## Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. autoload :Net, 'net/ssh/gateway' module MU class Cloud class AWS # A database as configured in {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::databases} class Database < MU::Cloud::Database # Map legal storage values for each disk type and database engine so # our validator can check them for us. STORAGE_RANGES = { "io1" => { "postgres" => 100..65536, "mysql" => 100..65536, "mariadb" => 100..65536, "oracle-se1" => 100..65536, "oracle-se2" => 100..65536, "oracle-se" => 100..65536, "oracle-ee" => 100..65536, "sqlserver-ex" => 100..16384, "sqlserver-web" => 100..16384, "sqlserver-ee" => 200..16384, "sqlserver-se" => 200..16384 }, "gp2" => { "postgres" => 20..65536, "mysql" => 20..65536, "mariadb" => 20..65536, "oracle-se1" => 20..65536, "oracle-se2" => 20..65536, "oracle-se" => 20..65536, "oracle-ee" => 20..65536, "sqlserver-ex" => 20..16384, "sqlserver-web" => 20..16384, "sqlserver-ee" => 200..16384, "sqlserver-se" => 200..16384 }, "standard" => { "postgres" => 5..3072, "mysql" => 5..3072, "mariadb" => 5..3072, "oracle-se1" => 10..3072, "oracle-se2" => 10..3072, "oracle-se" => 10..3072, "oracle-ee" => 10..3072, "sqlserver-ex" => 20..1024, # ??? "sqlserver-web" => 20..1024, # ??? "sqlserver-ee" => 200..4096, # ??? "sqlserver-se" => 200..4096 # ??? } }.freeze # List of parameters that are legal to set in +modify_db_instance+ and +modify_db_cluster+ MODIFIABLE = { "instance" => [ :allocated_storage, :db_instance_class, :db_subnet_group_name, :db_security_groups, :vpc_security_group_ids, :master_user_password, :db_parameter_group_name, :backup_retention_period, :preferred_backup_window, :preferred_maintenance_window, :multi_az, :engine_version, :allow_major_version_upgrade, :auto_minor_version_upgrade, :license_model, :iops, :option_group_name, :new_db_instance_identifier, :storage_type, :tde_credential_arn, :tde_credential_password, :ca_certificate_identifier, :domain, :copy_tags_to_snapshot, :monitoring_interval, :db_port_number, :publicly_accessible, :monitoring_role_arn, :domain_iam_role_name, :promotion_tier, :enable_iam_database_authentication, :enable_performance_insights, :performance_insights_kms_key_id, :performance_insights_retention_period, :cloudwatch_logs_export_configuration, :processor_features, :use_default_processor_features, :deletion_protection, :max_allocated_storage, :certificate_rotation_restart ], "cluster" => [ :new_db_cluster_identifier, :backup_retention_period, :db_cluster_parameter_group_name, :vpc_security_group_ids, :port, :master_user_password, :option_group_name, :preferred_backup_window, :preferred_maintenance_window, :enable_iam_database_authentication, :backtrack_window, :cloudwatch_logs_export_configuration, :engine_version, :allow_major_version_upgrade, :db_instance_parameter_group_name, :domain, :domain_iam_role_name, :scaling_configuration, :deletion_protection, :enable_http_endpoint, :copy_tags_to_snapshot, ] } # Initialize this cloud resource object. Calling +super+ will invoke the initializer defined under {MU::Cloud}, which should set the attribtues listed in {MU::Cloud::PUBLIC_ATTRS} as well as applicable dependency shortcuts, like +@vpc+, for us. # @param args [Hash]: Hash of named arguments passed via Ruby's double-splat def initialize(**args) super @config["groomer"] = MU::Config.defaultGroomer unless @config["groomer"] @groomclass = MU::Groomer.loadGroomer(@config["groomer"]) @mu_name ||= if @config and @config['engine'] and @config["engine"].match(/^sqlserver/) @deploy.getResourceName(@config["name"], max_length: 15) else @deploy.getResourceName(@config["name"], max_length: 63) end @mu_name.gsub(/(--|-$)/i, "").gsub(/(_)/, "-").gsub!(/^[^a-z]/i, "") if @config.has_key?("parameter_group_family") @config["parameter_group_name"] ||= @mu_name end if args[:from_cloud_desc] and args[:from_cloud_desc].is_a?(Aws::RDS::Types::DBCluster) @config['create_cluster'] = true end if @config['source'] @config["source"] = MU::Config::Ref.get(@config["source"]) elsif @config["read_replica_of"] @config["source"] = MU::Config::Ref.get(@config["read_replica_of"]) end end # Called automatically by {MU::Deploy#createResources} # @return [String]: The cloud provider's identifier for this database instance. def create # RDS is picky, we can't just use our regular node names for things like # the default schema or username. And it varies from engine to engine. basename = @config["name"]+@deploy.timestamp+MU.seed.downcase basename.gsub!(/[^a-z0-9]/i, "") @config["db_name"] = MU::Cloud::AWS::Database.getName(basename, type: "dbname", config: @config) @config['master_user'] = MU::Cloud::AWS::Database.getName(basename, type: "dbuser", config: @config) unless @config['master_user'] @cloud_id = @mu_name # Lets make sure automatic backups are enabled when DB instance is deployed in Multi-AZ so failover actually works. Maybe default to 1 instead? if @config['multi_az_on_create'] or @config['multi_az_on_deploy'] or @config["create_cluster"] if @config["backup_retention_period"].nil? or @config["backup_retention_period"] == 0 @config["backup_retention_period"] = 35 MU.log "Multi-AZ deployment specified but backup retention period disabled or set to 0. Changing to #{@config["backup_retention_period"]} ", MU::WARN end if @config["preferred_backup_window"].nil? @config["preferred_backup_window"] = "05:00-05:30" MU.log "Multi-AZ deployment specified but no backup window specified. Changing to #{@config["preferred_backup_window"]} ", MU::WARN end end @config["snapshot_id"] = if @config["creation_style"] == "existing_snapshot" getExistingSnapshot ? getExistingSnapshot : createNewSnapshot elsif @config["creation_style"] == "new_snapshot" createNewSnapshot end @config["subnet_group_name"] = @mu_name if @vpc if @config["create_cluster"] getPassword manageSubnetGroup if @config.has_key?("parameter_group_family") manageDbParameterGroup(true) end @config["cluster_identifier"] ||= @cloud_id if @config['creation_style'] == "point_in_time" create_point_in_time else create_basic end wait_until_available if %w{existing_snapshot new_snapshot point_in_time}.include?(@config["creation_style"]) modify_db_cluster_struct = { db_cluster_identifier: @cloud_id, apply_immediately: true, backup_retention_period: @config["backup_retention_period"], db_cluster_parameter_group_name: @config["parameter_group_name"], master_user_password: @config["password"], preferred_backup_window: @config["preferred_backup_window"] } modify_db_cluster_struct[:preferred_maintenance_window] = @config["preferred_maintenance_window"] if @config["preferred_maintenance_window"] MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).modify_db_cluster(modify_db_cluster_struct) wait_until_available end do_naming elsif @config["add_cluster_node"] add_cluster_node else add_basic end end # Canonical Amazon Resource Number for this resource # @return [String] def arn cloud_desc.db_instance_arn end # Locate an existing Database or Databases and return an array containing matching AWS resource descriptors for those that match. # @return [Hash]: The cloud provider's complete descriptions of matching Databases def self.find(**args) found = {} if args[:cloud_id] if !args[:cluster] begin resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: args[:region], credentials: args[:credentials]).describe_db_instances(db_instance_identifier: args[:cloud_id]).db_instances.first return { args[:cloud_id] => resp } if resp rescue Aws::RDS::Errors::DBInstanceNotFound MU.log "No results found looking for RDS instance #{args[:cloud_id]}", MU::DEBUG end end begin resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: args[:region], credentials: args[:credentials]).describe_db_clusters(db_cluster_identifier: args[:cloud_id]).db_clusters.first rescue Aws::RDS::Errors::DBClusterNotFoundFault MU.log "No results found looking for RDS cluster #{args[:cloud_id]}", MU::DEBUG end return { args[:cloud_id] => resp } if resp else fetch = Proc.new { |noun| resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(credentials: args[:credentials], region: args[:region]).send("describe_db_#{noun}s".to_sym) resp.send("db_#{noun}s").each { |db| found[db.send("db_#{noun}_identifier".to_sym)] = db } } if args[:cluster] or !args.has_key?