module SportDb module Model class Assoc < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :parent_assoc_assocs, class_name: 'AssocAssoc', foreign_key: 'assoc2_id' ## child_assocs - use child_assocs? - (direct) member/child assocs instead of member? has_many :member_assoc_assocs, class_name: 'AssocAssoc', foreign_key: 'assoc1_id' ## note: split member_assocs into two sets (into national=true and national=false) # e.g. fifa has six member confederations (non-national) and 216 national assocs if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 has_many :all_assocs, class_name: 'Assoc', :source => :assoc2, :through => :member_assoc_assocs has_many :sub_assocs, class_name: 'Assoc', :source => :assoc2, :through => :member_assoc_assocs, conditions: { national: false } has_many :national_assocs, class_name: 'Assoc', :source => :assoc2, :through => :member_assoc_assocs, conditions: { national: true } else ## note: includes all member (sub assocs + national assocs) - rename to member_assocs? has_many :all_assocs, class_name: 'Assoc', :source => :assoc2, :through => :member_assoc_assocs ## use zone/region as name instead of sub ( for confederatons,zones,etc.) has_many :sub_assocs, -> { where( national: false ) }, class_name: 'Assoc', :source => :assoc2, :through => :member_assoc_assocs has_many :national_assocs, -> { where( national: true ) }, class_name: 'Assoc', :source => :assoc2, :through => :member_assoc_assocs end ## for now can have more than one (direct) parent assoc ## e.g. Africa Fed and Arab League Fed has_many :parent_assocs, class_name: 'Assoc', :source => :assoc1, :through => :parent_assoc_assocs # assoc only can have one direct team for now (uses belongs_to on other side) # has_one :team def self.create_or_update_from_values( new_attributes, values ) ## fix: add/configure logger for ActiveRecord!!! logger = LogUtils::Logger.root assoc_keys = [] # by default no association (e.g. fifa,uefa,etc.) ## check optional values values.each_with_index do |value, index| if value =~ /^(18|19|20)[0-9]{2}$/ ## assume founding year -- allow 18|19|20 ## " founding/opening year #{value}" new_attributes[ :since ] = value.to_i elsif value =~ /\/{2}/ # assume it's an address line e.g. xx // xx " found address line #{value}" ## new_attributes[ :address ] = value elsif value =~ /^(?:[a-z]{2}\.)?wikipedia:/ # assume it's wikipedia e.g. [es.]wikipedia: " found wikipedia line #{value}; skipping for now" elsif value =~ /(^www\.)|(\.com$)/ # FIX: !!!! use a better matcher not just www. and .com new_attributes[ :web ] = value ## elsif value =~ /^[a-z]{2}$/ ## assume two-letter country key e.g. at,de,mx,etc. ## ## fix: allow country letter with three e.g. eng,sco,wal,nir, etc. !!! ## value_country = Country.find_by_key!( value ) ## new_attributes[ :country_id ] = elsif value =~ /^[a-z]{2}$/ ## assume two-letter country key e.g. at,de,mx,etc. ## fix: allow country letter with three e.g. eng,sco,wal,nir, etc. !!! ## fix: if country does NOT match / NOT found - just coninue w/ next match!!!! # - just issue an error/warn do NOT crash value_country = Country.find_by_key!( value ) new_attributes[ :country_id ] = ## note: if country present - assume it's a national assoc, thus, set flag to true new_attributes[ :national ] = true elsif value =~ /^[a-z|]+$/ ## looks like a tag list e.g. fifa|uefa or fifa|caf or ocf? " trying adding assocs using keys >#{value}<" assoc_keys = value.split('|') else ## todo: assume title2 ?? # issue warning: unknown type for value logger.warn "unknown type for value >#{value}< - key #{new_attributes[:key]}" end end rec = Assoc.find_by_key( new_attributes[ :key ] ) if rec.present? logger.debug "update Assoc #{}-#{rec.key}:" else logger.debug "create Assoc:" rec = end logger.debug new_attributes.to_json rec.update_attributes!( new_attributes ) unless assoc_keys.empty? ## add team to assocs assoc_keys.each do |assoc_key| assoc = Assoc.find_by_key!( assoc_key ) logger.debug " adding assoc to assoc >#{assoc.title}<" ### todo/fix: how can we delete assoc_assocs? for now only update n create assoc_assoc = AssocAssoc.where( assoc1_id:, assoc2_id: ).first if assoc_assoc.nil? ## create if does NOT exist yet AssocAssoc.create!( assoc1_id:, assoc2_id: ) end end end end # create_or_update_from_values end # class Assoc end # module Model end # module SportDb