require 'bindata' require 'forwardable' require 'pio/monkey_patch/integer' require 'pio/open_flow/port_number' module Pio # An action to output a packet to a port. class SendOutPort # OpenFlow 1.0 OFPAT_OUTPUT action format. class Format < BinData::Record endian :big uint16 :type, value: 0 uint16 :message_length, value: 8 port_number :port_number uint16 :max_len, initial_value: 2**16 - 1 end def send_out_port = allocate send_out_port.instance_variable_set :@format, send_out_port end extend Forwardable def_delegators :@format, :message_length def_delegators :@format, :port_number def_delegators :@format, :max_len def_delegator :@format, :to_binary_s, :to_binary # Creates an action to output a packet to a port. # # @example # # 1) # :controller, max_len: 256) # # @param [Integer|Hash] user_options # the port number or the options hash to create this action # class instance with. # # @option user_options [Number] :port_number # port number an index into switch's physical port list. There # are also fake output ports. For example a port number set to # +:flood+ would output packets to all physical ports except # input port and ports disabled by STP. # @option user_options [Number] :max_len # the maximum number of bytes from a packet to send to # controller when port is set to +:controller+. A zero length # means no bytes of the packet should be sent. It defaults to # 64K. # # @raise [ArgumentError] if +:port_number+ is not an unsigned # 16-bit integer. # @raise [ArgumentError] if +:max_len+ is not an unsigned 16-bit integer. # # rubocop:disable MethodLength def initialize(user_options) options = if user_options.respond_to?(:to_i) { port_number: user_options.to_i } elsif PortNumber::NUMBERS.key?(user_options) { port_number: user_options } else user_options end max_len = options[:max_len] if max_len && !max_len.unsigned_16bit? fail ArgumentError, 'The max_len should be an unsigned 16bit integer.' end @format = end # rubocop:enable MethodLength def ==(other) return false unless other to_binary == other.to_binary end end end