(:cluster) fetch.call("cluster") end if !args[:cluster] fetch.call("instance") end if args[:tag_key] and args[:tag_value] keep = [] found.each_pair { |id, desc| noun = desc.is_a?(Aws::RDS::Types::DBCluster) ? "cluster" : "db" resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(credentials: args[:credentials], region: args[:region]).list_tags_for_resource( resource_name: MU::Cloud::AWS::Database.getARN(id, noun, "rds", region: args[:region], credentials: args[:credentials]) ) if resp and resp.tag_list resp.tag_list.each { |tag| if tag.key == args[:tag_key] and tag.value == args[:tag_value] keep << id break end } end } found.reject! { |k, _v| !keep.include?(k) } end end return found end # Reverse-map our cloud description into a runnable config hash. # We assume that any values we have in +@config+ are placeholders, and # calculate our own accordingly based on what's live in the cloud. def toKitten(**_args) bok = { "cloud" => "AWS", "region" => @region, "credentials" => @credentials, "cloud_id" => @cloud_id, } # Don't adopt cluster members, they'll be picked up by the parent # cluster if !@config["create_cluster"] and cloud_desc.db_cluster_identifier and !cloud_desc.db_cluster_identifier.empty? return nil end noun = @config["create_cluster"] ? "cluster" : "db" tags = MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(credentials: @credentials, region: @region).list_tags_for_resource( resource_name: MU::Cloud::AWS::Database.getARN(@cloud_id, noun, "rds", region: @region, credentials: @credentials) ).tag_list if tags and !tags.empty? bok['tags'] = MU.structToHash(tags, stringify_keys: true) bok['name'] = MU::Adoption.tagsToName(bok['tags']) end bok["name"] ||= @cloud_id bok['engine'] = cloud_desc.engine bok['engine_version'] = cloud_desc.engine_version bok['master_user'] = cloud_desc.master_username bok['backup_retention_period'] = cloud_desc.backup_retention_period bok["create_cluster"] = true if @config['create_cluster'] params = if bok['create_cluster'] MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(credentials: @credentials, region: @region).describe_db_cluster_parameters( db_cluster_parameter_group_name: cloud_desc.db_cluster_parameter_group ).parameters else MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(credentials: @credentials, region: @region).describe_db_parameters( db_parameter_group_name: cloud_desc.db_parameter_groups.first.db_parameter_group_name ).parameters end params.reject! { |p| ["engine-default", "system"].include?(p.source) } if params and params.size > 0 bok[(bok['create_cluster'] ? "cluster_" : "")+'parameter_group_parameters'] = params.map { |p| { "key" => p.parameter_name, "value" => p.parameter_value } } end bok['add_firewall_rules'] = cloud_desc.vpc_security_groups.map { |sg| MU::Config::Ref.get( id: sg.vpc_security_group_id, cloud: "AWS", credentials: @credentials, region: @region, type: "firewall_rules", ) } bok['preferred_backup_window'] = cloud_desc.preferred_backup_window bok['preferred_maintenance_window'] = cloud_desc.preferred_maintenance_window bok['backup_retention_period'] = cloud_desc.backup_retention_period if cloud_desc.backup_retention_period > 1 bok['multi_az_on_groom'] = true if cloud_desc.multi_az bok['storage_encrypted'] = true if cloud_desc.storage_encrypted if bok['create_cluster'] bok['cluster_node_count'] = cloud_desc.db_cluster_members.size bok['cluster_mode'] = cloud_desc.engine_mode bok['port'] = cloud_desc.port sizes = [] vpcs = [] # we have no sensible way to handle heterogenous cluster members, so # for now just assume they're all the same cloud_desc.db_cluster_members.each { |db| member = MU::Cloud::AWS::Database.find(cloud_id: db.db_instance_identifier, region: @region, credentials: @credentials).values.first sizes << member.db_instance_class if member.db_subnet_group and member.db_subnet_group.vpc_id vpcs << member.db_subnet_group end bok } sizes.uniq! vpcs.uniq! bok['size'] = sizes.sort.first if !sizes.empty? if !vpcs.empty? myvpc = MU::MommaCat.findStray("AWS", "vpc", cloud_id: vpcs.sort.first.vpc_id, credentials: @credentials, region: @region, dummy_ok: true, no_deploy_search: true).first bok['vpc'] = myvpc.getReference(vpcs.sort.first.subnets.map { |s| s.subnet_identifier }) end else bok['size'] = cloud_desc.db_instance_class bok['auto_minor_version_upgrade'] = true if cloud_desc.auto_minor_version_upgrade if cloud_desc.db_subnet_group myvpc = MU::MommaCat.findStray("AWS", "vpc", cloud_id: cloud_desc.db_subnet_group.vpc_id, credentials: @credentials, region: @region, dummy_ok: true, no_deploy_search: true).first bok['vpc'] = myvpc.getReference(cloud_desc.db_subnet_group.subnets.map { |s| s.subnet_identifier }) end bok['storage_type'] = cloud_desc.storage_type bok['storage'] = cloud_desc.allocated_storage bok['license_model'] = cloud_desc.license_model bok['publicly_accessible'] = true if cloud_desc.publicly_accessible bok['port'] = cloud_desc.endpoint.port if cloud_desc.read_replica_source_db_instance_identifier bok['read_replica_of'] = MU::Config::Ref.get( id: cloud_desc.read_replica_source_db_instance_identifier.split(/:/).last, name: cloud_desc.read_replica_source_db_instance_identifier.split(/:/).last, cloud: "AWS", region: cloud_desc.read_replica_source_db_instance_identifier.split(/:/)[3], credentials: @credentials, type: "databases", ) end end if cloud_desc.enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports and cloud_desc.enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports.size > 0 bok['cloudwatch_logs'] = cloud_desc.enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports end bok end # Construct an Amazon Resource Name for an RDS resource. The RDS API is # peculiar, and we often need this identifier in order to do things that # the other APIs can do with shorthand. # @param resource [String]: The name of the resource # @param resource_type [String]: The type of the resource (one of `db, es, og, pg, ri, secgrp, snapshot, subgrp`) # @param client_type [String]: The name of the client (eg. elasticache, rds, ec2, s3) # @param region [String]: The region in which the resource resides. # @param account_number [String]: The account in which the resource resides. # @return [String] def self.getARN(resource, resource_type, client_type, region: MU.curRegion, account_number: nil, credentials: nil) account_number ||= MU::Cloud::AWS.credToAcct(credentials) aws_str = MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud?(region) ? "aws-us-gov" : "aws" "arn:#{aws_str}:#{client_type}:#{region}:#{account_number}:#{resource_type}:#{resource}" end # Construct all our tags. # @return [Array]: All our standard tags and any custom tags. def allTags @tags.each_key.map { |k| { :key => k, :value => @tags[k] } } end # Create a subnet group for a database. def manageSubnetGroup # Finding subnets, creating security groups/adding holes, create subnet group subnet_ids = [] dependencies raise MuError.new "Didn't find the VPC specified for #{@mu_name}", details: @config["vpc"].to_h unless @vpc mySubnets.each { |subnet| next if @config["publicly_accessible"] and subnet.private? subnet_ids << subnet.cloud_id } if @config['creation_style'] == "existing" srcdb_vpc = @config['source'].kitten.cloud_desc.db_subnet_group.vpc_id if srcdb_vpc != @vpc.cloud_id MU.log "#{self} is deploying into #{@vpc.cloud_id}, but our source database, #{@config['identifier']}, is in #{srcdb_vpc}", MU::ERR raise MuError, "Can't use 'existing' to deploy into a different VPC from the source database; try 'new_snapshot' instead" end end if subnet_ids.empty? raise MuError, "Couldn't find subnets in #{@vpc} to add to #{@config["subnet_group_name"]}. Make sure the subnets are valid and publicly_accessible is set correctly" else resp = begin MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).describe_db_subnet_groups( db_subnet_group_name: @config["subnet_group_name"] ) # XXX ensure subnet group matches our config? rescue ::Aws::RDS::Errors::DBSubnetGroupNotFoundFault # Create subnet group resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).create_db_subnet_group( db_subnet_group_name: @config["subnet_group_name"], db_subnet_group_description: @config["subnet_group_name"], subnet_ids: subnet_ids, tags: @tags.each_key.map { |k| { :key => k, :value => @tags[k] } } ) # The API forces it to lowercase, for some reason? Maybe not # always? Just rely on what it says. @config["subnet_group_name"] = resp.db_subnet_group.db_subnet_group_name resp end myFirewallRules.each { |sg| next if sg.cloud_desc.vpc_id != @vpc.cloud_id @config["vpc_security_group_ids"] ||= [] @config["vpc_security_group_ids"] << sg.cloud_id } end allowBastionAccess end # Create a database parameter group. def manageDbParameterGroup(cluster = false, create: true) return if !