module Discorb
  # Represents an embed of discord.
  class Embed
    # Initialize a new Embed object.
    # @param [String] title The title of embed.
    # @param [String] description The description of embed.
    # @param [Discorb::Color, Integer] color The color of embed.
    # @param [String] url The url of embed.
    # @param [Time] timestamp The timestamp of embed.
    # @param [Discorb::Embed::Author] author The author field of embed.
    # @param [Array<Discorb::Embed::Field>] fields The fields of embed.
    # @param [Discorb::Embed::Footer] footer The footer of embed.
    # @param [Discorb::Embed::Image, String] image The image of embed.
    # @param [Discorb::Embed::Thumbnail, String] thumbnail The thumbnail of embed.
    def initialize: (
      ?String? title,
      ?String? description,
      ?color: (Discorb::Color | Integer)?,
      ?url: String?,
      ?timestamp: Time?,
      ?author: Discorb::Embed::Author?,
      ?fields: ::Array[Discorb::Embed::Field]?,
      ?footer: Discorb::Embed::Footer?,
      ?image: (Discorb::Embed::Image | String)?,
      ?thumbnail: (Discorb::Embed::Thumbnail | String)?
    ) -> void

    # Initialize embed from hash.
    # @private
    # @param [Hash] data The hash data to initialize embed.
    def initialize_hash: (Discorb::json data) -> untyped

    def inspect: -> String

    # Convert embed to hash.
    # @see Offical Discord API Docs
    # @return [Hash] Converted embed.
    def to_hash: -> Discorb::json

    def self.from_hash: (untyped data) -> untyped

    # @return [String, nil] The title of embed.
    attr_accessor title: String?

    # @return [String, nil] The description of embed.
    attr_accessor description: String?

    # @return [String, nil] The url of embed.
    attr_accessor url: String?

    # @return [Time, nil] The timestamp of embed.
    attr_accessor timestamp: Time?

    # @return [Discorb::Color, nil] The color of embed.
    attr_accessor color: Discorb::Color?

    # @return [Discorb::Embed::Author, nil] The author of embed.
    attr_accessor author: Discorb::Embed::Author?

    # @return [Array<Discorb::Embed::Field>] The fields of embed.
    attr_accessor fields: ::Array[Discorb::Embed::Field]

    # @return [Discorb::Embed::Footer, nil] The footer of embed.
    attr_accessor footer: Discorb::Embed::Footer?

    # @return [Symbol] The type of embed.
    attr_reader type: Symbol

    # @return [Discorb::Embed::Image] The image of embed.
    attr_accessor image: Discorb::Embed::Image?

    # @return [Discorb::Embed::Thumbnail] The thumbnail of embed.
    attr_accessor thumbnail: Discorb::Embed::Thumbnail?

    # Represents an entry in embed.
    # @abstract
    # @private
    class Entry
      def inspect: -> String

    # Represents an author of embed.
    class Author < Discorb::Embed::Entry
      # Initialize a new Author object.
      # @param [String] name The name of author.
      # @param [String] url The url of author.
      # @param [String] icon The icon url of author.
      def initialize: (String name, ?url: String?, ?icon: String?) -> void

      # Convert author to hash.
      # @see
      #   Offical Discord API Docs
      # @return [Hash] Converted author.
      def to_hash: -> Discorb::json

      # @return [String] The name of author.
      attr_accessor name: String

      # @return [String, nil] The url of author.
      attr_accessor url: String?

      # @return [String, nil] The icon url of author.
      attr_accessor icon: String?

    # Represemts a footer of embed.
    class Footer < Discorb::Embed::Entry
      # Initialize a new Footer object.
      # @param [String] text The text of footer.
      # @param [String] icon The icon url of footer.
      def initialize: (String text, ?icon: String?) -> void

      # Convert footer to hash.
      # @see
      #   Offical Discord API Docs
      # @return [Hash] Converted footer.
      def to_hash: -> Discorb::json

      # Returns the value of attribute text.
      attr_accessor text: untyped

      # Returns the value of attribute icon.
      attr_accessor icon: untyped

    # Represents a field of embed.
    class Field < Discorb::Embed::Entry
      # Initialize a new Field object.
      # @param [String] name The name of field.
      # @param [String] value The value of field.
      # @param [Boolean] inline Whether the field is inline.
      def initialize: (String name, String value, ?inline: bool) -> void

      # Convert field to hash.
      # @see
      #   Offical Discord API Docs
      # @return [Hash] Converted field.
      def to_hash: -> Discorb::json

      # @return [String] The name of field.
      attr_accessor name: String

      # @return [String] The value of field.
      attr_accessor value: String

      # @return [Boolean] Whether the field is inline.
      attr_accessor inline: bool

    # Represents an image of embed.
    class Image < Discorb::Embed::Entry
      # Initialize a new Image object.
      # @param [String] url URL of image.
      def initialize: (String url) -> void

      # Convert image to hash for sending.
      # @see
      #   Offical Discord API Docs
      # @return [Hash] Converted image.
      def to_hash: -> Discorb::json

      # @return [String] The url of image.
      attr_accessor url: String

      # @return [String] The proxy url of image.
      # @return [nil] The Image object wasn't created from gateway.
      attr_reader proxy_url: String?

      # @return [Integer] The height of image.
      # @return [nil] The Image object wasn't created from gateway.
      attr_reader height: Integer?

      # @return [Integer] The width of image.
      # @return [nil] The Image object wasn't created from gateway.
      attr_reader width: Integer?

    # Represents a thumbnail of embed.
    class Thumbnail < Discorb::Embed::Entry
      # Initialize a new Thumbnail object.
      # @param [String] url URL of thumbnail.
      def initialize: (String url) -> void

      # Convert thumbnail to hash for sending.
      # @see
      #   Offical Discord API Docs
      # @return [Hash] Converted thumbnail.
      def to_hash: -> Discorb::json

      # @return [String] The url of thumbnail.
      attr_accessor url: String

      # @return [String] The proxy url of thumbnail.
      # @return [nil] The Thumbnail object wasn't created from gateway.
      attr_reader proxy_url: String?

      # @return [Integer] The height of thumbnail.
      # @return [nil] The Thumbnail object wasn't created from gateway.
      attr_reader height: Integer?

      # @return [Integer] The width of thumbnail.
      # @return [nil] The Thumbnail object wasn't created from gateway.
      attr_reader width: Integer?

    # Represents a video of embed.
    class Video < Discorb::Embed::Entry
      # Initialize a new Video object.
      # @private
      # @param [Hash] data The data of video.
      def initialize: (Discorb::json data) -> void

      # @return [String] The url of video.
      attr_reader url: String

      # @return [String] The proxy url of video.
      attr_reader proxy_url: String

      # @return [Integer] The height of video.
      attr_reader height: Integer

      # @return [Integer] The width of video.
      attr_reader width: Integer

    # Represents a provider of embed.
    class Provider < Discorb::Embed::Entry
      # Initialize a new Provider object.
      # @private
      # @param [Hash] data The data of provider.
      def initialize: (Discorb::json data) -> void

      # @return [String] The name of provider.
      attr_reader name: String

      # @return [String] The url of provider.
      attr_reader url: String