require "minuteman/bit_operations/operation" # Public: Minuteman core classs # class Minuteman module BitOperations extend Forwardable def_delegators :Minuteman, :safe, :redis # Public: Checks for the existance of ids on a given set # # ids - Array of ids # def include?(*ids) result = { |id| getbit(id) } result.size == 1 ? result.first : result end # Public: Resets the current key # def reset safe { redis.rem(key) } end # Public: Cheks for the amount of ids stored on the current key # def length safe { redis.bitcount(key) } end # Public: Calculates the NOT of the current key # def -@ operation("NOT", key) end alias :~@ :-@ # Public: Calculates the substract of one set to another # # timespan: Another BitOperations enabled class # def -(timespan) operation("MINUS", timespan) end # Public: Calculates the XOR against another timespan # # timespan: Another BitOperations enabled class # def ^(timespan) operation("XOR", timespan) end # Public: Calculates the OR against another timespan # # timespan: Another BitOperations enabled class or an Array # def |(timespan) operation("OR", timespan) end alias :+ :| # Public: Calculates the AND against another timespan # # timespan: Another BitOperations enabled class or an Array # def &(timespan) operation("AND", timespan) end private # Private: Helper to access the value a given bit # # id: The bit # def getbit(id) safe { redis.getbit(key, id) == 1 } end # Private: Cxecutes an operation between the current timespan and another # # type: The operation type # timespan: The given timespan # def operation(type, timespan), timespan) end # Private: Memoizes the operation class # def operate @_operate ||= end end end