@config["parameter_group_name"] name_param = cluster ? :db_cluster_parameter_group_name : :db_parameter_group_name fieldname = cluster ? "cluster_parameter_group_parameters" : "db_parameter_group_parameters" params = { db_parameter_group_family: @config["parameter_group_family"], description: "Parameter group for #{@mu_name}", tags: @tags.each_key.map { |k| { :key => k, :value => @tags[k] } } } params[name_param] = @config["parameter_group_name"] if create MU.log "Creating a #{cluster ? "cluster" : "database" } parameter group #{@config["parameter_group_name"]}" MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).send(cluster ? :create_db_cluster_parameter_group : :create_db_parameter_group, params) end if @config[fieldname] and !@config[fieldname].empty? old_values = MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(credentials: @credentials, region: @region).send(cluster ? :describe_db_cluster_parameters : :describe_db_parameters, { name_param => @config["parameter_group_name"] } ).parameters old_values.map! { |p| [p.parameter_name, p.parameter_value] }.flatten old_values = old_values.to_h params = [] @config[fieldname].each { |item| next if old_values[item["name"]] == item['value'] params << {parameter_name: item['name'], parameter_value: item['value'], apply_method: item['apply_method']} } return if params.empty? MU.log "Modifying parameter group #{@config["parameter_group_name"]}", MU::NOTICE, details: params.map { |p| { p[:parameter_name] => p[:parameter_value] } } MU.retrier([Aws::RDS::Errors::InvalidDBParameterGroupState], wait: 30, max: 10) { if cluster MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).modify_db_cluster_parameter_group( db_cluster_parameter_group_name: @config["parameter_group_name"], parameters: params ) else MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).modify_db_parameter_group( db_parameter_group_name: @config["parameter_group_name"], parameters: params ) end } end end # Called automatically by {MU::Deploy#createResources} def groom cloud_desc(use_cache: false) manageSubnetGroup if @vpc manageDbParameterGroup(@config["create_cluster"], create: false) noun = @config['create_cluster'] ? "cluster" : "instance" mods = { "db_#{noun}_identifier".to_sym => @cloud_id } basicParams.each_pair { |k, v| next if v.nil? or !MODIFIABLE[noun].include?(k) if cloud_desc.respond_to?(k) and cloud_desc.send(k) != v mods[k] = v end } existing_sgs = cloud_desc.vpc_security_groups.map { |sg| sg.vpc_security_group_id }.sort if !@config["add_cluster_node"] and !@config["member_of_cluster"] and @config["vpc_security_group_ids"] and existing_sgs != @config["vpc_security_group_ids"].sort mods[:vpc_security_group_ids] = @config["vpc_security_group_ids"] end if @config['cloudwatch_logs'] and cloud_desc.enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports.sort != @config['cloudwatch_logs'].sort mods[:cloudwatch_logs_export_configuration] = { enable_log_types: @config['cloudwatch_logs'], disable_log_types: cloud_desc.enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports - @config['cloudwatch_logs'] } end if @config["create_cluster"] @config['cluster_node_count'] ||= 1 if @config['cluster_mode'] == "serverless" MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).modify_current_db_cluster_capacity( db_cluster_identifier: @cloud_id, capacity: @config['cluster_node_count'] ) end else # Run SQL on deploy if @config['run_sql_on_deploy'] run_sql_commands end if !cloud_desc.multi_az and (@config['multi_az_on_deploy'] or @config['multi_az_on_create']) mods[:multi_az] = true end # XXX how do we guard this? do we? # master_user_password: @config["password"], # end # XXX it's a stupid array # db_parameter_group_name: @config["parameter_group_name"], end if mods.size > 1 MU.log "Modifying RDS instance #{@cloud_id}", MU::NOTICE, details: mods mods[:apply_immediately] = true mods[:allow_major_version_upgrade] = true wait_until_available MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).send("modify_db_#{noun}".to_sym, mods) wait_until_available end end # Generate database user, database identifier, database name based on engine-specific constraints # @return [String]: Name def self.getName(basename, type: 'dbname', config: nil) if type == 'dbname' # Apply engine-specific db name constraints if config["engine"] =~ /^oracle/ (MU.seed.downcase+config["name"])[0..7] elsif config["engine"] =~ /^sqlserver/ nil elsif config["engine"] =~ /^mysql/ basename[0..63] elsif config["engine"] =~ /^aurora/ (MU.seed.downcase+config["name"])[0..7] else basename end elsif type == 'dbuser' # Apply engine-specific master username constraints if config["engine"] =~ /^oracle/ basename[0..29].gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/i, "") elsif config["engine"] =~ /^sqlserver/ basename[0..127].gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/i, "") elsif config["engine"] =~ /^(mysql|maria)/ basename[0..15].gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/i, "") elsif config["engine"] =~ /^aurora/ basename[0..15].gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/i, "") else basename.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/i, "") end end end # Permit a host to connect to the given database instance. # @param cidr [String]: The CIDR-formatted IP address or block to allow access. # @return [void] def allowHost(cidr) # If we're an old, Classic-style database with RDS-specific # authorization, punch holes in that. if !cloud_desc.db_security_groups.empty? cloud_desc.db_security_groups.each { |rds_sg| begin MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).authorize_db_security_group_ingress( db_security_group_name: rds_sg.db_security_group_name, cidrip: cidr ) rescue Aws::RDS::Errors::AuthorizationAlreadyExists MU.log "CIDR #{cidr} already in database instance #{@cloud_id} security group", MU::WARN end } end # Otherwise go get our generic EC2 ruleset and punch a hole in it myFirewallRules.each { |sg| sg.addRule([cidr], proto: "tcp", port: cloud_desc.endpoint.port) break } end # Return the metadata for this ContainerCluster # @return [Hash] def notify deploy_struct = MU.structToHash(cloud_desc, stringify_keys: true) deploy_struct['cloud_id'] = @cloud_id deploy_struct["region"] ||= @region deploy_struct["db_name"] ||= @config['db_name'] deploy_struct end # Generate a snapshot from the database described in this instance. # @return [String]: The cloud provider's identifier for the snapshot. def createNewSnapshot snap_id = @deploy.getResourceName(@config["name"]) + Time.new.strftime("%M%S").to_s src_ref = MU::Config::Ref.get(@config["source"]) src_ref.kitten(@deploy) if !src_ref.id raise MuError.new "#{@mu_name} failed to get an id from reference for creating a snapshot", details: @config['source'] end params = { :tags => @tags.each_key.map { |k| { :key => k, :value => @tags[k] } } } if @config["create_cluster"] params[:db_cluster_snapshot_identifier] = snap_id