module Mondrian module OLAP NATIVE_ERROR_REGEXP = /^(org\.olap4j\.|mondrian\.|java\.lang\.reflect\.UndeclaredThrowableException\: Mondrian Error\:)/ class Error < StandardError # root_cause will be nil if there is no cause for wrapped native error # root_cause_message will have either root_cause message or wrapped native error message attr_reader :native_error, :root_cause_message, :root_cause def initialize(native_error) @native_error = native_error get_root_cause super(native_error.message) add_root_cause_to_backtrace end def self.wrap_native_exception yield rescue NativeException => e if e.message =~ NATIVE_ERROR_REGEXP raise else raise end end private def get_root_cause @root_cause = nil e = @native_error while e.respond_to?(:cause) && (cause = e.cause) @root_cause = e = cause end message = e.message if message =~ /\AMondrian Error:(.*)\Z/m message = $1 end @root_cause_message = message end def add_root_cause_to_backtrace bt = @native_error.backtrace if @root_cause root_cause_bt = Array(@root_cause.backtrace) root_cause_bt[0,5].reverse.each do |bt_line| bt.unshift "root cause: #{bt_line}" end bt.unshift "root cause: #{}: #{@root_cause.message.chomp}" end set_backtrace bt end end end end