require 'tailor' require 'tailor/file_line' module Tailor # This module provides methods for detecting spacing problems on a single # line in a file. The real intent here is to mix in to the FileLine class. module Spacing # TODO: Add skipping of comment lines. SPACING_CONDITIONS = { :more_than_one_space_after_comma => [ /,\x20{2,}(\w|'|"|:).*((?:(?!#\s*)).)*$/, "[Spacing] Line has a comma with > 1 space after it" ], :no_space_after_comma => [ /,\x20{0}\S/, "[Spacing] Line has a comma with 0 spaces after it" ], :space_before_comma => [ /\S\x20+,/, "[Spacing] Line has at least one space before a comma" ], :space_after_open_parenthesis => [ /\(\x20+/, "[Spacing] Line has a '(' with spaces after it" ], :space_before_closed_parenthesis => [ /^\s*[^#]\w+.*\x20+\)/, "[Spacing] Line has a ')' with spaces before it" ], :space_around_open_bracket => [ /^\s*[^#](\w+\x20+\[|.*\[\x20+)/, "[Spacing] Line has a '[' with at least 1 space around it" ], :space_before_closed_bracket => [ /^\s*[^#]\w+.*\x20+\]/, "[Spacing] Line has a ']' with spaces before it" ], :hard_tabbed => [ /\t+/, "[Spacing] Line contains hard tabs" ], :trailing_whitespace => [ /(\x20+|\x09+)$/, #"[Spacing] Line contains #{trailing_whitespace_count} " + "[Spacing] Line contains trailing whitespaces" ], :no_space_around_open_curly_brace => [ /^\s*((?:(?!def).)*)(=|\w)\x20{0}\{|\{\x20{0}(\||:|"|')/, "[Spacing] Line contains 0 spaces on at least one side of a '{'" ], :no_space_before_closed_curly_brace => [ /^\s*((?:(?!#\{).)*)(?:(?!\{)\S)\x20{0}\}/, "[Spacing] Line contains 0 spaces before a '}'" ], :more_than_one_space_around_open_curly_brace => [ /\w\x20{2,}\{|\{\x20{2,}\|/, "[Spacing] Line contains >1 spaces around a '{'" ], :more_than_one_space_before_closed_curly_brace => [ /\w\x20{2,}\}\s*$/, "[Spacing] Line contains >1 spaces before a '}'" ], :not_one_space_around_ternary_colon => [ /^.*\?.*\w((\x20{0}|\x20{2,}):(?!:)|[^:|\[]:(\x20{0}|\x20{2,})\w)/, "[Spacing] Line contains ternary ':' with not 1 space around it" ] } # Detect spacing problems around all predefined bad cases. # # @return [Number] The number of problems discovered during detection. def spacing_problems problem_count = 0 # Disregard text in regexps self.gsub!(/\/.*?\//, "''") self.gsub!(/'.*?'/, "''") SPACING_CONDITIONS.each_pair do |condition, values| unless self.scan(values.first).empty? problem_count += 1 @line_problem_count += 1 print_problem values[1] end end problem_count end # Checks to see if there's whitespace at the end of the line. Prints the # number of whitespaces at the end of the line. # # @return [Boolean] Returns true if there's whitespace at the end of the # line. =begin def trailing_whitespace? count = self.trailing_whitespace_count if count > 0 @line_problem_count += 1 print_problem "Line contains #{count} trailing whitespace(s):" return true end return false end =end # Checks to see if the line has trailing whitespace at the end of it. Note # that this excludes empty lines that have spaces on them! # # @return [Number] Returns the number of trailing spaces at the end of the # line. def trailing_whitespace_count spaces = self.scan(/(\x20+|\x09+)$/) if spaces.first.eql? nil return 0 end spaces.first.first.length end module_function :trailing_whitespace_count # Checks to see if there's no spaces before a given string. If the line # being checked is a method with a question mark at the end of it, this # skips checking the line. # # @param [String] string The string to check for spaces before. # @return [Boolean] True if there are no spaces before the string. def no_space_before? string # Get out if the check is for a '?' and that's part of a method name. if self.question_mark_method? return false end # Get out if this line is a comment line if self.comment_line? return false end # Get out if the string is within another string if word_is_in_string? string return false end counts = [] spaces_before(string).each { |s| counts << s } result = false counts.each do |count| if count == 0 @line_problem_count += 1 print_problem "Line has a '#{string}' with 0 spaces before it:" result = true end end result end # Checks to see if there's no spaces after a given string. # # @param [String] string The string to check for spaces after. # @return [Boolean] True if there are no spaces after the string. def no_space_after? string # Get out if the check is for a '?' and that's part of a method name. if self.question_mark_method? return false end # Get out if this line is a comment line if self.comment_line? return false end # Get out if the string is within another string if word_is_in_string? string return false end # Get out if the string is within another string if word_is_in_regexp? string return false end counts = [] spaces_after(string).each { |s| counts << s } result = false counts.each do |count| if count == 0 @line_problem_count += 1 print_problem "Line has a '#{string}' with 0 spaces after it:" result = true end end result end # Gets the number of spaces after a string. # # @param [String] string The string to check for spaces after. # @return [Array] An array that holds the number of spaces after # every time the given string appears in a line. def spaces_after string # Get out if this line is a comment line if self.comment_line? return false end right_side_match = + '\x20*') occurrences = self.scan(right_side_match) results = [] occurrences.each do |o| string_spaces = o.sub(string, '') results << string_spaces.size end results end # Checks to see if the line contains a method name with a ?. # # @return [Boolean] True if the line contains a method line include?. def question_mark_method? if self.scan(/[a-zA-Z|_]\w*\?/).empty? return false end true end end end