params[:db_cluster_identifier] = src_ref.id else params[:db_snapshot_identifier] = snap_id params[:db_instance_identifier] = src_ref.id end MU.retrier([Aws::RDS::Errors::InvalidDBInstanceState, Aws::RDS::Errors::InvalidDBClusterStateFault], wait: 60, max: 10) { MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).send("create_db_#{@config['create_cluster'] ? "cluster_" : ""}snapshot".to_sym, params) } loop_if = Proc.new { if @config["create_cluster"] MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).describe_db_cluster_snapshots(db_cluster_snapshot_identifier: snap_id).db_cluster_snapshots.first.status != "available" else MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).describe_db_snapshots(db_snapshot_identifier: snap_id).db_snapshots.first.status != "available" end } MU.retrier(wait: 15, loop_if: loop_if) { |retries, _wait| MU.log "Waiting for RDS snapshot of #{src_ref.id} to be ready...", MU::NOTICE if retries % 20 == 0 } return snap_id end # Fetch the latest snapshot of the database described in this instance. # @return [String]: The cloud provider's identifier for the snapshot. def getExistingSnapshot src_ref = MU::Config::Ref.get(@config["source"]) resp = if @config["create_cluster"] MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).describe_db_cluster_snapshots(db_cluster_snapshot_identifier: src_ref.id) else MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).describe_db_snapshots(db_snapshot_identifier: src_ref.id) end snapshots = @config["create_cluster"] ? resp.db_cluster_snapshots : resp.db_snapshots if snapshots.empty? nil else sorted_snapshots = snapshots.sort_by { |snap| snap.snapshot_create_time } @config["create_cluster"] ? sorted_snapshots.last.db_cluster_snapshot_identifier : sorted_snapshots.last.db_snapshot_identifier end end # Does this resource type exist as a global (cloud-wide) artifact, or # is it localized to a region/zone? # @return [Boolean] def self.isGlobal? false end # Denote whether this resource implementation is experiment, ready for # testing, or ready for production use. def self.quality MU::Cloud::RELEASE end # @return [Array] def self.threaded_resource_purge(describe_method, list_method, id_method, arn_type, region, credentials, ignoremaster, known: [], deploy_id: MU.deploy_id) deletia = [] resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(credentials: credentials, region: region).send(describe_method) resp.send(list_method).each { |resource| begin arn = MU::Cloud::AWS::Database.getARN(resource.send(id_method), arn_type, "rds", region: region, credentials: credentials) tags = MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(credentials: credentials, region: region).list_tags_for_resource(resource_name: arn).tag_list rescue Aws::RDS::Errors::InvalidParameterValue MU.log "Failed to fetch ARN of type #{arn_type} or tags of resource via #{id_method}", MU::WARN, details: [resource, arn] next end if should_delete?(tags, resource.send(id_method), ignoremaster, deploy_id, MU.mu_public_ip, known) deletia << resource.send(id_method) end } threads = [] deletia.each { |id| threads << Thread.new(id) { |resource_id| yield(resource_id) } } threads end # Called by {MU::Cleanup}. Locates resources that were created by the # currently-loaded deployment, and purges them. # @param noop [Boolean]: If true, will only print what would be done # @param ignoremaster [Boolean]: If true, will remove resources not flagged as originating from this Mu server # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region in which to operate # @return [void] def self.cleanup(noop: false, deploy_id: MU.deploy_id, ignoremaster: false, credentials: nil, region: MU.curRegion, flags: {}) threads = [] ["instance", "cluster"].each { |type| threads.concat threaded_resource_purge("describe_db_#{type}s".to_sym, "db_#{type}s".to_sym, "db_#{type}_identifier".to_sym, (type == "instance" ? "db" : "cluster"), region, credentials, ignoremaster, known: flags['known'], deploy_id: deploy_id) { |id| terminate_rds_instance(nil, noop: noop, skipsnapshots: flags["skipsnapshots"], region: region, deploy_id: deploy_id, cloud_id: id, mu_name: id.upcase, credentials: credentials, cluster: (type == "cluster"), known: flags['known']) } } threads.each { |t| t.join } threads = threaded_resource_purge(:describe_db_subnet_groups, :db_subnet_groups, :db_subnet_group_name, "subgrp", region, credentials, ignoremaster, known: flags['known'], deploy_id: deploy_id) { |id| MU.log "Deleting RDS subnet group #{id}" MU.retrier([Aws::RDS::Errors::InvalidDBSubnetGroupStateFault], wait: 30, max: 5, ignoreme: [Aws::RDS::Errors::DBSubnetGroupNotFoundFault]) { MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: region, credentials: credentials).delete_db_subnet_group(db_subnet_group_name: id) if !noop } } ["db", "db_cluster"].each { |type| threads.concat threaded_resource_purge("describe_#{type}_parameter_groups".to_sym, "#{type}_parameter_groups".to_sym, "#{type}_parameter_group_name".to_sym, (type == "db" ? "pg" : "cluster-pg"), region, credentials, ignoremaster, known: flags['known'], deploy_id: deploy_id) { |id| MU.log "Deleting RDS #{type} parameter group #{id}" MU.retrier([Aws::RDS::Errors::InvalidDBParameterGroupState], wait: 30, max: 5, ignoreme: [Aws::RDS::Errors::DBParameterGroupNotFound]) { MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: region, credentials: credentials).send("delete_#{type}_parameter_group", { "#{type}_parameter_group_name".to_sym => id }) if !noop } } } # Wait for all of the databases subnet/parameter groups to finish cleanup before proceeding threads.each { |t| t.join } end # Cloud-specific configuration properties. # @param _config [MU::Config]: The calling MU::Config object # @return [Array]: List of required fields, and json-schema Hash of cloud-specific configuration parameters for this resource def self.schema(_config) toplevel_required = [] rds_parameters_primitive = { "type" => "array", "minItems" => 1, "items" => { "description" => "The database parameter group parameter to change and when to apply the change.", "type" => "object", "title" => "Database Parameter", "required" => ["name", "value"], "additionalProperties" => false, "properties" => { "name" => { "type" => "string" }, "value" => { "type" => "string" }, "apply_method" => { "enum" => ["pending-reboot", "immediate"], "default" => "immediate", "type" => "string" } } } } schema = { "db_parameter_group_parameters" => rds_parameters_primitive, "cluster_parameter_group_parameters" => rds_parameters_primitive, "parameter_group_family" => { "type" => "String", "description" => "An RDS parameter group family. See also https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_WorkingWithParamGroups.html" }, "cluster_mode" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "The DB engine mode of the DB cluster", "enum" => ["provisioned", "serverless", "parallelquery", "global", "multimaster"], "default" => "provisioned" }, "storage_type" => { "enum" => ["standard", "gp2", "io1"], "type" => "string", "default" => "gp2" }, "cloudwatch_logs" => { "type" => "array", "items" => { "type" => "string", "enum" => ["audit", "error", "general", "slowquery", "profiler", "postgresql", "alert", "listener", "trace", "upgrade", "agent"] } }, "serverless_scaling" => { "type" => "object", "description" => "Scaling configuration for a +serverless+ Aurora cluster", "default" => { "auto_pause" => false, "min_capacity" => 2, "max_capacity" => 2 }, "properties" => { "auto_pause" => { "type" => "boolean", "description" => "A value that specifies whether to allow or disallow automatic pause for an Aurora DB cluster in serverless DB engine mode", "default" => false }, "min_capacity" => { "type" => "integer", "description" => "The minimum capacity for an Aurora DB cluster in serverless DB engine mode.", "default" => 2, "enum" => [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256] }, "max_capacity" => { "type" => "integer", "description" => "The maximum capacity for an Aurora DB cluster in serverless DB engine mode.", "default" => 2, "enum" => [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256] }, "seconds_until_auto_pause" => { "type" => "integer", "description" => "A DB cluster can be paused only when it's idle (it has no connections). If a DB cluster is paused for more than seven days, the DB cluster might be backed up with a snapshot. In this case, the DB cluster is restored when there is a request to connect to it.", "default" => 86400 } } }, "license_model" => { "type" => "string", "enum" => ["license-included", "bring-your-own-license", "general-public-license", "postgresql-license"] }, "ingress_rules" => MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", "FirewallRule").ingressRuleAddtlSchema } [toplevel_required, schema] end @@engine_cache= {} def self.get_supported_engines(region = MU.myRegion, credentials = nil, engine: nil) @@engine_cache ||= {} @@engine_cache[credentials] ||= {} @@engine_cache[credentials][region] ||= {} if !