require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper' class BeforeFilterTest < Test::Unit::TestCase it "executes filters in the order defined" do count = 0 mock_app do get('/') { 'Hello World' } before { assert_equal 0, count count = 1 } before { assert_equal 1, count count = 2 } end get '/' assert ok? assert_equal 2, count assert_equal 'Hello World', body end it "can modify the request" do mock_app { get('/foo') { 'foo' } get('/bar') { 'bar' } before { request.path_info = '/bar' } } get '/foo' assert ok? assert_equal 'bar', body end it "can modify instance variables available to routes" do mock_app { before { @foo = 'bar' } get('/foo') { @foo } } get '/foo' assert ok? assert_equal 'bar', body end it "allows redirects" do mock_app { before { redirect '/bar' } get('/foo') do fail 'before block should have halted processing' 'ORLY?!' end } get '/foo' assert redirect? assert_equal '/bar', response['Location'] assert_equal '', body end it "does not modify the response with its return value" do mock_app { before { 'Hello World!' } get '/foo' do assert_equal [], response.body 'cool' end } get '/foo' assert ok? assert_equal 'cool', body end it "does modify the response with halt" do mock_app { before { halt 302, 'Hi' } get '/foo' do "should not happen" end } get '/foo' assert_equal 302, response.status assert_equal 'Hi', body end it "gives you access to params" do mock_app { before { @foo = params['foo'] } get('/foo') { @foo } } get '/foo?foo=cool' assert ok? assert_equal 'cool', body end it "runs filters defined in superclasses" do base = base.before { @foo = 'hello from superclass' } mock_app(base) { get('/foo') { @foo } } get '/foo' assert_equal 'hello from superclass', body end end class AfterFilterTest < Test::Unit::TestCase it "executes filters in the order defined" do invoked = 0 mock_app do before { invoked = 2 } get('/') { invoked += 2 } after { invoked *= 2 } end get '/' assert ok? assert_equal 8, invoked end it "executes filters in the order defined" do count = 0 mock_app do get('/') { 'Hello World' } after { assert_equal 0, count count = 1 } after { assert_equal 1, count count = 2 } end get '/' assert ok? assert_equal 2, count assert_equal 'Hello World', body end it "allows redirects" do mock_app { get('/foo') { 'ORLY' } after { redirect '/bar' } } get '/foo' assert redirect? assert_equal '/bar', response['Location'] assert_equal '', body end it "does not modify the response with its return value" do mock_app { get('/foo') { 'cool' } after { 'Hello World!' } } get '/foo' assert ok? assert_equal 'cool', body end it "does modify the response with halt" do mock_app { get '/foo' do "should not be returned" end after { halt 302, 'Hi' } } get '/foo' assert_equal 302, response.status assert_equal 'Hi', body end it "runs filters defined in superclasses" do count = 2 base = base.after { count *= 2 } mock_app(base) { get('/foo') { count += 2 } } get '/foo' assert_equal 8, count end end