrict :suppliers, lambda{ city == 'London' }), :cities) } # => Alf::Relation[...] ### Algebra is closed under its operators! Of course, from the closure property of a relational algebra (that states that operators works on relations and return relations), you can use a sub expression *everytime* a relational operand is expected, everytime: # Compute the total qty supplied in each country together with the subset # of products shipped there. Only consider suppliers that have a status # greater than 10, however. (summarize \ (join \ (join (restrict :suppliers, lambda{ status > 10 }), :supplies), :cities), [:country], :which => Agg::group(:pid), :total => Agg::sum{ qty }) Of course, complex queries quickly become unreadable that way. But you can always split complex tasks in more simple ones: kept_suppliers = (restrict :suppliers, lambda{ status > 10 }) with_countries = (join kept_suppliers, :cities), supplying = (join with_countries, :supplies) (summarize supplying, [:country], :which => Agg::group(:pid), :total => Agg::sum{ qty }) And here is the result ! +----------+----------+--------+ | :country | :which | :total | +----------+----------+--------+ | England | +------+ | 2200 | | | | :pid | | | | | +------+ | | | | | P1 | | | | | | P2 | | | | | | P3 | | | | | | P4 | | | | | | P5 | | | | | | P6 | | | | | +------+ | | | France | +------+ | 200 | | | | :pid | | | | | +------+ | | | | | P2 | | | | | +------+ | | +----------+----------+--------+ ### Reference API For now, the Ruby API is documented in the commandline help itself (a cheatsheet or something will be provided as soon as possible). For example, you'll find the allowed syntaxes for RESTRICT as follows: % alf help restrict ... API & EXAMPLE # Restrict to suppliers with status greater than 20 (restrict :suppliers, lambda{ status > 20 }) # Restrict to suppliers that live in London (restrict :suppliers, lambda{ city == 'London' }) ... ### Coping with non-relational data sources (nil, duplicates, etc.) Alf aims at being a tool that helps you tackling practical problems, and denormalized and/or noisy data is one of them. Missing values occur. Duplicates abound in SQL databases lacking primary keys, and so on. Using Alf's relational operators on such inputs is not a good idea, because it is a strong precondition violation. This is not because relational theory is weak, but because extending it to handle null/nil and duplicates correctly has been proven at best a nightmare, and at worse a mess. As a practical exercice, try to extend classical algebra with versions of +, - * and / that handle nil in such a way that the resulting theory is sound and still looks intuitive! Then do it on boolean algebra with _and_, _or_ and _not_. Then, add null/nil to classical set theory. Classical algebra, boolean algebra, and set theory are important building blocks behind relational algebra because almost all of its operators are defined on top of them... So what? The approach choosen in Alf to handle this conflict is very pragmatic. First of all, Alf implements a best effort strategy -- where possible -- to remain friendly in presence of null/nil on attributes that have no influence on an operator's job. For example, the query below will certainly fail if _status_ is null/nil, but it won't probably fail if any other attribute is nil. % alf restrict suppliers -- "status > 10" This best-effort strategy is not enough, and striclty speaking, must be considered unsound (for example, it strongly hurts optimization possibilities). Therefore, I strongly encourage you to go a step further: **if relational operators want true relations as input, please, give them!**. For this, Alf also provides a few non-relational operators in addition to relational ones. Those operators must be interpreted as "pre-relational" operators, in the sense that they help obtaining valid relation representations from invalid ones. Provided that you use them correctly, their output can safely be used as input of a relational operator. You'll find, * alf autonum -- ensure no duplicates by generating a unique attribute * alf compact -- brute-force duplicates removal * alf defaults -- replace nulls/nil by valid values, on an attribute basis Play the game, it's easy! - _Give id, name and status of suppliers whose status is greater that 10_ - Hey man, we don't know the status for all suppliers! What about these cases? - _Ignore them_ - No problem dude! % alf defaults --strict suppliers -- sid '' name '' status 0 | alf restrict -- "status > 10" ### Alf is duck-typed The relational theory is often considered under a statically-typed point of view. When considering tuples and relations, for example, the notion of _heading_, a set of (name,type) pairs, is central. For example, a heading for a supplier tuple/relation could be: {:sid => String, :name => Name, :status => Integer, :city => String} Most relational operators have preconditions in terms of the headings of their operands. For example, _minus_ and _union_ require their operands to have same heading, while _rename_ requires renamed attributes to exist in operand's heading, and so on. Given an expression in relational algebra, it is always possible to compute the heading of the resulting relation, by statically analyzing the whole query expression in the light of a catalog of typed operators. This way, a tool can check that a query is statically valid, i.e. that it respects operator preconditions. While this approach has the major advantage of allowing strong optimizations, it also has a few drawbacks (as the need to know the heading of used datasources in advance) and is difficult to mary with dynamically-typed languages like Ruby. Therefore, Alf takes another approach, which is similar to duck-typing. In essence, this approach can be summarized as follows: - _You have the responsibility of not violating operators' preconditions. If you do, Alf has the responsibility of returning correct results._. - No problem dude! ## More about the shell command line % alf --help The help command will display the list of available operators. Each of them is completely described with 'alf help OPERATOR'. They all have a similar invocation syntax in shell: % alf operator operands... -- args... For example, try the following: # display suppliers that live in Paris % alf restrict suppliers -- "city == 'Paris'" # join suppliers and cities (no args here) % alf join suppliers cities ### Recognized data streams/files (.rash files) For educational purposes, 'suppliers' and 'cities' inputs are magically resolved as denoting the files examples/suppliers.rash and examples/cities.rash, respectively. You'll find other data files: parts.rash, supplies.rash that are resolved magically as well and with which you can play. For non-educational purposes, operands may always be explicit files, or you can force the folder in which datasource files have to be found: # The following invocations are equivalent % alf restrict /tmp/foo.rash -- "..." % alf --env=/tmp restrict foo -- "..." A .rash file is simply a file in which each line is a ruby Hash, intended to represent a tuple. Under theory-driven preconditions, a .rash file can be seen as a valid (straightforward but useful) physical representation of a relation! When used in shell, alf dumps query results in the .rash format by default, which opens the ability of piping invocations! Indeed, unary operators read their operand on standard input if not specific as command argument. For example, the invocation below is equivalent to the one given above. # display suppliers that live in Paris % cat examples/suppliers.rash | alf restrict -- "city == 'Paris'" Similarly, when only one operand is present in invocations of binary operators, they read their left operand from standard input. Therefore, the join given in previous section can also be written as follows: % cat examples/suppliers.rash | alf join cities The relational algebra is _closed_ under its operators, which means that these operators take relations as operands and return a relation. Therefore operator invocations can be nested, that is, operands can be other relational expressions. When you use alf in a shell, it simply means that you can pipe operators as you want: % alf show --rash suppliers | alf join cities | alf restrict -- "status > 10" ### Obtaining a friendly output The show command (which is **not** a relational operator) can be used to obtain a more friendly output: # it renders a text table by default % alf show [--text] suppliers +------+-------+---------+--------+ | :sid | :name | :status | :city | +------+-------+---------+--------+ | S1 | Smith | 20 | London | | S2 | Jones | 10 | Paris | | S3 | Blake | 30 | Paris | | S4 | Clark | 20 | London | | S5 | Adams | 30 | Athens | +------+-------+---------+--------+ # and reads from standard input without argument! % alf restrict suppliers "city == 'Paris'" | alf show +------+-------+---------+-------+ | :sid | :name | :status | :city | +------+-------+---------+-------+ | S2 | Jones | 10 | Paris | | S3 | Blake | 30 | Paris | +------+-------+---------+-------+ Other formats can be obtained (see 'alf help show'). For example, you can generate a .yaml file, as follows: % alf restrict suppliers -- "city == 'Paris'" | alf show --yaml ### Executing .alf files You'll also find .alf files in the examples folder, that contain more complex examples in the Ruby functional syntax (see section below). % cat examples/group.alf #!