@@engine_cache[credentials][region].empty? return engine ? @@engine_cache[credentials][region][engine] : @@engine_cache[credentials][region] end engines = {} resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(credentials: credentials, region: region).describe_db_engine_versions if resp and resp.db_engine_versions resp.db_engine_versions.each { |version| engines[version.engine] ||= { "versions" => [], "families" => [], "features" => {}, "raw" => {} } engines[version.engine]['versions'] << version.engine_version engines[version.engine]['families'] << version.db_parameter_group_family engines[version.engine]['raw'][version.engine_version] = version [:supports_read_replica, :supports_log_exports_to_cloudwatch_logs].each { |feature| if version.respond_to?(feature) and version.send(feature) == true engines[version.engine]['features'][version.engine_version] ||= [] engines[version.engine]['features'][version.engine_version] << feature end } } engines.each_key { |e| engines[e]["versions"].uniq! engines[e]["versions"].sort! { |a, b| MU.version_sort(a, b) } engines[e]["families"].uniq! } else MU.log "Failed to get list of valid RDS engine versions in #{db['region']}, proceeding without proper validation", MU::WARN end @@engine_cache[credentials][region] = engines return engine ? @@engine_cache[credentials][region][engine] : @@engine_cache[credentials][region] end private_class_method :get_supported_engines # Make sure any source database/cluster/snapshot we've asked for exists # and is valid. def self.validate_source_data(db) ok = true if db['creation_style'] == "existing_snapshot" and !db['create_cluster'] and db['source'] and db["source"]["id"] and db['source']["id"].match(/:cluster-snapshot:/) MU.log "Database #{db['name']}: Existing snapshot #{db["source"]["id"]} looks like a cluster snapshot, but create_cluster is not set. Add 'create_cluster: true' if you're building an RDS cluster.", MU::ERR ok = false elsif db["creation_style"] == "existing" or db["creation_style"] == "new_snapshot" begin MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: db['region']).describe_db_instances( db_instance_identifier: db['source']['id'] ) rescue Aws::RDS::Errors::DBInstanceNotFound MU.log "Source database was specified for #{db['name']}, but no such database exists in #{db['region']}", MU::ERR, db['source'] ok = false end end ok end private_class_method :validate_source_data def self.validate_master_password(db) maxlen = case db['engine'] when "mariadb", "mysql" 41 when "postgresql" 41 when /oracle/ 30 when /sqlserver/ 128 else return true end pw = if !db['password'].nil? db['password'] elsif db['auth_vault'] and !db['auth_vault'].empty? groomclass = MU::Groomer.loadGroomer(db['groomer']) pw = groomclass.getSecret( vault: db['auth_vault']['vault'], item: db['auth_vault']['item'], field: db['auth_vault']['password_field'] ) return true if pw.nil? pw end if pw and (pw.length < 8 or pw.match(/[\/\\@\s]/) or pw.length > maxlen) MU.log "Database password specified in 'password' or 'auth_vault' doesn't meet RDS requirements. Must be between 8 and #{maxlen} chars and have only ASCII characters other than /, @, \", or [space].", MU::ERR return false end true end private_class_method :validate_master_password # Cloud-specific pre-processing of {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::databases}, bare and unvalidated. # @param db [Hash]: The resource to process and validate # @param _configurator [MU::Config]: The overall deployment configurator of which this resource is a ember # @return [Boolean]: True if validation succeeded, False otherwise def self.validateConfig(db, _configurator) ok = true ok = false if !validate_source_data(db) ok = false if !validate_engine(db) ok = false if !valid_read_replica?(db) ok = false if !valid_cloudwatch_logs?(db) db["license_model"] ||= if ["postgres", "postgresql", "aurora-postgresql"].include?(db["engine"]) "postgresql-license" elsif ["mysql", "mariadb"].include?(db["engine"]) "general-public-license" else "license-included" end ok = false if !validate_master_password(db) if db["multi_az_on_create"] and db["multi_az_on_deploy"] MU.log "Both of multi_az_on_create and multi_az_on_deploy cannot be true", MU::ERR ok = false end if (db["db_parameter_group_parameters"] or db["cluster_parameter_group_parameters"]) and db["parameter_group_family"].nil? engine = get_supported_engines(db['region'], db['credentials'], engine: db['engine']) db["parameter_group_family"] = engine['raw'][db['engine_version']].db_parameter_group_family end # Adding rules for Database instance storage. This varies depending on storage type and database type. if !db["storage"].nil? and !db["create_cluster"] and !db["add_cluster_node"] and !STORAGE_RANGES[db["storage_type"]][db['engine']].include?(db["storage"]) MU.log "Database storage size is set to #{db["storage"]}. #{db["engine"]} only supports storage sizes from #{STORAGE_RANGES[db["storage_type"]][db['engine']]} GB for #{db["storage_type"]} volumes.", MU::ERR ok = false end ok = false if !validate_network_cfg(db) ok end private def genericParams params = if @config['create_cluster'] paramhash = { db_cluster_identifier: @cloud_id, engine: @config["engine"], vpc_security_group_ids: @config["vpc_security_group_ids"], tags: @tags.each_key.map { |k| { :key => k, :value => @tags[k] } } } if @vpc and @config["subnet_group_name"] paramhash[:db_subnet_group_name] = @config["subnet_group_name"] end if @config['cloudwatch_logs'] paramhash[:enable_cloudwatch_logs_exports ] = @config['cloudwatch_logs'] end if @config['cluster_mode'] paramhash[:engine_mode] = @config['cluster_mode'] if @config['cluster_mode'] == "serverless" paramhash[:scaling_configuration] = { :auto_pause => @config['serverless_scaling']['auto_pause'], :min_capacity => @config['serverless_scaling']['min_capacity'], :max_capacity => @config['serverless_scaling']['max_capacity'], :seconds_until_auto_pause => @config['serverless_scaling']['seconds_until_auto_pause'] } end end paramhash else { db_instance_identifier: @cloud_id, db_instance_class: @config["size"], engine: @config["engine"], auto_minor_version_upgrade: @config["auto_minor_version_upgrade"], license_model: @config["license_model"], db_subnet_group_name: @config["subnet_group_name"], vpc_security_group_ids: @config["vpc_security_group_ids"], publicly_accessible: @config["publicly_accessible"], copy_tags_to_snapshot: true, tags: @tags.each_key.map { |k| { :key => k, :value => @tags[k] } } } end if %w{existing_snapshot new_snapshot}.include?(@config["creation_style"]) if @config['create_cluster'] params[:snapshot_identifier] = @config["snapshot_id"] else params[:db_snapshot_identifier] = @config["snapshot_id"] end end params end def self.validate_network_cfg(db) ok = true if !db['vpc'] db["vpc"] = MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", "VPC").defaultVpc(db['region'], db['credentials']) if db['vpc'] and !