# Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Hal Brodigan (postmodern.mod3 at gmail.com)
# This file is part of Ronin Support.
# Ronin Support is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ronin Support is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Ronin Support.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

require 'set'

module Ronin
  module Binary
    # Provides a translation layer between C types and Ruby `Array#pack`
    # codes.
    # ## Types
    # * `:uint8` (`C`) - unsigned 8-bit integer.
    # * `:uint16` (`S`) - unsigned 16-bit integer.
    # * `:uint32` (`L`) - unsigned 32-bit integer.
    # * `:uint64` (`Q`) - unsigned 64-bit integer.
    # * `:int8` (`c`) - signed 8-bit integer.
    # * `:int16` (`s`) - signed 16-bit integer.
    # * `:int32` (`l`) - signed 32-bit integer.
    # * `:int64` (`q`) - signed 64-bit integer.
    # * `:uint16_le` (`v`) - unsigned 16-bit integer, little endian.
    # * `:uint32_le` (`V`) - unsigned 32-bit integer, little endian.
    # * `:uint16_be` (`n`) - unsigned 16-bit integer, big endian.
    # * `:uint32_be` (`N`) - unsigned 32-bit integer, big endian.
    # * `:uchar` (`Z`) - unsigned character.
    # * `:ushort` (`S!`) - unsigned short integer, native endian.
    # * `:uint` (`I!`) - unsigned integer, native endian.
    # * `:ulong` (`L!`) - unsigned long integer, native endian.
    # * `:ulong_long` (`Q`) - unsigned quad integer, native endian.
    # * `:char` (`Z`) - signed character.
    # * `:short` (`s!`) - signed short integer, native endian.
    # * `:int` (`i!`) - signed integer, native endian.
    # * `:long` (`l!`) - signed long integer, native endian.
    # * `:long_long` (`q`) - signed quad integer, native endian.
    # * `:utf8` (`U`) - UTF8 character.
    # * `:float` (`F`) - single-precision float, native format.
    # * `:double` (`D`) - double-precision float, native format.
    # * `:float_le` (`e`) - single-precision float, little endian.
    # * `:double_le` (`E`) - double-precision float, little endian.
    # * `:float_be` (`g`) - single-precision float, big endian.
    # * `:double_be` (`G`) - double-precision float, big endian.
    # * `:ubyte` (`C`) - unsigned byte.
    # * `:byte` (`c`) - signed byte.
    # * `:string` (`Z*`) - binary String, `\0` terminated.
    # ### Ruby 1.9 specific types
    # * `:uint16_le` (`S<`) - unsigned 16-bit integer, little endian.
    # * `:uint32_le` (`L<`) - unsigned 32-bit integer, little endian.
    # * `:uint64_le` (`Q<`) - unsigned 64-bit integer, little endian.
    # * `:int16_le` (`s<`) - signed 16-bit integer, little endian.
    # * `:int32_le` (`l<`) - signed 32-bit integer, little endian.
    # * `:int64_le` (`q<`) - signed 64-bit integer, little endian.
    # * `:uint16_be` (`S>`) - unsigned 16-bit integer, big endian.
    # * `:uint32_be` (`L>`) - unsigned 32-bit integer, big endian.
    # * `:uint64_be` (`Q>`) - unsigned 64-bit integer, big endian.
    # * `:int16_be` (`s>`) - signed 16-bit integer, big endian.
    # * `:int32_be` (`l>`) - signed 32-bit integer, big endian.
    # * `:int64_be` (`q>`) - signed 64-bit integer, big endian.
    # * `:ushort_le` (`S<`) - unsigned short integer, little endian.
    # * `:uint_le` (`I<`) - unsigned integer, little endian.
    # * `:ulong_le` (`L<`) - unsigned long integer, little endian.
    # * `:ulong_long_le` (`Q<`) - unsigned quad integer, little endian.
    # * `:short_le` (`s<`) - signed short integer, little endian.
    # * `:int_le` (`i<`) - signed integer, little endian.
    # * `:long_le` (`l<`) - signed long integer, little endian.
    # * `:long_long_le` (`q<`) - signed quad integer, little endian.
    # * `:ushort_be` (`S>`) - unsigned short integer, little endian.
    # * `:uint_be` (`I>`) - unsigned integer, little endian.
    # * `:ulong_be` (`L>`) - unsigned long integer, little endian.
    # * `:ulong_long_be` (`Q>`) - unsigned quad integer, little endian.
    # * `:short_be` (`s>`) - signed short integer, little endian.
    # * `:int_be` (`i>`) - signed integer, little endian.
    # * `:long_be` (`l>`) - signed long integer, little endian.
    # * `:long_long_be` (`q>`) - signed quad integer, little endian.
    # @see http://rubydoc.info/stdlib/core/Array:pack
    # @api semipbulic
    # @since 0.5.0
    class Template

      # Supported types and corresponding `Array#pack` codes.
      TYPES = {
        :uint8  => 'C',
        :uint16 => 'S',
        :uint32 => 'L',
        :uint64 => 'Q',

        :int8   => 'c',
        :int16  => 's',
        :int32  => 'l',
        :int64  => 'q',

        :uint16_le => 'v',
        :uint32_le => 'V',
        :uint16_be => 'n',
        :uint32_be => 'N',

        :uchar      => 'Z',
        :ushort     => 'S!',
        :uint       => 'I!',
        :ulong      => 'L!',
        :ulong_long => 'Q',