/usr/bin/env alf (group :supplies, [:pid, :qty], :supplying) You can simply execute these files with alf directly as follows: # the following works, as well as the shortcut 'alf show group' % alf examples/group.alf | alf show +------+-----------------+ | :sid | :supplying | +------+-----------------+ | S1 | +------+------+ | | | | :pid | :qty | | | | +------+------+ | | | | P1 | 300 | | | | | P2 | 200 | | ... Also, mimicing the ruby executable, the following invocation is also possible: % alf -e "(restrict :suppliers, lambda{ city == 'Paris' })" where the argument is a relational expression in Alf's Lispy dialect, which is detailed in the next section. ## More about Alf in Ruby ### Calling commands 'ala' shell For simple cases, the easiest way of using Alf in ruby is probably to mimic what you have in shell: % alf restrict suppliers -- "city == 'Paris'" Then, in ruby # # 1. create an engine on an environment (see section about environments later) # 2. run a command # 3. op is a thread-safe enumerable of tuples, see the Lispy section below) # lispy = Alf.lispy(Alf::Environment.examples) op = lispy.run(['restrict', 'suppliers', '--', "city == 'Paris'"]) If this kind of API is not sufficiently expressive for you, you'll have to learn the APIs deeper, and use the Lispy functional style that Alf provides, which can be compiled and used as explained in the next section. ### Compiler vs. Relation data structure The compilers allow you to manipulate algebra expressions. Just obtain a Lispy instance on an environment and you're ready: # # Expressions can simply be compiled as illustrated below. We use the # examples environment here, see the dedicated section later about other # available environments. # lispy = Alf.lispy(Alf::Environment.examples) london_suppliers = lispy.compile do (restrict :suppliers, lambda{ city == 'London' }) end # # Returned operator is an enumerable of ruby hashes. Provided that datasets # offered by the environment (:suppliers here) can be enumerated more than # once, the operator may be used multiple times and is even thread safe! # london_suppliers.each do |tuple| # tuple is a ruby Hash end # # Now, maybe you want to reuse op in a larger query, for example # by projecting on the city attribute... Here is how this can be # done: # projection = (project london_suppliers, [:city]) Note that the examples above manipulate algebra operators, not relations per se. This means that equality and other such operators, that operate on relation _values_, do not operate correctly here: projection == Alf::Relation[{:city => 'London'}] # => nil In contrast, you can use such operators when operating on true relation values: projection.to_rel == Alf::Relation[{:city => 'London'}] # => true ### Using/Implementing other Environments An Environment instance if passed as first argument of Alf.lispy and is responsible of resolving named datasets. A base class Environment::Folder is provided with the Alf distribution, with a factory method on the Environment class itself. env = Alf::Environment.folder("path/to/a/folder") An environment built that way will look for .rash and .alf files in the specified folder and sub-folders. I'll of course strongly consider any contribution implementing the Environment contract on top of SQL or NoSQL databases or anything that can be useful to manipulate with relational algebra. Such contributions can be added to the project directly, in the lib/alf/environment folder, for example. A base template would look like: class Foo < Alf::Environment # # You should at least implement the _dataset_ method that resolves a # name (a Symbol instance) to an Enumerable of tuples (typically a # Reader). See Alf::Environment for exact contract details. # def dataset(name) end end ### Adding file decoders, aka Readers Environments should not be confused with Readers (see Reader class and its subclasses). While the former resolve named datasets, the latter decode files and/or other resources as tuple enumerables. Environments typically serve Reader instances in response to dataset resolving. Reader implementations decoding .rash and .alf files are provided in the main alf.rb file. It's relatively easy to implement the Reader contract by extending the Reader class and implementing an each method. Once again, contributions are very welcome in lib/alf/reader (.csv files, .log files, and so on). A basic template for this is as follows: class Bar < Alf::Reader # # You should at least implement each, see Alf::Reader which provides a # base implementation and a few tools # def each # [...] end # By registering it, the Folder environment will automatically # recognize and decode .bar files correctly! Alf::Reader.register(:bar, [".bar"], self) end ### Adding outputters, aka Renderers Similarly, you can contribute renderers to output relations in html, or whatever format you would consider interesting. See the Renderer class, and consider the following template for contributions in lib/alf/renderer class Glim < Alf::Renderer # # You should at least implement the execute method that renders tuples # given in _input_ (an