(db['engine'].match(/sqlserver/) and db['create_read_replica']) MU.log "Using default VPC for database '#{db['name']}; this sets 'publicly_accessible' to true.", MU::WARN db['publicly_accessible'] = true end else if db["vpc"]["subnet_pref"] == "all_public" and !db['publicly_accessible'] and (db["vpc"]['subnets'].nil? or db["vpc"]['subnets'].empty?) MU.log "Setting publicly_accessible to true on database '#{db['name']}', since deploying into public subnets.", MU::WARN db['publicly_accessible'] = true elsif db["vpc"]["subnet_pref"] == "all_private" and db['publicly_accessible'] MU.log "Setting publicly_accessible to false on database '#{db['name']}', since deploying into private subnets.", MU::NOTICE db['publicly_accessible'] = false end if db['engine'].match(/sqlserver/) and db['create_read_replica'] MU.log "SQL Server does not support read replicas in VPC deployments", MU::ERR ok = false end end ok end private_class_method :validate_network_cfg def self.valid_read_replica?(db) if !db['create_read_replica'] and !db['read_replica_of'] return true end engine = get_supported_engines(db['region'], db['credentials'], engine: db['engine']) if engine.nil? or !engine['features'] or !engine['features'][db['engine_version']] return true # we can't be sure, so let the API sort it out later end if !engine['features'][db['engine_version']].include?(:supports_read_replica) MU.log "Engine #{db['engine']} #{db['engine_version']} does not appear to support read replicas", MU::ERR return false end true end private_class_method :valid_read_replica? def self.valid_cloudwatch_logs?(db) return true if !db['cloudwatch_logs'] engine = get_supported_engines(db['region'], db['credentials'], engine: db['engine']) if engine.nil? or !engine['features'] or !engine['features'][db['engine_version']] or !engine['features'][db['engine_version']].include?(:supports_read_replica) MU.log "CloudWatch Logs not supported for #{db['engine']} #{db['engine_version']}", MU::ERR return false end ok = true db['cloudwatch_logs'].each { |logtype| if !engine['raw'][db['engine_version']].exportable_log_types.include?(logtype) ok = false MU.log "CloudWatch Log type #{logtype} is not valid for #{db['engine']} #{db['engine_version']}. List of valid types:", MU::ERR, details: engine['raw'][db['engine_version']].exportable_log_types end } ok end private_class_method :valid_cloudwatch_logs? def self.validate_engine(db) ok = true if db['create_cluster'] or db["member_of_cluster"] or db["add_cluster_node"] or (db['engine'] and db['engine'].match(/aurora/)) case db['engine'] when "mysql", "aurora", "aurora-mysql" if (db['engine_version'] and db["engine_version"].match(/^5\.6/)) or db["cluster_mode"] == "serverless" db["engine"] = "aurora" db["engine_version"] = "5.6" db['publicly_accessible'] = false else db["engine"] = "aurora-mysql" end when /postgres/ db["engine"] = "aurora-postgresql" else ok = false MU.log "#{db['engine']} is not supported for clustering", MU::ERR end db["create_cluster"] = true if !(db["member_of_cluster"] or db["add_cluster_node"]) end db["engine"] = "oracle-se2" if db["engine"] == "oracle" db["engine"] = "sqlserver-ex" if db["engine"] == "sqlserver" engine_cfg = get_supported_engines(db['region'], db['credentials'], engine: db['engine']) if !engine_cfg or engine_cfg['versions'].empty? or engine_cfg['families'].empty? MU.log "RDS engine #{db['engine']} reports no supported versions in #{db['region']}", MU::ERR, details: engine_cfg return false end # Resolve or default our engine version to something reasonable db['engine_version'] ||= engine_cfg['versions'].last if !engine_cfg['versions'].include?(db["engine_version"]) db['engine_version'] = engine_cfg['versions'].grep(/^#{Regexp.quote(db["engine_version"])}/).last end if !engine_cfg['versions'].include?(db["engine_version"]) MU.log "RDS engine '#{db['engine']}' version '#{db['engine_version']}' is not supported in #{db['region']}", MU::ERR, details: { "Known-good versions:" => engine_cfg['versions'].uniq.sort } ok = false end if db["parameter_group_family"] and !engine_cfg['families'].include?(db['parameter_group_family']) MU.log "RDS engine '#{db['engine']}' parameter group family '#{db['parameter_group_family']}' is not supported.", MU::ERR, details: engine_cfg['families'].uniq.sort ok = false end ok end private_class_method :validate_engine def add_basic getPassword if @config['source'].nil? or @region != @config['source'].region manageSubnetGroup if @vpc else MU.log "Note: Read Replicas automatically reside in the same subnet group as the source database, if they're both in the same region. This replica may not land in the VPC you intended.", MU::WARN end if @config.has_key?("parameter_group_family") manageDbParameterGroup end createDb end def add_cluster_node cluster = MU::Config::Ref.get(@config["member_of_cluster"]).kitten(@deploy) if cluster.nil? or cluster.cloud_id.nil? raise MuError.new "Failed to resolve parent cluster of #{@mu_name}", details: @config["member_of_cluster"].to_h end @config['cluster_identifier'] = cluster.cloud_id.downcase # We're overriding @config["subnet_group_name"] because we need each cluster member to use the cluster's subnet group instead of a unique subnet group @config["subnet_group_name"] = cluster.cloud_desc.db_subnet_group if @vpc @config["creation_style"] = "new" if @config["creation_style"] != "new" if @config.has_key?("parameter_group_family") manageDbParameterGroup end createDb end def basicParams params = genericParams params[:storage_encrypted] = @config["storage_encrypted"] params[:master_user_password] = @config['password'] params[:engine_version] = @config["engine_version"] params[:vpc_security_group_ids] = @config["vpc_security_group_ids"] params[:preferred_maintenance_window] = @config["preferred_maintenance_window"] if @config["preferred_maintenance_window"] params[:backup_retention_period] = @config["backup_retention_period"] if @config["backup_retention_period"] if @config['create_cluster'] params[:database_name] = @config["db_name"] params[:db_cluster_parameter_group_name] = @config["parameter_group_name"] if @config["parameter_group_name"] else params[:enable_cloudwatch_logs_exports] = @config['cloudwatch_logs'] if @config['cloudwatch_logs'] and !@config['cloudwatch_logs'].empty? params[:db_name] = @config["db_name"] if !@config['add_cluster_node'] params[:db_parameter_group_name] = @config["parameter_group_name"] if @config["parameter_group_name"] end if @config['create_cluster'] or @config['add_cluster_node'] params[:db_cluster_identifier] = @config["cluster_identifier"] else params[:storage_type] = @config["storage_type"] params[:allocated_storage] = @config["storage"] params[:multi_az] = @config['multi_az_on_create'] end noun = @config['create_cluster'] ? "cluster" : "instance" if noun == "cluster" or !params[:db_cluster_identifier] params[:backup_retention_period] = @config["backup_retention_period"] params[:preferred_backup_window] = @config["preferred_backup_window"] params[:master_username] = @config['master_user'] params[:port] = @config["port"] if @config["port"] params[:iops] = @config["iops"] if @config['storage_type'] == "io1" end params end # creation_style = new, existing, new_snapshot, existing_snapshot def create_basic params = basicParams clean_parent_opts = Proc.new { [:storage_encrypted, :master_user_password, :engine_version, :allocated_storage, :backup_retention_period, :preferred_backup_window, :master_username, :db_name, :database_name].each { |p| params.delete(p) } } noun = @config["create_cluster"] ? "cluster" : "instance" MU.retrier([Aws::RDS::Errors::InvalidParameterValue, Aws::RDS::Errors::DBSubnetGroupNotFoundFault], max: 10, wait: 15) { if %w{existing_snapshot new_snapshot}.include?(@config["creation_style"]) clean_parent_opts.call MU.log "Creating database #{noun} #{@cloud_id} from snapshot #{@config["snapshot_id"]}" MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).send("restore_db_#{noun}_from_#{noun == "instance" ? "db_" : ""}snapshot".to_sym, params) else clean_parent_opts.call if noun == "instance" and params[:db_cluster_identifier] MU.log "Creating pristine database #{noun} #{@cloud_id} (#{@config['name']}) in #{@region}", MU::NOTICE, details: params MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).send("create_db_#{noun}".to_sym, params) end } end # creation_style = point_in_time def create_point_in_time @config["source"].kitten(@deploy) if !