        :char      => 'Z',
        :short     => 's!',
        :int       => 'i!',
        :long      => 'l!',
        :long_long => 'q',

        :utf8 => 'U',

        :float     => 'F',
        :double    => 'D',

        :float_le  => 'e',
        :double_le => 'E',

        :float_be  => 'g',
        :double_be => 'G',

        :ubyte  => 'C',
        :byte   => 'c',
        :string => 'Z*'

      # Additional types, not available on Ruby 1.8:
      if RUBY_VERSION > '1.9.'
          :uint16_le => 'S<',
          :uint32_le => 'L<',
          :uint64_le => 'Q<',

          :int16_le => 's<',
          :int32_le => 'l<',
          :int64_le => 'q<',

          :uint16_be => 'S>',
          :uint32_be => 'L>',
          :uint64_be => 'Q>',

          :int16_be => 's>',
          :int32_be => 'l>',
          :int64_be => 'q>',

          :ushort_le     => 'S!<',
          :uint_le       => 'I!<',
          :ulong_le      => 'L!<',
          :ulong_long_le => 'Q<',

          :short_le     => 's!<',
          :int_le       => 'i!<',
          :long_le      => 'l!<',
          :long_long_le => 'q<',

          :ushort_be     => 'S!>',
          :uint_be       => 'I!>',
          :ulong_be      => 'L!>',
          :ulong_long_be => 'Q>',

          :short_be     => 's!>',
          :int_be       => 'i!>',
          :long_be      => 'l!>',
          :long_long_be => 'q>'

      # Integer types
      INT_TYPES = Set[












      # Float types
      FLOAT_TYPES = Set[
        :float,    :double,
        :float_le, :double_le,
        :float_be, :double_be

      # Character types
      CHAR_TYPES = Set[:uchar, :char]

      # String types
      STRING_TYPES = CHAR_TYPES + Set[:string]

      # Types which have little and big endian forms
      ENDIAN_TYPES = Set[
        :uint16, :uint32, :uint64,
        :int16, :int32, :int64,
        :ushort, :uint, :ulong, :ulong_long,
        :short, :int, :long, :long_long,
        :float, :double

      # The fields of the template
      attr_reader :fields

      # Creates a new Binary Template.
      # @param [Array<type, (type, length)>] fields
      #   The types which the packer will use.
      # @param [Hash] options
      #   Template options.
      # @option options [:little, :big, :network] :endian
      #   The endianness to apply to types.
      # @raise [ArgumentError]
      #   A given type is not known.
      # @note
      #   The following types are **not supported** on Ruby 1.8:
      #   * `:uint16_le`
      #   * `:uint32_le`
      #   * `:uint64_le`
      #   * `:int16_le`
      #   * `:int32_le`
      #   * `:int64_le`
      #   * `:uint16_be`
      #   * `:uint32_be`
      #   * `:uint64_be`
      #   * `:int16_be`
      #   * `:int32_be`
      #   * `:int64_be`
      #   * `:ushort_le`
      #   * `:uint_le`
      #   * `:ulong_le`
      #   * `:ulong_long_le`
      #   * `:short_le`
      #   * `:int_le`
      #   * `:long_le`
      #   * `:long_long_le`
      #   * `:ushort_be`
      #   * `:uint_be`
      #   * `:ulong_be`
      #   * `:ulong_long_be`
      #   * `:short_be`
      #   * `:int_be`
      #   * `:long_be`
      #   * `:long_long_be`
      # @example
      #   Template.new(:uint32, [:char, 100])
      def initialize(fields,options={})
        @fields   = fields
        @template = self.class.compile(@fields,options)

      # Translates the type of the field.
      # @param [Symbol] type
      #   The type to translate.
      # @param [Hash] options
      #   Translation options.
      # @option options [:little, :big, :network] :endian
      #   The endianness to apply to types.
      # @return [Symbol]
      #   The translated type.
      # @raise [ArgumentError]
      #   The value of `:endian` is unknown.
      def self.translate(type,options={})
        if (options[:endian] && ENDIAN_TYPES.include?(type))
          type = case options[:endian]
                 when :little
                 when :big, :network
                   raise(ArgumentError,"unknown endianness: #{type}")

        return type

      # Compiles binary types into an `Array#pack` / `String#unpack`
      # template.
      # @param [Array<type, (type, length)>] types
      #   The types which the packer will use.
      # @param [Hash] options
      #   Type options.
      # @option options [:little, :big, :network] :endian
      #   The endianness to apply to types.
      # @return [String]
      #   The `Array#pack` / `String#unpack` template.
      # @raise [ArgumentError]
      #   A given type is not known.
      def self.compile(types,options={})
        string = ''

        types.each do |(type,length)|
          type = translate(type,options)

          unless (code = TYPES[type])
            raise(ArgumentError,"#{type.inspect} not supported")

          string << code << length.to_s

        return string

      # Packs the data.
      # @param [Array] data
      #   The data to pack.
      # @return [String]
      #   The packed data.
      def pack(*data)

      # Unpacks the string.
      # @param [String] string
      #   The raw String to unpack.
      # @return [Array]
      #   The unpacked data.
      def unpack(string)

      # Converts the template to a `Array#pack` template String.
      # @return [String]
      #   The template String.
      # @see http://rubydoc.info/stdlib/core/Array:pack
      def to_s