Enumerable of tuples) on the output buffer # and returns the latter. See Alf::Renderer for the exact contract # details. # def execute(output = $stdout) # [...] output end # By registering it, the output options of 'alf show' will # automatically provide your --glim contribution Alf::Renderer.register(:glim, "as a .glim file", self) end ## Related Work & Tools - You should certainly have a look at the Third Manifesto website: {http://www.thethirdmanifesto.com/} - Why not reading the {http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~hugh/TTM/DBE-Chapter01.pdf third manifesto paper} itself? - Also have a look at {http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~hugh/TTM/Projects.html other implementation projects}, especially {http://dbappbuilder.sourceforge.net/Rel.php Rel} which provides an implementation of the TUTORIAL D language. - {https://github.com/dkubb/veritas Dan Kubb's Veritas} project is worth considering also in the Ruby community. While very similar to Alf in providing a pure ruby algebra implementation, Veritas mostly provides a framework for manipulating and statically analyzing algebra expressions so as to be able to {https://github.com/dkubb/veritas-optimizer optimize them} and {https://github.com/dkubb/veritas-sql-generator compile them to SQL}. We are working together with Dan Kubb to see how Alf and Veritas could be closer from each other in the future, if not in their codebase, at least in using the very same terminology for the same concepts. ## Contributing ### Alf is open source You know the rules: * The code is on github https://github.com/blambeau/alf * Please report any problem or bug in the issue tracker on github * Don't hesitate to fork and send me a pull request for any contribution/idea! Alf is distributed under a MIT licence. Please let me know if it does not fit your needs and I'll see what I can do! ### Internals -- Tribute to Sinatra Alf's code style is very inspired from what I've found in Sinatra when looking at its internals a few months ago. Alf, as Sinatra, is mostly implemented in a single file, lib/alf.rb. Everything is there except specific third-party contributions (in lib/alf/...). You'll need an editor or IDE that supports code folding/unfolding. Then, follow the guide: 1. Fold everything but the Alf module. 2. Main concepts, first level of abstraction, should fit on the screen 3. Unfold the concept you're interested in, and return to the previous bullet ### Roadmap Below is what I've imagined about Alf's future. However, this is to be interpreted as my own wish list, while I would love hearing yours instead. - Towards 1.0.0, I would like to stabilize and document Alf public APIs as well as internals (a few concepts are still unstable there). Alf also has a certain number of limitations that are worth overcoming for version 1.0.0. The latter include the semantically wrong way of applying joins on sub-relations, the impossibility to use Lispy expressions on sub-relations in extend, and the error management which is unspecific and unfriendly so far. - I also would like starting collecting Reader, Renderer and Environment contributions for common data sources (SQL, NoSQL, CSV, LOGS) and output formats (HTML, XML, JSON). Contributions could be either developped as different gem projects or distributed with Alf's gem and source code, I still need to decide the exact policy (suggestions are more than welcome here) - Alf will remain a practical tool before everything else. In the middle term, I would like to complete the set of available operators (relational and non- relational ones). Some of them will be operators described in D & D books while others will be new suggestions of mine. - In the long term Alf should be able to avoid loading tuples in memory (under a certain number of conditions on datasources) for almost all queries. - Without targetting a fast tool at all, I also would like Alf to provide a basic optimizer that would be able to push equality restrictions down and materialize sub-expressions used more than once in with expressions. ### Versioning policy Alf respects {http://semver.org/ semantic versioning}, which means that it has a X.Y.Z version number and follows a few rules: - The public API is made of both the commandline tool as well as the Lispy dialect and will become stable with version 1.0.0 in a near future. - Backward compatible bug fixes will increase Z. - New features and enhancements that do not break backward compatibility of the public API will increase the Y number. - Non backward compatible changes of the public API will increase the X number. All classes and modules but the Alf module itself and the Lispy DSL are part of the private API and may change at any time. A best-effort strategy is followed to avoid breaking internals on tiny (Z) version increases. ## Enjoy Alf! - No problem dude!