@config["source"].id raise MuError.new "Database '#{@config['name']}' couldn't resolve cloud id for source database", details: @config["source"].to_h end params = genericParams params.delete(:db_instance_identifier) if @config['create_cluster'] params[:source_db_cluster_identifier] = @config["source"].id params[:restore_to_time] = @config["restore_time"] unless @config["restore_time"] == "latest" else params[:source_db_instance_identifier] = @config["source"].id params[:target_db_instance_identifier] = @cloud_id end params[:restore_time] = @config['restore_time'] unless @config["restore_time"] == "latest" params[:use_latest_restorable_time] = true if @config['restore_time'] == "latest" MU.retrier([Aws::RDS::Errors::InvalidParameterValue], max: 15, wait: 20) { MU.log "Creating database #{@config['create_cluster'] ? "cluster" : "instance" } #{@cloud_id} based on point in time backup '#{@config['restore_time']}' of #{@config['source'].id}" MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).send("restore_db_#{@config['create_cluster'] ? "cluster" : "instance"}_to_point_in_time".to_sym, params) } end # creation_style = new, existing and read_replica_of is not nil def create_read_replica @config["source"].kitten(@deploy) if !@config["source"].id raise MuError.new "Database '#{@config['name']}' couldn't resolve cloud id for source database", details: @config["source"].to_h end params = { db_instance_identifier: @cloud_id, source_db_instance_identifier: @config["source"].id, db_instance_class: @config["size"], auto_minor_version_upgrade: @config["auto_minor_version_upgrade"], publicly_accessible: @config["publicly_accessible"], tags: @tags.each_key.map { |k| { :key => k, :value => @tags[k] } }, db_subnet_group_name: @config["subnet_group_name"], storage_type: @config["storage_type"] } if @config["source"].region and @region != @config["source"].region params[:source_db_instance_identifier] = MU::Cloud::AWS::Database.getARN(@config["source"].id, "db", "rds", region: @config["source"].region, credentials: @credentials) end params[:port] = @config["port"] if @config["port"] params[:iops] = @config["iops"] if @config['storage_type'] == "io1" on_retry = Proc.new { |e| if e.class == Aws::RDS::Errors::DBSubnetGroupNotAllowedFault MU.log "Being forced to use source database's subnet group: #{e.message}", MU::WARN params.delete(:db_subnet_group_name) end } MU.retrier([Aws::RDS::Errors::InvalidDBInstanceState, Aws::RDS::Errors::InvalidParameterValue, Aws::RDS::Errors::DBSubnetGroupNotAllowedFault], max: 10, wait: 30, on_retry: on_retry) { MU.log "Creating read replica database instance #{@cloud_id} for #{@config['source'].id}" MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).create_db_instance_read_replica(params) } end # Sit on our hands until we show as available def wait_until_available loop_if = if @config["create_cluster"] Proc.new { cloud_desc(use_cache: false).status != "available" } else Proc.new { cloud_desc(use_cache: false).db_instance_status != "available" } end MU.retrier(wait: 10, max: 360, loop_if: loop_if) { |retries, _wait| if retries > 0 and retries % 20 == 0 MU.log "Waiting for RDS #{@config['create_cluster'] ? "cluster" : "database" } #{@cloud_id} to be ready...", MU::NOTICE end } end def do_naming if @config["create_cluster"] MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", "DNSZone").genericMuDNSEntry(name: cloud_desc.db_cluster_identifier, target: "#{cloud_desc.endpoint}.", cloudclass: MU::Cloud::Database, sync_wait: @config['dns_sync_wait']) MU.log "Database cluster #{@config['name']} is at #{cloud_desc.endpoint}", MU::SUMMARY else MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", "DNSZone").genericMuDNSEntry(name: cloud_desc.db_instance_identifier, target: "#{cloud_desc.endpoint.address}.", cloudclass: MU::Cloud::Database, sync_wait: @config['dns_sync_wait']) MU.log "Database #{@config['name']} is at #{cloud_desc.endpoint.address}", MU::SUMMARY end if @config['auth_vault'] MU.log "knife vault show #{@config['auth_vault']['vault']} #{@config['auth_vault']['item']} for Database #{@config['name']} credentials", MU::SUMMARY end end # Create a plain database instance or read replica, as described in our # +@config+. # @return [String]: The cloud provider's identifier for this database instance. def createDb if @config['creation_style'] == "point_in_time" create_point_in_time elsif @config['read_replica_of'] create_read_replica else create_basic end wait_until_available do_naming # If referencing an existing DB, insert this deploy's DB security group so it can access the thing if @config["creation_style"] == 'existing' mod_config = {} mod_config[:db_instance_identifier] = @cloud_id mod_config[:vpc_security_group_ids] = cloud_desc.vpc_security_groups.map { |sg| sg.vpc_security_group_id } localdeploy_rule = @deploy.findLitterMate(type: "firewall_rule", name: "database"+@config['name']) if localdeploy_rule.nil? raise MU::MuError, "Database #{@config['name']} failed to find its generic security group 'database#{@config['name']}'" end mod_config[:vpc_security_group_ids] << localdeploy_rule.cloud_id MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).modify_db_instance(mod_config) MU.log "Modified database #{@cloud_id} with new security groups: #{mod_config}", MU::NOTICE end # When creating from a snapshot or replicating an existing database, # some of the create arguments that we'd want to carry over aren't # applicable- but we can apply them after the fact with a modify. if %w{existing_snapshot new_snapshot point_in_time}.include?(@config["creation_style"]) or @config["read_replica_of"] mod_config = { db_instance_identifier: @cloud_id, apply_immediately: true } if !@config["read_replica_of"] or @region == @config['source'].region mod_config[:vpc_security_group_ids] = @config["vpc_security_group_ids"] end if !@config["read_replica_of"] mod_config[:preferred_backup_window] = @config["preferred_backup_window"] mod_config[:backup_retention_period] = @config["backup_retention_period"] mod_config[:engine_version] = @config["engine_version"] mod_config[:allow_major_version_upgrade] = @config["allow_major_version_upgrade"] if @config['allow_major_version_upgrade'] mod_config[:db_parameter_group_name] = @config["parameter_group_name"] if @config["parameter_group_name"] mod_config[:master_user_password] = @config['password'] mod_config[:allocated_storage] = @config["storage"] if @config["storage"] end if @config["preferred_maintenance_window"] mod_config[:preferred_maintenance_window] = @config["preferred_maintenance_window"] end MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).modify_db_instance(mod_config) wait_until_available end # Maybe wait for DB instance to be in available state. DB should still be writeable at this state if @config['allow_major_version_upgrade'] && @config["creation_style"] == "new" MU.log "Setting major database version upgrade on #{@cloud_id}'" MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: @region, credentials: @credentials).modify_db_instance( db_instance_identifier: @cloud_id, apply_immediately: true, allow_major_version_upgrade: true ) end MU.log "Database #{@config['name']} (#{@mu_name}) is ready to use" @cloud_id end def run_sql_commands MU.log "Running initial SQL commands on #{@config['name']}", details: @config['run_sql_on_deploy'] port = address = nil if !cloud_desc.publicly_accessible and @vpc if @config['vpc']['nat_host_name'] keypairname, _ssh_private_key, _ssh_public_key = @deploy.SSHKey begin gateway = Net::SSH::Gateway.new( @config['vpc']['nat_host_name'], @config['vpc']['nat_ssh_user'], :keys => [Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir+"/.ssh"+"/"+keypairname], :keys_only => true, :auth_methods => ['publickey'] ) port = gateway.open(cloud_desc.endpoint.address, cloud_desc.endpoint.port) address = "" MU.log "Tunneling #{@config['engine']} connection through #{@config['vpc']['nat_host_name']} via local port #{port}", MU::DEBUG rescue IOError => e MU.log "Got #{e.inspect} while connecting to #{@mu_name} through NAT #{@config['vpc']['nat_host_name']}", MU::ERR return end else MU.log "Can't run initial SQL commands! Database #{@mu_name} is not publicly accessible, but we have no NAT host for connecting to it", MU::WARN, details: @config['run_sql_on_deploy'] return end else port = database.endpoint.port address = database.endpoint.address end # Running SQL on deploy if @config['engine'] =~ /postgres/ MU::Cloud::AWS::Database.run_sql_postgres(address, port, @config['master_user'], @config['password'], cloud_desc.db_name, @config['run_sql_on_deploy'], @config['name']) elsif @config['engine'] =~ /mysql|maria/ MU::Cloud::AWS::Database.run_sql_mysql(address, port, @config['master_user'], @config['password'], cloud_desc.db_name, @config['run_sql_on_deploy'], @config['name']) end # close the SQL on deploy sessions if !cloud_desc.publicly_accessible begin gateway.close(port) rescue IOError => e MU.log "Failed to close ssh session to NAT after running sql_on_deploy", MU::ERR, details: e.inspect end end end def self.run_sql_postgres(address, port, user, password, db, cmds = [], identifier = nil) identifier ||= address MU.log "Initiating postgres connection to #{address}:#{port} as #{user}" autoload :PG, 'pg' begin conn = PG::Connection.new( :host => address, :port => port, :user => user, :password => password, :dbname => db ) cmds.each { |cmd| MU.log "Running #{cmd} on database #{identifier}" conn.exec(cmd) } conn.finish rescue PG::Error => e MU.log "Failed to run initial SQL commands on #{identifier} via #{address}:#{port}: #{e.inspect}", MU::WARN, details: conn end end private_class_method :run_sql_postgres def self.run_sql_mysql(address, port, user, password, db, cmds = [], identifier = nil) identifier ||= address autoload :Mysql, 'mysql' MU.log "Initiating mysql connection to #{address}:#{port} as #{user}" conn = Mysql.new(address, user, password, db, port) cmds.each { |cmd| MU.log "Running #{cmd} on database #{identifier}" conn.query(cmd) } conn.close end private_class_method :run_sql_mysql def self.should_delete?(tags, cloud_id, ignoremaster = false, deploy_id = MU.deploy_id, master_ip = MU.mu_public_ip, known = []) found_muid = false found_master = false tags.each { |tag| found_muid = true if tag.key == "MU-ID" && tag.value == deploy_id found_master = true if tag.key == "MU-MASTER-IP" && tag.value == master_ip } delete = if ignoremaster && found_muid true elsif !ignoremaster && found_muid && found_master true elsif known and cloud_id and known.include?(cloud_id) true else false end delete end private_class_method :should_delete? # Remove an RDS database and associated artifacts # @param db [OpenStruct]: The cloud provider's description of the database artifact # @return [void] def self.terminate_rds_instance(db, noop: false, skipsnapshots: false, region: MU.curRegion, deploy_id: MU.deploy_id, mu_name: nil, cloud_id: nil, credentials: nil, cluster: false, known: []) db ||= MU::Cloud::AWS::Database.find(cloud_id: cloud_id, region: region, credentials: credentials, cluster: cluster).values.first if cloud_id db_obj ||= MU::MommaCat.findStray( "AWS", "database", region: region, deploy_id: deploy_id, cloud_id: cloud_id, mu_name: mu_name, dummy_ok: true ).first if db_obj cloud_id ||= db_obj.cloud_id db ||= db_obj.cloud_desc ["parameter_group_name", "subnet_group_name"].each { |attr| if db_obj.config[attr] known ||= [] known << db_obj.config[attr] end } end raise MuError, "terminate_rds_instance requires a non-nil database descriptor (#{cloud_id})" if db.nil? or cloud_id.nil? MU.retrier([], wait: 60, loop_if: Proc.new { %w{creating modifying backing-up}.include?(cluster ? db.status : db.db_instance_status) }, loop_msg: "Waiting for RDS #{cluster ? "cluster" : "instance"} #{cloud_id} to be in a valid state for deletion") { db = MU::Cloud::AWS::Database.find(cloud_id: cloud_id, region: region, credentials: credentials, cluster: cluster).values.first return if db.nil? } MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", "DNSZone").genericMuDNSEntry(name: cloud_id, target: (cluster ? db.endpoint : db.endpoint.address), cloudclass: MU::Cloud::Database, delete: true) if !noop if %w{deleting deleted}.include?(cluster ? db.status : db.db_instance_status) MU.log "#{cloud_id} has already been terminated", MU::WARN else params = cluster ? { :db_cluster_identifier => cloud_id } : { :db_instance_identifier => cloud_id } if skipsnapshots or (!cluster and (db.db_cluster_identifier or db.read_replica_source_db_instance_identifier)) MU.log "Terminating #{cluster ? "cluster" : "database" } #{cloud_id} (not saving final snapshot)" params[:skip_final_snapshot] = true else MU.log "Terminating #{cluster ? "cluster" : "database" } #{cloud_id} (final snapshot: #{cloud_id}-mufinal)" params[:skip_final_snapshot] = false params[:final_db_snapshot_identifier] = "#{cloud_id}-mufinal" end sleep 30 if !noop on_retry = Proc.new { |e| if [Aws::RDS::Errors::DBSnapshotAlreadyExists, Aws::RDS::Errors::DBClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsFault, Aws::RDS::Errors::DBClusterQuotaExceeded].include?(e.class) MU.log e.message, MU::WARN params[:skip_final_snapshot] = true params.delete(:final_db_snapshot_identifier) end } MU.retrier([Aws::RDS::Errors::InvalidDBInstanceState, Aws::RDS::Errors::DBSnapshotAlreadyExists, Aws::RDS::Errors::InvalidDBClusterStateFault], wait: 60, max: 20, on_retry: on_retry) { if !noop cluster ? MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: region, credentials: credentials).delete_db_cluster(params) : MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: region, credentials: credentials).delete_db_instance(params) end } del_db = nil MU.retrier([], wait: 10, ignoreme: [Aws::RDS::Errors::DBInstanceNotFound], loop_if: Proc.new { del_db and ((!cluster and del_db.db_instance_status != "deleted") or (cluster and del_db.status != "deleted")) }, loop_msg: "Waiting for RDS #{cluster ? "cluster" : "instance"} #{cloud_id} to delete") { del_db = MU::Cloud::AWS::Database.find(cloud_id: cloud_id, region: region, cluster: cluster).values.first } end end purge_rds_sgs(cloud_id, region, credentials, noop) purge_groomer_artifacts(db_obj, cloud_id, noop) MU.log "#{cloud_id} has been terminated" if !noop end private_class_method :terminate_rds_instance def self.purge_groomer_artifacts(db_obj, cloud_id, noop) return if !db_obj # Cleanup the database vault groomer = if db_obj and db_obj.respond_to?(:config) and db_obj.config db_obj.config.has_key?("groomer") ? db_obj.config["groomer"] : MU::Config.defaultGroomer else MU::Config.defaultGroomer end groomclass = MU::Groomer.loadGroomer(groomer) groomclass.deleteSecret(vault: cloud_id.upcase) if !noop end private_class_method :purge_groomer_artifacts def self.purge_rds_sgs(cloud_id, region, credentials, noop) rdssecgroups = [] begin secgroup = MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: region, credentials: credentials).describe_db_security_groups(db_security_group_name: cloud_id) rdssecgroups << cloud_id if !secgroup.nil? rescue Aws::RDS::Errors::DBSecurityGroupNotFound MU.log "No such RDS security group #{cloud_id} to purge", MU::DEBUG end # RDS security groups can depend on EC2 security groups, do these last rdssecgroups.each { |sg| MU.log "Removing RDS Security Group #{sg}" begin MU::Cloud::AWS.rds(region: region, credentials: credentials).delete_db_security_group(db_security_group_name: sg) if !noop rescue Aws::RDS::Errors::DBSecurityGroupNotFound MU.log "RDS Security Group #{sg} disappeared before I could remove it", MU::NOTICE end } end private_class_method :purge_rds_sgs end #class end #class end end #module